FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits
5972 Discussions

"Found more than one suitable slot" while testing the 10GBE PAC-PAC test



I am testing the PAC -to -PAC Ethernet MAC  10 Gbps link. When i program both the intel Arria 10 GX PAC cards with the same design and  executing the host code i am getting the following output. 

Screenshot from 2022-04-06 15-48-56.pngI have followed the following document.

Can anyone please help.


@intel  @JohnT_Intel  @BoonBengT_Intel 

0 Kudos
24 Replies


I observed that you do not specify the BDF correctly. Can you try "./pac_hssi_e10 -b 86 -d 00 -f 00 --channel=0 --action=stat"?

0 Kudos

HI @JohnT_Intel ,

I have tried that command also. When I  use "./pac_hssi_e10 -b 86 -d 00 -f 00 --channel=0 --action=stat" , it is showing that  "no suitable accelerators found".

Screenshot from 2022-04-07 11-19-33.png

0 Kudos


Could you try "lspci | grep 09c4" and provide me the information?

0 Kudos

@JohnT_Intel  ,Two devices are showing up on the lspci.Screenshot from 2022-04-07 11-43-57.png

0 Kudos


Can you try "./pac_hssi_e10 -b af -d 00 -f 00 --channel=0 --action=stat"? If you are still facing issue then can you try running "fpgainfo fme"?

0 Kudos

When i try to run the  "./pac_hssi_e10 -b af -d 00 -f 00 --channel=0 --action=stat" it is saying "invalid bus :AF" but on fpgainfo fme both the PAC cards are showing respectively with the bus number "AF" & "86".
Screenshot from 2022-04-07 11-50-40.pngScreenshot from 2022-04-07 11-51-40.png

0 Kudos


Have you program your PAC card with the correct eth_e2e_e10.gbs file?

0 Kudos


I have programmed the correct one which is present in "$OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw/eth_e2e_e10_unsigned.gbs" , the internal loopback is working fine when i program both  PAC cards separately. But when i program both the PAC cards at the same time I am having this problem. 

0 Kudos


Could you provide the full log so that I can understand how you performed the testing? The reason is that I would like to understand what do you mean by seperately. It is using the same setup?

0 Kudos



When i program single PAC card using the ethernet bit stream and loopback, I am able get the output, the packets are matching. The log is below

server2@server2:~$ sudo fpgainfo fme
Board Management Controller, microcontroller FW version 26895
Last Power Down Cause: POK_CORE
Last Reset Cause: External reset
//****** FME ******//
Object Id                     : 0xED00001
PCIe s:b:d:f                  : 0000:AF:00:0
Device Id                     : 0x09C4
Socket Id                     : 0x00
Ports Num                     : 01
Bitstream Id                  : 0x124000200000367
Bitstream Version             : 1.2.4
Pr Interface Id               : 38d782e3-b612-5343-b934-2433e348ac4c
Boot Page                     : user
Board Management Controller, microcontroller FW version 26895
Last Power Down Cause: POK_CORE
Last Reset Cause: External reset
//****** FME ******//
Object Id                     : 0xED00000
PCIe s:b:d:f                  : 0000:86:00:0
Device Id                     : 0x09C4
Socket Id                     : 0x00
Ports Num                     : 01
Bitstream Id                  : 0x124000200000367
Bitstream Version             : 1.2.4
Pr Interface Id               : 38d782e3-b612-5343-b934-2433e348ac4c
Boot Page                     : user
server2@server2:~$ cd $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv$ sudo fpgaconf -B 0x86 hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/bin/eth_e2e_e10_unsigned.gbs
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv$ cd $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ sudo sh -c "echo 10 > /sys/class/fpga/intel-fpga-dev.0/intel-fpga-fme.0/intel-pac-hssi.0.auto/hssi_mgmt/config"
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ sudo sh -c "echo 10 > /sys/class/fpga/intel-fpga-dev.0/intel-fpga-fme.0/intel-pac-hssi.0.auto/hssi_mgmt/config"
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ sudo chmod 666 /dev/intel-fpga-port.0
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10 -b 86 -d 00 -f 00 --action=loopback_enable
no suitable accelerators found
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10  86  00  00 --action=loopback_enable
Enabled loopback on channel 0
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10  86  00  00 --action=stat_clear
Cleared TX stats on channel 0
Cleared RX stats on channel 0
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10  86  00  00 --channel=0 --action=stat_clear
Cleared TX stats on channel 0
Cleared RX stats on channel 0
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10  86  00  00 --channel=0 --action=pkt_send
Sent 0x10000 packets on channel 0 from src=[0:0:0:0:0:0] to dst=[0:0:0:0:0:0]
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10  86  00  00 --channel=0 --action=stat
                                CHANNEL STATISTICS
CHANNEL |LOOPBACK                                          |FREQ LOCK           |WORD LOCK |TYPE
0       |1                                                 |1                   |1         |TX
OFFSET  |NAME                                              |VALUE               |DESCRIPTION                                       
0x1c00  |tx_stats_clr                                      |0               |Clear TX stats                                    
0x1c02  |tx_stats_framesOK                                 |0x10000         |Frames that are successfully transmitted          
0x1c04  |tx_stats_framesErr                                |0               |Frames that are transmitted with error            
0x1c06  |tx_stats_framesCRCErr                             |0               |TX frames with CRC error                          
0x1c08  |tx_stats_octetsOK                                 |0x2e0000        |Data and padding octets that are successfully transmitted
0x1c0a  |tx_stats_pauseMACCtrl                             |0               |Number of valid pause frames transmitted          
0x1c0c  |tx_stats_ifErrors                                 |0               |Number of errored and invalid frames transmitted  
0x1c0e  |tx_stats_unicast FramesOK                         |0x10000         |Number of good unicast frames that are successfully transmitted
0x1c10  |tx_stats_unicast FramesErr                        |0               |Number of errored unicast frames transmitted      
0x1c12  |tx_stats_multicast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good multicast frames transmitted       
0x1c14  |rx_stats_multicast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored multicast frames transmitted    
0x1c16  |tx_stats_broadcast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good broadcast frames transmitted       
0x1c18  |tx_stats_broadcast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored broadcast frames transmitted    
0x1c1a  |tx_stats_etherStats Octets                        |0x400000        |Total number of octets transmitted                
0x1c1c  |rx_stats_etherStatsPkts                           |0x10000         |Total number of good, errored, and invalid frames transmitted
0x1c1e  |tx_stats_etherStats UndersizePkts                 |0               |Number of undersized frames transmitted           
0x1c20  |tx_stats_etherStats OversizePkts                  |0               |Number of oversized frames transmitted            
0x1c22  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts64Octets                  |0x10000         |Number of 64-byte transmitted frames              
0x1c24  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts65to127Octets             |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 65 and 127 bytes
0x1c26  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts128to255Octets            |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 128 and 255 bytes
0x1c28  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts256to511Octets            |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 256 and 511 bytes
0x1c2a  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts512to1023Octets           |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 512 and 1023 bytes
0x1c2c  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts1024to1518Octets          |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 1024 and 1518 bytes
0x1c2e  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or receive frames >= 1,519 bytes
0x1c2e  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or receive frames >= 1,519 bytes
0x1c30  |tx_stats_etherStats Fragments                     |0               |Number of receive or receive frames >= 1,519 bytes
0x1c32  |tx_stats_etherStats Jabbers                       |0               |Number of oversized transmit frames               
0x1c34  |tx_stats_etherStats CRCErr                        |0               |Number of transmit frames between the length of 64 and the value configured in the rx_frame_maxlength register with CRC error
0x1c36  |tx_stats_unicastMAC CtrlFrames                    |0               |Number of valid unicast control frames transmitted
0x1c38  |tx_stats_multicastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |Number of valid multicast control frames transmitted
0x1c3a  |tx_stats_broadcastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |tx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         
0x1c3c  |tx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         |0               |Number of valid PFC frames transmitted            
                                CHANNEL STATISTICS
CHANNEL |LOOPBACK                                          |FREQ LOCK           |WORD LOCK |TYPE
0       |1                                                 |1                   |1         |RX
OFFSET  |NAME                                              |VALUE               |DESCRIPTION                                       
0xc00   |rx_stats_clr                                      |0               |Clear RX stats                                    
0xc02   |rx_stats_framesOK                                 |0x10000         |Frames that are successfully received             
0xc04   |rx_stats_framesErr                                |0               |Frames that are received with error               
0xc06   |rx_stats_framesCRCErr                             |0               |RX frames with CRC error                          
0xc08   |rx_stats_octetsOK                                 |0x2e0000        |Data and padding octets that are successfully received
0xc0a   |rx_stats_pauseMACCtrl                             |0               |Number of valid pause frames received             
0xc0c   |rx_stats_ifErrors                                 |0               |Number of errored and invalid frames received     
0xc0e   |rx_stats_unicast FramesOK                         |0x10000         |Number of good unicast frames that are successfully received
0xc10   |rx_stats_unicast FramesErr                        |0               |Number of errored unicast frames received         
0xc12   |rx_stats_multicast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good multicast frames received          
0xc14   |rx_stats_multicast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored multicast frames received       
0xc16   |rx_stats_broadcast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good broadcast frames received          
0xc18   |rx_stats_broadcast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored broadcast frames received       
0xc1a   |rx_stats_etherStats Octets                        |0x400000        |Total number of octets received                   
0xc1c   |rx_stats_etherStatsPkts                           |0x10000         |Total number of good, errored, and invalid frames received
0xc1e   |rx_stats_etherStats UndersizePkts                 |0               |Number of undersized frames recieved              
0xc20   |rx_stats_etherStats OversizePkts                  |0               |Number of oversized frames recieved               
0xc22   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts64Octets                  |0x10000         |Number of 64-byte received frames                 
0xc24   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts65to127Octets             |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 65 and 127 bytes
0xc26   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts128to255Octets            |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 128 and 255 bytes
0xc28   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts256to511Octets            |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 256 and 511 bytes
0xc2a   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts512to1023Octets           |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 512 and 1023 bytes
0xc2c   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts1024to1518Octets          |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 1024 and 1518 bytes
0xc2e   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or transmit frames >= 1,519 bytes
0xc2e   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or transmit frames >= 1,519 bytes
0xc30   |rx_stats_etherStats Fragments                     |0               |Number of receive or transmit frames >= 1,519 bytes
0xc32   |rx_stats_etherStats Jabbers                       |0               |Number of oversized receive frames                
0xc34   |rx_stats_etherStats CRCErr                        |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 64 and the value configured in the rx_frame_maxlength register with CRC error
0xc36   |rx_stats_unicastMAC CtrlFrames                    |0               |Number of valid unicast control frames received   
0xc38   |rx_stats_multicastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |Number of valid multicast control frames received 
0xc3a   |rx_stats_broadcastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |rx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         
0xc3c   |rx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         |0               |Number of valid PFC frames received   

I observed that when both the PAC cards are programmed with the same bit stream using "fpgaconf " . It is unable to select the slot. 

server2@server2:~$ cd $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv$ sudo fpgaconf -B 0x86 hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/bin/eth_e2e_e10_unsigned.gbs
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv$ sudo fpgaconf -B 0xAF hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/bin/eth_e2e_e10_unsigned.gbs
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv$ cd $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ sudo sh -c "echo 10 > /sys/class/fpga/intel-fpga-dev.0/intel-fpga-fme.0/intel-pac-hssi.0.auto/hssi_mgmt/config"
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ sudo sh -c "echo 10 > /sys/class/fpga/intel-fpga-dev.0/intel-fpga-fme.0/intel-pac-hssi.0.auto/hssi_mgmt/config"
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ sudo chmod 666 /dev/intel-fpga-port.0
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10  86  00  00 --action=loopback_disable
Found more than one suitable slot, please be more specific.
0 Kudos


May I know if you know about the MAC address of the ethernet port?

0 Kudos

I don't know the MAC ID of the ethernet port. How can i find it. 

0 Kudos


I just found the issue on the host code where it will performed device detection before running it. So when it is detecting more than 1 acceleration card detected witht he same design, it will flag error. You can try to comment out line 412 to 414.

0 Kudos

I have commented those lines, that statement is gone but the data is not getting transferred  from one PAC to another.


server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10 86 00 00  --channel=0 --action=stat 
                                CHANNEL STATISTICS
CHANNEL |LOOPBACK                                          |FREQ LOCK           |WORD LOCK |TYPE
0       |0                                                 |0                   |1         |TX
OFFSET  |NAME                                              |VALUE               |DESCRIPTION                                       
0x1c00  |tx_stats_clr                                      |0               |Clear TX stats                                    
0x1c02  |tx_stats_framesOK                                 |0x10000         |Frames that are successfully transmitted          
0x1c04  |tx_stats_framesErr                                |0               |Frames that are transmitted with error            
0x1c06  |tx_stats_framesCRCErr                             |0               |TX frames with CRC error                          
0x1c08  |tx_stats_octetsOK                                 |0x2e0000        |Data and padding octets that are successfully transmitted
0x1c0a  |tx_stats_pauseMACCtrl                             |0               |Number of valid pause frames transmitted          
0x1c0c  |tx_stats_ifErrors                                 |0               |Number of errored and invalid frames transmitted  
0x1c0e  |tx_stats_unicast FramesOK                         |0x10000         |Number of good unicast frames that are successfully transmitted
0x1c10  |tx_stats_unicast FramesErr                        |0               |Number of errored unicast frames transmitted      
0x1c12  |tx_stats_multicast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good multicast frames transmitted       
0x1c14  |rx_stats_multicast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored multicast frames transmitted    
0x1c16  |tx_stats_broadcast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good broadcast frames transmitted       
0x1c18  |tx_stats_broadcast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored broadcast frames transmitted    
0x1c1a  |tx_stats_etherStats Octets                        |0x400000        |Total number of octets transmitted                
0x1c1c  |rx_stats_etherStatsPkts                           |0x10000         |Total number of good, errored, and invalid frames transmitted
0x1c1e  |tx_stats_etherStats UndersizePkts                 |0               |Number of undersized frames transmitted           
0x1c20  |tx_stats_etherStats OversizePkts                  |0               |Number of oversized frames transmitted            
0x1c22  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts64Octets                  |0x10000         |Number of 64-byte transmitted frames              
0x1c24  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts65to127Octets             |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 65 and 127 bytes
0x1c26  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts128to255Octets            |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 128 and 255 bytes
0x1c28  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts256to511Octets            |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 256 and 511 bytes
0x1c2a  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts512to1023Octets           |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 512 and 1023 bytes
0x1c2c  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts1024to1518Octets          |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 1024 and 1518 bytes
0x1c2e  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or receive frames >= 1,519 bytes
0x1c2e  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or receive frames >= 1,519 bytes
0x1c30  |tx_stats_etherStats Fragments                     |0               |Number of receive or receive frames >= 1,519 bytes
0x1c32  |tx_stats_etherStats Jabbers                       |0               |Number of oversized transmit frames               
0x1c34  |tx_stats_etherStats CRCErr                        |0               |Number of transmit frames between the length of 64 and the value configured in the rx_frame_maxlength register with CRC error
0x1c36  |tx_stats_unicastMAC CtrlFrames                    |0               |Number of valid unicast control frames transmitted
0x1c38  |tx_stats_multicastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |Number of valid multicast control frames transmitted
0x1c3a  |tx_stats_broadcastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |tx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         
0x1c3c  |tx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         |0               |Number of valid PFC frames transmitted            
                                CHANNEL STATISTICS
CHANNEL |LOOPBACK                                          |FREQ LOCK           |WORD LOCK |TYPE
0       |0                                                 |0                   |1         |RX
OFFSET  |NAME                                              |VALUE               |DESCRIPTION                                       
0xc00   |rx_stats_clr                                      |0               |Clear RX stats                                    
0xc02   |rx_stats_framesOK                                 |0               |Frames that are successfully received             
0xc04   |rx_stats_framesErr                                |0               |Frames that are received with error               
0xc06   |rx_stats_framesCRCErr                             |0               |RX frames with CRC error                          
0xc08   |rx_stats_octetsOK                                 |0               |Data and padding octets that are successfully received
0xc0a   |rx_stats_pauseMACCtrl                             |0               |Number of valid pause frames received             
0xc0c   |rx_stats_ifErrors                                 |0               |Number of errored and invalid frames received     
0xc0e   |rx_stats_unicast FramesOK                         |0               |Number of good unicast frames that are successfully received
0xc10   |rx_stats_unicast FramesErr                        |0               |Number of errored unicast frames received         
0xc12   |rx_stats_multicast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good multicast frames received          
0xc14   |rx_stats_multicast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored multicast frames received       
0xc16   |rx_stats_broadcast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good broadcast frames received          
0xc18   |rx_stats_broadcast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored broadcast frames received       
0xc1a   |rx_stats_etherStats Octets                        |0               |Total number of octets received                   
0xc1c   |rx_stats_etherStatsPkts                           |0               |Total number of good, errored, and invalid frames received
0xc1e   |rx_stats_etherStats UndersizePkts                 |0               |Number of undersized frames recieved              
0xc20   |rx_stats_etherStats OversizePkts                  |0               |Number of oversized frames recieved               
0xc22   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts64Octets                  |0               |Number of 64-byte received frames                 
0xc24   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts65to127Octets             |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 65 and 127 bytes
0xc26   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts128to255Octets            |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 128 and 255 bytes
0xc28   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts256to511Octets            |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 256 and 511 bytes
0xc2a   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts512to1023Octets           |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 512 and 1023 bytes
0xc2c   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts1024to1518Octets          |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 1024 and 1518 bytes
0xc2e   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or transmit frames >= 1,519 bytes
0xc2e   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or transmit frames >= 1,519 bytes
0xc30   |rx_stats_etherStats Fragments                     |0               |Number of receive or transmit frames >= 1,519 bytes
0xc32   |rx_stats_etherStats Jabbers                       |0               |Number of oversized receive frames                
0xc34   |rx_stats_etherStats CRCErr                        |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 64 and the value configured in the rx_frame_maxlength register with CRC error
0xc36   |rx_stats_unicastMAC CtrlFrames                    |0               |Number of valid unicast control frames received   
0xc38   |rx_stats_multicastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |Number of valid multicast control frames received 
0xc3a   |rx_stats_broadcastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |rx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         
0xc3c   |rx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         |0               |Number of valid PFC frames received        
0 Kudos


Which PAC card are you used to send the packet? From the log you should be using 86:00.0 to send the packet then you will need to use AF:00.0 to received the data packet.

Below is how you should be performing. The stat will show 86:00.0 is only transmitting data while AF:00.0 is receiving data.

./pac_hssi_e10 86 00 00 --channel=0 --action=stat_clear

./pac_hssi_e10 86 00 00 --channel=0 --action=pkt_send

./pac_hssi_e10 86 00 00 --channel=0 --action=stat

./pac_hssi_e10 AF 00 00 --channel=0 --action=stat


John Tio

0 Kudos

Hi ,

Even when i try to see the received packets on the " AF:00.0". It is showing the following output. There are no packets on the receiver side.

server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10 AF 00 0 --channel=0 --action=stat
                                CHANNEL STATISTICS
CHANNEL |LOOPBACK                                          |FREQ LOCK           |WORD LOCK |TYPE
0       |0                                                 |0                   |1         |TX
OFFSET  |NAME                                              |VALUE               |DESCRIPTION                                       
0x1c00  |tx_stats_clr                                      |0               |Clear TX stats                                    
0x1c02  |tx_stats_framesOK                                 |0x10000         |Frames that are successfully transmitted          
0x1c04  |tx_stats_framesErr                                |0               |Frames that are transmitted with error            
0x1c06  |tx_stats_framesCRCErr                             |0               |TX frames with CRC error                          
0x1c08  |tx_stats_octetsOK                                 |0x2e0000        |Data and padding octets that are successfully transmitted
0x1c0a  |tx_stats_pauseMACCtrl                             |0               |Number of valid pause frames transmitted          
0x1c0c  |tx_stats_ifErrors                                 |0               |Number of errored and invalid frames transmitted  
0x1c0e  |tx_stats_unicast FramesOK                         |0x10000         |Number of good unicast frames that are successfully transmitted
0x1c10  |tx_stats_unicast FramesErr                        |0               |Number of errored unicast frames transmitted      
0x1c12  |tx_stats_multicast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good multicast frames transmitted       
0x1c14  |rx_stats_multicast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored multicast frames transmitted    
0x1c16  |tx_stats_broadcast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good broadcast frames transmitted       
0x1c18  |tx_stats_broadcast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored broadcast frames transmitted    
0x1c1a  |tx_stats_etherStats Octets                        |0x400000        |Total number of octets transmitted                
0x1c1c  |rx_stats_etherStatsPkts                           |0x10000         |Total number of good, errored, and invalid frames transmitted
0x1c1e  |tx_stats_etherStats UndersizePkts                 |0               |Number of undersized frames transmitted           
0x1c20  |tx_stats_etherStats OversizePkts                  |0               |Number of oversized frames transmitted            
0x1c22  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts64Octets                  |0x10000         |Number of 64-byte transmitted frames              
0x1c24  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts65to127Octets             |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 65 and 127 bytes
0x1c26  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts128to255Octets            |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 128 and 255 bytes
0x1c28  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts256to511Octets            |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 256 and 511 bytes
0x1c2a  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts512to1023Octets           |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 512 and 1023 bytes
0x1c2c  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts1024to1518Octets          |0               |Number of transmitted frames between the length of 1024 and 1518 bytes
0x1c2e  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or receive frames >= 1,519 bytes
0x1c2e  |tx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or receive frames >= 1,519 bytes
0x1c30  |tx_stats_etherStats Fragments                     |0               |Number of receive or receive frames >= 1,519 bytes
0x1c32  |tx_stats_etherStats Jabbers                       |0               |Number of oversized transmit frames               
0x1c34  |tx_stats_etherStats CRCErr                        |0               |Number of transmit frames between the length of 64 and the value configured in the rx_frame_maxlength register with CRC error
0x1c36  |tx_stats_unicastMAC CtrlFrames                    |0               |Number of valid unicast control frames transmitted
0x1c38  |tx_stats_multicastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |Number of valid multicast control frames transmitted
0x1c3a  |tx_stats_broadcastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |tx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         
0x1c3c  |tx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         |0               |Number of valid PFC frames transmitted            
                                CHANNEL STATISTICS
CHANNEL |LOOPBACK                                          |FREQ LOCK           |WORD LOCK |TYPE
0       |0                                                 |0                   |0         |RX
OFFSET  |NAME                                              |VALUE               |DESCRIPTION                                       
0xc00   |rx_stats_clr                                      |0               |Clear RX stats                                    
0xc02   |rx_stats_framesOK                                 |0               |Frames that are successfully received             
0xc04   |rx_stats_framesErr                                |0               |Frames that are received with error               
0xc06   |rx_stats_framesCRCErr                             |0               |RX frames with CRC error                          
0xc08   |rx_stats_octetsOK                                 |0               |Data and padding octets that are successfully received
0xc0a   |rx_stats_pauseMACCtrl                             |0               |Number of valid pause frames received             
0xc0c   |rx_stats_ifErrors                                 |0               |Number of errored and invalid frames received     
0xc0e   |rx_stats_unicast FramesOK                         |0               |Number of good unicast frames that are successfully received
0xc10   |rx_stats_unicast FramesErr                        |0               |Number of errored unicast frames received         
0xc12   |rx_stats_multicast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good multicast frames received          
0xc14   |rx_stats_multicast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored multicast frames received       
0xc16   |rx_stats_broadcast FramesOK                       |0               |Number of good broadcast frames received          
0xc18   |rx_stats_broadcast FramesErr                      |0               |Number of errored broadcast frames received       
0xc1a   |rx_stats_etherStats Octets                        |0               |Total number of octets received                   
0xc1c   |rx_stats_etherStatsPkts                           |0               |Total number of good, errored, and invalid frames received
0xc1e   |rx_stats_etherStats UndersizePkts                 |0               |Number of undersized frames recieved              
0xc20   |rx_stats_etherStats OversizePkts                  |0               |Number of oversized frames recieved               
0xc22   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts64Octets                  |0               |Number of 64-byte received frames                 
0xc24   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts65to127Octets             |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 65 and 127 bytes
0xc26   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts128to255Octets            |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 128 and 255 bytes
0xc28   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts256to511Octets            |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 256 and 511 bytes
0xc2a   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts512to1023Octets           |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 512 and 1023 bytes
0xc2c   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts1024to1518Octets          |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 1024 and 1518 bytes
0xc2e   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or transmit frames >= 1,519 bytes
0xc2e   |rx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets             |0               |Number of receive or transmit frames >= 1,519 bytes
0xc30   |rx_stats_etherStats Fragments                     |0               |Number of receive or transmit frames >= 1,519 bytes
0xc32   |rx_stats_etherStats Jabbers                       |0               |Number of oversized receive frames                
0xc34   |rx_stats_etherStats CRCErr                        |0               |Number of receive frames between the length of 64 and the value configured in the rx_frame_maxlength register with CRC error
0xc36   |rx_stats_unicastMAC CtrlFrames                    |0               |Number of valid unicast control frames received   
0xc38   |rx_stats_multicastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |Number of valid multicast control frames received 
0xc3a   |rx_stats_broadcastMAC CtrlFrames                  |0               |rx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         
0xc3c   |rx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames                         |0               |Number of valid PFC frames received   


0 Kudos


Could you try running "./pac_hssi_e10 -b AF --channel=0 --action=stat"?

0 Kudos


Its the same as previous one , no packets received on receiver side.

0 Kudos


When you are running "./pac_hssi_e10 -b AF --channel=0 --action=stat" and "./pac_hssi_e10 -b 86 --channel=0 --action=stat", not sure if you are able to select the device correctly? Please try to uncomment the host code. We should expect that you are able to select the specific device rather then showing more than 1 device is detected.

0 Kudos

I have  uncommented those lines the host code. It is giving the "found more than one suitable slot" again.

Also while i am executing using this command  "./pac_hssi_e10 -b AF --channel=0 --action=stat" , it is showing invalid bus.

server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10 -b AF --channel=0 --action=stat
invalid bus: AF
PAC HSSI configuration utility
     pac_hssi_e10 [-h] [-b <bus>] [-d <device>] [-f <function>] [-s Src. MAC]
                  [-m Dest. MAC] [-p Number of packets] [-l Packet length] -a action

         -h,--help           Print this help
         -b,--bus            Set target bus number
         -d,--device         Set target device number
         -f,--function       Set target function number
         -c,--channel        Set HSSI channel (0 - ffffffff)
         -s,--src_mac        Set Source MAC (in the format AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF)
         -m,--dest_mac       Set Destination MAC (in the format AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF)
         -p,--packets        Total number of packets (in hex format e.g. 0x100)
         -l,--pkt_len        Packet length bytes (in hex format e.g. 0x100)
         -a,--action         Perform action:

           off               Assert MAC resets
           on                Deassert MAC resets
           stat              Print channel statistics
           stat_clear        Clear channel statistics
           loopback_enable   Reset MAC, enable internal channel loopback, send packets, and print stats
           loopback_disable  Reset MAC, disable internal channel loopback, send packets, and print stats
           pkt_send          Send 0x10000 packets
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10 AF --channel=0 --action=stat
Found more than one suitable slot, please be more specific.
server2@server2:~/inteldevstack/a10_gx_pac_ias_1_2_1_pv/hw/samples/eth_e2e_e10/sw$ ./pac_hssi_e10 86 --channel=0 --action=stat
Found more than one suitable slot, please be more specific.
0 Kudos