FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6270 Discussions

Cyclone IV GX Development Kit powered through PCIe

Honored Contributor II

I would like to connect "Cyclone IV GX Development Board" to a motherboard through PCIe port, but the motherboard can provide only 10W. 

According the Reference Manual of Development Board, it is not recommended to use from both supplies at the same time (power connector + PCIe). 



Is 10W enough to power the board for a standard application (e.g. Altera's PCI Express Demo)? 

Is it possible to power the board from both supllies without damages to the board and motherboard?
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II



Would It be possible to power the board from both supllies without damages to the board and motherboard?
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

I would like to connect "Cyclone IV GX Development Board" to a motherboard through PCIe port, but the motherboard can provide only 10W. 

According the Reference Manual of Development Board, it is not recommended to use from both supplies at the same time (power connector + PCIe). 


--- Quote End ---  


Here is that phrase from "Cyclone IV GX FPGA Development Board Reference Manual": 

"the board’s power can be sourced entirely from the pcie edge connector when 

installed into a pc motherboard. turn the power switch (sw3) to the on position 

when you install the board into a pc motherboard. although the board can also be 

powered by a laptop power supply for use on a lab bench, it is not recommended to 

use from both supplies at the same time. ideal diode power sharing devices have been 

designed into this board to prevent damages or back-current from one supply to the 



But "Cyclone IV GX FPGA Development Kit User Guide" says: 

3. connect the dc adapter (16 v, 60 w) to the dc power jack (j5) on the fpga board 

and plug the cord into a power outlet. 

4. set the power switch (sw3) to the on position. when power is supplied to the 

board, a blue led (d11) illuminates indicating that the board has power. 


I don`t understand: 

1). How to make that the board’s power is sourced entirely from the PCIe edge connector +12V_PCIe? What is the correct position of the SW3 for that? 

2). What laptop power supply is this Reference Manual talking about? 

Is it a DC adapter (16 V, 60 W) from "Cyclone IV GX Development Kit" that has to be connected to the DC power jack (J5) on the FPGA board? 


Here is the corresponding screenshot from "Cyclone IV GX Development Kit" schematic: 

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