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This design example allows you to simulate Altera 100Gbps Ethernet IP Core that does not include MAC so that you can get the better understanding how the control/status signals behave. Please note that this is not for Altera Low Latency 100Gbps Ethernet PHY IP Core.
Quartus Prime Software version 16.0.2 ModelSim-SE 10.4d
do run_1sttime.tcl
If you get error messages on Quartus install directory:
The minimum pulse width requirement for both status_read and status_write is one clk_status cycle. The read latency is supposed to be variable, thus you have to wait for status_readdata_valid to complete the read operation.
The 100Gbps Ethernet PHY IP Core has DC-FIFO inside to compensate the clock frequency difference between the MII TX clock (clk_txmac, 315.0 MHz or higher frequnency) and the internal 312.5 MHz clock. To avoid FIFO overflow/underflow, tx_mii_valid must be deasserted for the same cycles as tx_mii_ready, and the tx_mii_valid deassertion shouldn't be later than a few clock cycles after tx_mii_ready deassertion since the FIFO depth is shallow. The TX PHY accepts START (data = 8'hFB, control = 1'b1) located only on mii_tx_data[7:0]/[71:64]/[135:128]/[199:192]/[263:256]. If the START is mapped to wrong byte positions, the TX PHY generates error codes (data = 8'hFE, control = 1'b1).
The RX also has DC-FIFO to compensate the clock frequency difference between the internal 312.5 MHz and the MII RX clock (rx_macclk, 315 MHz or higher frequency). Your logic needs to expect the rx_mii_valid can be deasserted during frame receptions.
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