Configuration Schemes and Programming files

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Configuration Schemes and Programming files

Configuration Schemes and Programming files





Configuration options

Quartus II give the option to generate programming files for multiple situations. The types of configuration set-ups fall into the following categories

  • Active Serial
  • Active Serial with Nios II and remote update
  • Active Serial without Nios II but with remote update
  • Fast Passive Parallel
  • Passive Serial

Available programming files

  • Rbf

- Raw Binary File used for programming devices where PS or FPP mode is used, using a non-Altera programmer. This file is the size of the FPGA configuration data

  • Pof

- Programmer Object File. This is a binary file used to program a flash device using Quartus II programmer. This file is always the size of the entire device that has been selected

  • Rpd

- Raw Programming Data. This file is generated from a POF file and may be used to program an EPCS/EPCQ configuration device using an external programmer

  • .flash

- Motorola S-record generated by Nios II sof2flash program. This file is similar to the rpd file but there are two differences: 1) The file is the size of the configuration data and not the configuration device 2) Each byte is bitswapped for compatibility with the EPCS controller available in QSys

  • .hexout

- Intel hex record for use with PS and FPP, for the same application as the rbf

  • Jic

- JTAG Indirect Configuration file. Used with Quartus II and the Serial Flash Loader to program EPCS/EPCQ devices via JTAG

  • Svf / jam

Serial Vector Format / Altera STAPL. Industry standard file formats for issuing JTAG commands.

Which file to use?

  • Fast Passive Parallel / Passive Serial

- Where the PFL is not being used, either the rbf or the hexout file should be used depending on the customer’s preference. - If the PFL is used with the Quartus II programmer, a POF file should be generated. More details in the PFL user guide:

  • Active Serial without remote update

- Use a .jic file to program the EPCS/EPCQ device when the programming cable is connected to the FPGA JTAG using Quatus II programmer - Use a .svf or .jam file generated from the .jic file to program the EPCS/EPCQ via the FPGA JTAG using a 3rd party tool - Use a .pof file to program the EPCS/EPCQ device when the programming cable is connected in Active Serial mode to the EPCS/EPCQ device - Use the .rpd file to program the EPCS/EPCQ device using a 3rd party tool.

  • Active Serial with remote update and Nios II

- Use sof2flash to generate a .flash file and use nios2-flash-programmer or customer code to program the device through Nios II

  • Active Serial with remote update without Nios II

- Use the .rpd file manually edited to the size of the configuration data:  - Use the sof2flash tool but note the bit flip compared to the rpd file.

Other useful resources


Version history
Last update:
‎12-22-2022 02:16 PM
Updated by: