FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
6033 Discussions

designing of fir filter using de2 board

Honored Contributor II


I am student of GOA UNIVERSITY.  

i am designing fir filter design using quartus2. i am using DE2 board. 

this design would work as a low pass filter. 

i have designed the fir block but i am not able to take input from the audio codec.  

should i have to design the block to take the data lines from audio codec and output data lines to dac.than how can i do it by writing code in vhdl and converting it to a block. 

please help
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Not to be mean, but you do it just like everyone else has to do it. 


You get the data sheet for the Codec and the A/D chip. 


You see how they are connected to the FPGA. 


You make a timing diagram for all the signals that you need to control in order to setup, read, and write to each of the chips. 


From those diagrams, you then write little pieces of HDL to create the needed waveforms for each of those cycles. 


Then you create a state machine to p[ick which of those machines you will want to run based on the reading from codec for the input, and storage into Memory perhaps to feed into your filter. 


Through the filter and perhaps into another memory. 


Then out to the D/A machine. 


You are done. 


Yes, it takes all those steps and maybe a little more. 


If you are lucky, you can look about here or on someother places like www.opencores.com and get some looks at some code examples, but in the end, if you do not "own" the code, ie, understand every little piece of it yourself, you will never be able to get what is going on in the end. 


Good luck on your journey. 

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