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6541 Discussions

TSE MAC – Link Speed Detection

Honored Contributor II



I’m looking for a simple way to get the information about the current link speed on Ethernet using the a TSE MAC and the Interniche TCP/IP stack on DK-NIOS-2C35N and a PHY daughter board with a National DP83865 chip. 


There is a possibility to write a function accessing the TSE MAC instances within TSE MAC driver (for example within ins_tse_mac.c). But there are some minor problems: The correct MAC instance must be found and afterwards the correct MDIO interface (is it 0 or 1?). In debug mode I saw, that MAC 0 is initialized and MDIO1 used for connection to the PHY.  


Is there a more simple way to get the current link speed? Or do I have to write a complex function checking all the mentioned values above? 


I hope for fast replies, 


thanks ..
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