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6445 Discussions

Problem with FIR compiler - DSP Builder 12.1 - MegaCore Function Generation Error

Honored Contributor II



I do not manage to generate in DSP Builder FIR compiler instances with coefficients different than the default ones (lowpass). 


I am using Matlab R2011a (Linux), DSP Builder 12.1sp1 and as target Arria II GX. 


If I instantiate a new FIR compiler and I do not change its parameters, the IP is correctly generated. If I try to change its coefficients (wth my coefficients or for example by using the high pass default coefficients), then I got the following error: 


megacore function generation error 

ip functional simulation model creation failed. the following error was returned: 

error: quartus ii 32-bit analysis and synthesis was unsuccessfull. 51 errors, 1 warning. 


I noted that the launch_iptb.sh generated is different in the two cases: 



fir generated: "/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin/ip_toolbench.exe" -simgen_enable.language:vhdl -simgen_enable.enabled:1 -silent -flow_dir:/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin -alt_flow_dir:/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin -simgen.family:"arria ii gx" -core_dir:/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/ip_toolbench -wizard:fir_compiler "/home/test/dspbuilder_sat_dsp_import/fir_after_cic_i.vhd"  



fir not generated: "/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin/ip_toolbench.exe" -simgen.parameter:simgen_preserve_port_order=on,simgen_optimization=all -quartus_rootdir:"/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/quartus" -dsp -flow_dir:"/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin" -alt_flow_dir:"/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin" -dsp_builder_dir:"/home/test/dspbuilder_sat_dsp_import" -core_dir:"/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/ip_toolbench" -simgen.family:"arria ii gx" -wizard:fir_compiler "/home/test/dspbuilder_sat_dsp_import/fir_after_cic_q.vhd" -debug:3  


Moreover in the launch_iptb.txt files there are errors like: 


info (281010): generating sgate simulator netlist using simgen 

simgen_progress start of model generation -- 0% complete 

simgen_progress phase 1 : internal objects created -- 25% complete 

error (281011): mgl_internal_error: port simgen|mux21 inst nl11l1oi|dataa is of width 11 but the range indices are (15, 15) cause : the range indices are illegal, either the higher index is more than the width of the port or the lower index is less than 0. 

error (281011): mgl_internal_error: port simgen|mux21 inst nl11l1oi|dataa of width 11 is being made an assignment of simgen|dffe inst n0l1100l|dataout|range--w_dataout_range14023w in the range 15 to 15 cause : an attempt was made to assign a bit that is not there in the port. 

error (281011): mgl_internal_error: port simgen|mux21 inst nl11l1oi|datab is of width 11 but the range indices are (15, 15) cause : the range indices are illegal, either the higher index is more than the width of the port or the lower index is less than 0. 

error (281011): mgl_internal_error: port simgen|mux21 inst nl11l1oi|datab of width 11 is being made an assignment of constant value 0 in the range 15 to 15 cause : an attempt was made to assign a bit that is not there in the port. 




I hope someone has already met and solved this kind of problem. I did not find any advice in internet. 


Please consider I cannot pass to a different DSP Builder version. 


Any help or advice is more than appreciated... 



0 Kudos
2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Dear sir: 

Is your question solved?  





--- Quote Start ---  



I do not manage to generate in DSP Builder FIR compiler instances with coefficients different than the default ones (lowpass). 


I am using Matlab R2011a (Linux), DSP Builder 12.1sp1 and as target Arria II GX. 


If I instantiate a new FIR compiler and I do not change its parameters, the IP is correctly generated. If I try to change its coefficients (wth my coefficients or for example by using the high pass default coefficients), then I got the following error: 


megacore function generation error 

ip functional simulation model creation failed. the following error was returned: 

error: quartus ii 32-bit analysis and synthesis was unsuccessfull. 51 errors, 1 warning. 


I noted that the launch_iptb.sh generated is different in the two cases: 



fir generated: "/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin/ip_toolbench.exe" -simgen_enable.language:vhdl -simgen_enable.enabled:1 -silent -flow_dir:/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin -alt_flow_dir:/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin -simgen.family:"arria ii gx" -core_dir:/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/ip_toolbench -wizard:fir_compiler "/home/test/dspbuilder_sat_dsp_import/fir_after_cic_i.vhd"  



fir not generated: "/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin/ip_toolbench.exe" -simgen.parameter:simgen_preserve_port_order=on,simgen_optimization=all -quartus_rootdir:"/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/quartus" -dsp -flow_dir:"/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin" -alt_flow_dir:"/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/../../common/ip_toolbench/v1.3.0/bin" -dsp_builder_dir:"/home/test/dspbuilder_sat_dsp_import" -core_dir:"/opt/tools/altera12.1sp1/ip/altera/fir_compiler/lib/ip_toolbench" -simgen.family:"arria ii gx" -wizard:fir_compiler "/home/test/dspbuilder_sat_dsp_import/fir_after_cic_q.vhd" -debug:3  


Moreover in the launch_iptb.txt files there are errors like: 


info (281010): generating sgate simulator netlist using simgen 

simgen_progress start of model generation -- 0% complete 

simgen_progress phase 1 : internal objects created -- 25% complete 

error (281011): mgl_internal_error: port simgen|mux21 inst nl11l1oi|dataa is of width 11 but the range indices are (15, 15) cause : the range indices are illegal, either the higher index is more than the width of the port or the lower index is less than 0. 

error (281011): mgl_internal_error: port simgen|mux21 inst nl11l1oi|dataa of width 11 is being made an assignment of simgen|dffe inst n0l1100l|dataout|range--w_dataout_range14023w in the range 15 to 15 cause : an attempt was made to assign a bit that is not there in the port. 

error (281011): mgl_internal_error: port simgen|mux21 inst nl11l1oi|datab is of width 11 but the range indices are (15, 15) cause : the range indices are illegal, either the higher index is more than the width of the port or the lower index is less than 0. 

error (281011): mgl_internal_error: port simgen|mux21 inst nl11l1oi|datab of width 11 is being made an assignment of constant value 0 in the range 15 to 15 cause : an attempt was made to assign a bit that is not there in the port. 




I hope someone has already met and solved this kind of problem. I did not find any advice in internet. 


Please consider I cannot pass to a different DSP Builder version. 


Any help or advice is more than appreciated... 




--- Quote End ---  

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi stephen_zcy, 


my problem was solved by an Altera FAE with a specific ad hoc patch. Now it works fine, thanks.
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