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OpenCL of ARC 770 on top of Windows 10 WSL2


I am an enthusiastic BOINC cruncher (volunteer) who are running a lot of distribted computing tasks across BOINC communities. Many of them are dedicated to GPU tasks such as nVIDIA or AMD.

Recently I purchased one Intel ARC 770 16G PCI-e adapter, install it on an older PC with Windows 10 and WSL2 (22H2)

By installing up-to-date NEO compute

It said that WSL2 is supported. And then I run a BOINC project (NumberFields)

It has a beta app by using Intel OpenCL calculations

However, Intel ARC with Neo compute at WSL2 will bring death blue-screen by running a while of OpenCL tasks.

I have another PC, which is NUC12SNKi7 i-71200H with ARC 770m, running real Ubuntu 20.04 and play the same BOINC tasks. It can run without problem of any OpenCL consumption.


WSL2 + OpenCL + Intel Neo compute run-time + ARC 770 may be still in a disaster quality milestone which cause death.

Please try to check those compatibilities


By the way, on Ubuntu 22.04, with OpenCL and Neo compute run-time on top of 11th Gen TigerLake, it also will cause GPU hang and heartbeat dead by up-to-date run-time

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5 Replies

Hi Anthony,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

>>Intel ARC with Neo compute at WSL2 will bring death blue-screen by running a while of OpenCL tasks.

Could you please let us know about the OpenCL tasks that you are working with that cause the issue (BSOD)? Is it possible to provide us with any sample reproducer and steps to reproduce the issue?

>> running real Ubuntu 20.04 and play the same BOINC tasks. It can run without problem of any OpenCL consumption.

So you are observing this issue only when running the BOINC project in WSL2 and not on a standalone machine with the same hardware, correct?



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>>>>Intel ARC with Neo compute at WSL2 will bring death blue-screen by running a while of OpenCL tasks.

>> Could you please let us know about the OpenCL tasks that you are working with that cause the issue (BSOD)? Is it possible to provide us with any sample reproducer and steps to reproduce the issue?

The OpenCL tasks are running by a BOINC project. I can only provide the procedures about how I could replicate the issue:

  1. In Windows 10, upgrade to 22H2, go to Microsoft Store, login the MS account, search for WSL (i.e., it's MS Store edition). Install it. This is the latest version of WSL which can support a lot of new features just like Windows 11's WSL (e.g., it has a new feature which supports systemd) Meanwhile, this WSL can give a Ubuntu 20.04
    $ uname -r

  2. Goto and found Intel NEO compute release, download the latest run-time with 5 debian packages, then install them

  3. Actually, WSL2's Ubuntu 20.04 can be upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 via 
    $ sudo do-release-upgrade -d
    Then I tested on both WSL2 Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04, both are all failed to run OpenCL

  4. Restart WSL2 to make sure something up-to-date (In a Windows Powershell prompt)
    % wsl --update
    % wsl --shutdown
    Run wsl.exe to start it over again

  5. To install BOINC runtime,  run sudo stuffs:
    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends software-properties-common
    # add-apt-repository -y ppa:costamagnagianfranco/boinc
    # apt-get update
    # apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends boinc-client

  6. Actually, to join a BOINC project to crunch some stuffs, is a little complicate and long procedures, by visiting the NumberFields
    It supports a BETA version of BOINC client app, which will use Intel OpenCL:

  7. By the way, on Windows 10 host, I also installed Intel ARC graphic driver and control app. The above BOINC client app, it also has a Windows edition (i.e., BOINC run-time supports both Linux and Windows)
    And this works properly without any issue.

  8. I run both solely and simultaneously this BOINC client apps on either WSL2 VM or Windows native and each time, only Linux opencl on WSL2 will crash and cause death blue screen

  9. On another of my ADL NUC12, NUC12SNKi7 (Serpent Canyon), it has both ADL i7-12700H and ARC 770m, I install Ubuntu 20.04 and follow this page to install ARC driver (kernel dkms modules) and NEO compute OpenCL run-time as well
    And I did not yet check the version differences between the
    And they are working properly.

Sorry I cannot show you a simple way to reproduce the issue, but you may try clinfo on top of WSL2 and it sometimes will bring death blue screen as well. It looks like it used some *unique* to trigger some bad bugs


>>>> running real Ubuntu 20.04 and play the same BOINC tasks. It can run without problem of any OpenCL consumption.

>> So you are observing this issue only when running the BOINC project in WSL2 and not on a standalone machine with the same hardware, correct?

Correct. At least this is what I observed.

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Dear User,

As we cannot reproduce your issue exactly, we verified on Windows 11, GPU drivers for OpenCL are able to link to intel.icd vendor file in WSL and OpenCL programs are successfully running on Intel GPU.

Please check that, /etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel.icd should points to "/usr/local/lib/intel-opencl/" . This works in case of Ubuntu/WSL2. Here is clinfo output.

$ uname -a
Linux aarunawa-mobl1 #1 SMP Wed Mar 2 00:30:59 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ ./clinfo -l
Platform #0: Intel(R) OpenCL HD Graphics
`-- Device #0: Intel(R) Graphics [0x9a49]
$ cat /etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel.icd

Please let us know your "intel.icd" contents and Intel Graphics driver version installed on your Win 11.



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Download Attachment

video of crash of clinfo in WSL2 

Available until Feb 4, 2023

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