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This Level 2 article guides the user through understanding and writing a compilation. Tcl for ModelSim as a part of a complete transceiver design. This article is a part of the complete Transceiver Design Flow series of articles.
You will need to create a .tcl script called phy_sim_top.tcl that contains compilation commands for:
it will be useful to create a variable called QUARTUS_ROOTDIR and set it equal to your specific quartus root directory. This is because the root directory path name is used in the compilation of Stratix V Simulation Models.
set QUARTUS_ROOTDIR <root_directory>
Stratix V Simulation Models files require their own library. Create a new library (a library is just a directory to place the results (proprietary Mentor files) that result from compiling a design file) by using the command
vlib <library_name>
Then compile each Stratix V Simulation Model into the Library that you created by using the command
vlog -work <library_name> -sv $QUARTUS_ROOTDIR/eda/sim_lib/<sim_model>.sv
The vlog command is the Modelsim compilation command. It is used as such: vlog <option-1> <option-2> <option-n...> <file_path_and_name>.
The -work option specifies (unintuitively) that the compilation result will be placed into the library called <library_name>
The -sv option specifies that this file is a SystemVerilog file. Do not use this option if the file is a Verilog file.
These design files require their own library. Use the vsim command to create a library and then use vlog -work <library_name> <file_name> to compile each design file in the PHY IP. It is critical that you compile the ifles in the order given in the plain_files.txt file that is located in the Transceiver's PHY IP "_sim" folder.
These design files require their own library. Use the vsim command to create a library and then use vlog -work <library_name> <file_name> to compile each design file in the PHY IP. It is critical that you compile the ifles in the order given in the plain_files.txt file that is located in the Reconfiguration Controller's PHY IP "_sim" folder.
These design files require their own library. Use the vsim command to create a library and then use vlog -work <library_name> <file_name> to compile each design file in the PHY IP. It is critical that you compile the ifles in the order given in the plain_files.txt file that is located in the Reconfiguration Controller's PHY IP "_sim" folder.
User created deisgn files can be compiled into the default wiork file, so the -work option is not neded.
This file is compiled exactly like the user created design files.
User the vsim command to invoke the simulator.
The -c option runs the simulator in command line mode.
The -novopt option resovles certain compatibility issues.
The -t <time> (for example -t 1ps) option sets the timescale used.
The -L <library_name> lets the simulator know where to look for compilation results. Make sure that you have a -L <library_name> option for each library that you created.
Use this compilation .Tcl script as a reference.
Please see the Level 3 Article - Writing Your Own ModelSim Compilation Script, for an advanced guide to writing compilation scripts for ModelSim.
Stratix V, PCIE PIPE PHY IP, Tranceiver Reconfiguration Controller, Physical layer, PCI Express, Express, Stratix Five, GT, GS, GX, Design, Example, guide, walkthrough,
PCIe, PCI E, PCI Express, Stratix V, SV, S, V, Walkthrough, guide, help, Stratix V GX, Stratix V GT, SV, SVGX, SVGT, S5GX, S5GT, S5, Stratix 5, Stratix 5 GX, StratixV, StratixV GX, Stratix5, Stratix5 GX, Altera, generated, generation, Instantiation, creation, design, files,
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For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice.