FPGA Intellectual Property
PCI Express*, Networking and Connectivity, Memory Interfaces, DSP IP, and Video IP

SDRAM Controller

Honored Contributor II

Now, i am researching about SDRAM Controller Core.So o need some document its.Can you help me? 


Many thanks
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43 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Can you explain to me about DQM (data mask) signal? How can i write RTL code for this signal?

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Honored Contributor II

Can you explain to me about DQM (data mask) signal? How can i write RTL code for this signal?

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Honored Contributor II

Can you explain to me about DQM (data mask) signal? How can i write RTL code for this signal?

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Honored Contributor II

dqm is used as (usually bytewise) enable signal. You only need it if a partial write is intended, e. g. whem you have a 16 bit wide memory but want to write single bytes without affecting the other half word. It's present in the previously posted refernece designs and documents but must not necessarily be used.

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Honored Contributor II

can i assign dqm signal equal 1 (hight level)? 

May i wrong?
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Honored Contributor II

Yes, you can assign constant '1' to dqm respectively hardwire the pins to VDD if you don't need to perform partial writes.

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Honored Contributor II

But dqm is a internal signal.What will happend if i assign constant 1 to dqm?I read in specification, they said that: I a given dqm signal is registered LOW, the corresponding data will be written to the memory; if the dqm signal is registered HIGH, the coresponding data inputs will be ignored, and a write will not be executed to that byte/column location".

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Honored Contributor II

Yes, you are correct, DQM is active low, so you have to pinstrap it to GND if unused.

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Honored Contributor II

Can you give me the code for this dqm? 

I did that: assign dqm = 1 .But my teacher said i wrong?What i have to do?
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Honored Contributor II

DQM = 0 if no selective write is intended. Otherwise, DQM should be handled by the SDRAM controller.

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Honored Contributor II

I know that: Burst length use for determining the number of clock.But i dont know that: if i chose burst length 1 or burst length 2, burst length 4, burst length 8, how many clock in each case?

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Honored Contributor II

any body can help me? 

When i compile my testbench, i met bug.But i can not fix it. 



reg Memory ; 


Error (10205): Verilog HDL error at sdr_tb.v(135): memory size reaches 2**24 bits limit 



parameter Num_Meg = 8; // 8 Mb parameter Data_Width = 4; // 4 bits parameter Num_Bank = 4; // 4 banks parameter MEG = 21'h100000; 


This is my test bench:
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Honored Contributor II

Yes, there seems to be a Quartus limitation. Actually simulating large memory sizes slows down simulation considerably, also with ModelSim, although larger memory can be simulated. Thus it's avoided if possible. For verifications of a memory controller design, it's ususally sufficient to simulate a small memory window. Most memory vendor models are utilizing this option.

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Honored Contributor II

Info: ******************************************************************* Info: Running Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis Info: Version 6.0 Build 178 04/27/2006 SJ Web Edition Info: Processing started: Wed May 28 23:58:28 2008 Info: Command: quartus_map --read_settings_files=on --write_settings_files=off sdr_ctrl -c sdr_ctrl Info: Found 2 design units, including 2 entities, in source file sdr_ctrl_tb.v Info: Found entity 1: sdr_ctrl Info: Found entity 2: test_sdr_ctrl Error (10228): Verilog HDL error at sdr_ctrl.v(4): module "sdr_ctrl" cannot have duplicate definition Error: Entity "sdr_ctrl" in file sdr_ctrl_tb.v already exists in file sdr_ctrl.v Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file sdr_ctrl.v Info: Found 2 design units, including 2 entities, in source file sdr_sig_tb.v Info: Found entity 1: sdr_sig Info: Found entity 2: test_sdr_sig Error (10228): Verilog HDL error at sdr_sig.v(8): module "sdr_sig" cannot have duplicate definition Error: Entity "sdr_sig" in file sdr_sig_tb.v already exists in file sdr_sig.v Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file sdr_sig.v Info: Found 2 design units, including 2 entities, in source file sdr_data_tb.v Info: Found entity 1: sdr_data Info: Found entity 2: test_sdr_data Error (10228): Verilog HDL error at sdr_data.v(6): module "sdr_data" cannot have duplicate definition Error: Entity "sdr_data" in file sdr_data_tb.v already exists in file sdr_data.v Info: Found 1 design units, including 1 entities, in source file sdr_data.v Error: Quartus II Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 6 errors, 0 warnings Error: Processing ended: Wed May 28 23:58:28 2008 Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:01 Error: Quartus II Full Compilation was unsuccessful. 6 errors, 0 warnings 


Can you help me to solve these error? 


I write a module named: sdr_ctrl and a test bench name sdr_ctrl_tb lile that: 

//********************************************************************** // MODULE CHINH CONTROL INTERFACE //********************************************************************** module sdr_ctrl( sys_CLK, // clock he thong sys_RESET,//reset he thong sys_R_Wn,//read/write. High: chu ki doc Low: chu ki ghi sys_ADSn,//sdram strobe sys_DLY_100US,//tin hieu on dinh trong 100us sys_REF_REQ,//tin hieu yeu cau refresh sys_REF_ACK,//tin hieu ack tra ve sys_CYC_END,//read/write da xong sys_INIT_DONE,//tin hieu khoi tao iState,// bien trang thai INIT_FSM cState,// bien trang thai CMD_FSM clkCNT); //phu thuoc vao burst lenght, cho biet so xung clock . . . . input sys_CLK; input sys_RESET; input sys_R_Wn; input sys_ADSn; input sys_DLY_100US; input sys_REF_REQ;//Tin hieu ngo vao //************************************* // OUTPUT //************************************* output sys_REF_ACK; output sys_CYC_END; output sys_INIT_DONE; output iState; output cState; output clkCNT;//Tin hieu ngo ra reg sys_INIT_DONE; // indicates sdr initialization is done reg iState; // bien trang thai INIT_FSM reg cState; // bien trang thai CMD_FSM reg sys_REF_ACK; //tra ve ACK reg sys_CYC_END; // read/write hoan thanh reg clkCNT; //so xung clock reg syncResetClkCNT; // reset ve 0 . . . endmodule  


and test bench module is: 


`include "sdr_ctrl.v" module test_sdr_ctrl(); reg sys_CLK; reg sys_RESET; reg sys_R_Wn; reg sys_ADSn; reg sys_DLY_100US; reg sys_REF_REQ; wire sys_REF_ACK; wire sys_CYC_END; wire sys_INIT_DONE; wire iState; wire cState; wire clkCNT; sdr_ctrl sdr_ctrl_01( .sys_CLK(sys_CLK), // clock he thong .sys_RESET(sys_RESET),//reset he thong .sys_R_Wn(sys_R_Wn),//read/write. High: chu ki doc Low: chu ki ghi .sys_ADSn(sys_ADSn),//sdram strobe .sys_DLY_100US(sys_DLY_100US),//tin hieu on dinh trong 100us .sys_REF_REQ(sys_REF_REQ),//tin hieu yeu cau refresh .sys_REF_ACK(sys_REF_ACK),//tin hieu ack tra ve .sys_CYC_END(sys_CYC_END),//read/write da xong .sys_INIT_DONE(sys_INIT_DONE),//tin hieu khoi tao .iState(iState),// bien trang thai INIT_FSM .cState(cState),// bien trang thai CMD_FSM .clkCNT(clkCNT)//phu thuoc vao burst lenght, cho biet so xung clock ); always begin sys_CLK = 1'b0; # 10 sys_CLK = 1'b1; # 10; end initial begin sys_RESET = 1'b0; sys_R_Wn = 1'b1; sys_ADSn = 1'b1; # 15 sys_DLY_100US = 1'b1; # 15 sys_REF_REQ = 1'b0; # 400 sys_REF_REQ = 1'b1; # 500 sys_R_Wn = 1'b0; # 1000 $finish; end endmodule
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Honored Contributor II

please help me to solve these problems.Thanks in advance

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Honored Contributor II

Obviuosly the problem isn't related to SDRAM in particular. 


I guess, the problem is in including the design file to test-bench and to the project file list also. Generally, the Verilog include statement is intended for referencing e. g. configuration files. Design files with a name identical to module would be opened automatically by Quartus, if it's also in the project file list, it is scanned twice without previous check.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

can you explain clearly? How can i fix it?Can you fix it?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Delete this line 

`include "sdr_ctrl.v"
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

As one point: DM ist set to all zero, this means don't write anything. Generally, I can't decide, if the stimulation timing is correct. There is a testbench supplied with the reference design, I would use it as basic test.

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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

As one point: DM ist set to all zero, this means don't write anything. Generally, I can't decide, if the stimulation timing is correct. There is a testbench supplied with the reference design, I would use it as basic test. 

--- Quote End ---  



very much! 

I attached reference design . 

Please! discuss..... 

Thank you.
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Honored Contributor II

Please post me your files so that I can verify your timing pameters and code/testbench. Also, Which version tools are you using? Is this for the Altera Cyclone II Devkit, or the DE1/2 etc...? Is this a post synthesis timing waveform that you posted? The answers will help me to further evaluate and offer advice on you design. 


Daniel L Short, 

Senior Design Engineer 

Specialized Communications Corp. 

Noventri Corp.
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