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Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) uses tree structures to decompose system level failures into combinations of lower-level events, and Boolean gates to model their interactions. The objective of this debug FTA example is to help troubleshoot and identify issue related to Arria 10 SDI II IP Core Implementation and resolve it effectively.
User might encounter the following issues commonly:
i) Why SDI II TX output is not available?
ii) Why SDI II RX frame lock is not locked to the incoming signal?
The complexity of such issue's debugging are due to below factors:
i) Multiple possible root causes.
ii) Difficult to isolate the problem to a specific area of the design and hardware setup.
iii) Requires significant effort and time to isolate the hypothesis.
The FTA example : FTA_A10_SDI_II consists of a FTA diagram and table used to debug and root cause the TX output and RX frame lock issue in SDI II design. In the FTA diagram, multiple hypothesis are made based on the failure symptom as described. For each of the hypothesis, it can have 2nd level or up to 3rd level suspects. The FTA diagram will then be converted into a table format to proper keep track of the debug progress. In the FTA table, for every suspect listed , it needs to have some action items to be performed to verify it together with some additional category information to be filled in such as Owner, Target completion date, status/Results, Possible Next Step and Priority level.
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