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This section will provide the links to the following documents:
· Arria10_SoC_UEFI_Bootloader_User_Manual
· Arria10_SoC_UEFI_QuickStart_Guide
· Arria10 SoC Dev Kit prebuilt UEFI Bootloader SD Card disk images
· Arria10 SoC Dev Kit prebuilt UEFI Bootloader QSPI images
· UEFI_BlinkingLED_FiveSimpleSteps
· White Paper - Clarifying Myth and Consideration to Make the Switch to UEFI
This A10 SoC UEFI Bootloader User Manual provide a good start for user who does not have prior experience nor knowledge in using Altera SoC Development Board but interested to learn and start using UEFI Bootloader in your design using Altera SoC Development Board. The content of this manual will provide the step-by-step and details instructions and screenshots which allows the user to easily follow and become familiar in using UEFI Bootloader within short period of time. In summary, this is a more comprehensive yet coherent instruction manual.
This A10 SoC UEFI QuickStart Guide is a light weight version of the UEFI User Manual for users who already have some prior knowledge and experience running U-Boot on Altera SoC Development Board. The content of this guide is mainly focusing on the UEFI building and running UEFI Bootloader on the A10 SoC Development Board. For a more details and step-by-step, you can always refer to the Arria10 SoC UEFI User Manual for a more complete version.
This section contains the release notes for the Arria10 SoC UEFI Documentations, which include the UEFI User Manual and UEFI Quickstart Guide.
First Release for SoCEDS 15.0.1
Second Release for SoCEDS 15.1.1
Third Release for SoCEDS 16.0
To get and compile the UEFI source, refer to the Quickstart Guide section 4.2.2. Getting the UEFI Source Code and section 4.2.3 Compile the UEFI.
This section tracks the update history of the documents.
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