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Forced XeSS usage on Intel GPUs



I'm asking if the driver developer team can give us an option to force games to use XeSS on Intel GPU hardware by setting the option in the ARC control panel? This would be an awesome option that would absolutely give us better performance on games that don't want to give us the option to use it!


Thanks Kindly




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6 Replies

Hi, NZRanger.

We are grateful for the feedback you have provided and would like to assure you that we are currently reviewing it. Additionally, we are pleased to inform you that XeSS upscaling technology is now available in more than 50 game titles. Should your game be compatible with XeSS, you can activate it by going to the game's display or graphics settings and enabling the XeSS option.

Furthermore, may we inquire if there is a particular game you are playing? This information will help us to document your experience more accurately. Thank you for your cooperation.

Best Regards,

Von M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hi Von,

Thanks for getting back to me. 

Can I first say that I believe Microsoft Mail is junking a majority of your emails to customers which is why a lot of people don't engage with threads that they started after you folks get back to them since they are not aware that you have replied. This happened to me twice now.

Secondly, to reply to your question Fortnite is THE major title I was wanting XeSS on for Iris. I upgraded my ASUS laptop memory to 40GB to help deal with this game but it plays really well and then can lag sometimes for up to a second or 2 then goes back to a playable speed for some time, then repeats the lag in a loop...  Some sort of bottleneck is going on and I wondered if XeSS may be able to help with this.

In all honesty though I don't use my laptop all that often for gaming for the simple reason that my Iris Laptop just does not play games as well as my desktop.  I was thinking that having XeSS toggle ability given over to the user may well help the entire experience. Noting how high up Iris is on the Steam Hardware charts I can imagine an entire community being happy to see this option!

However back to answer your question the main titles I play are Dead By Daylight, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Elite Dangerous, Star Citizen and Fortnite. All of these games are demanding on the system and so I don't expect fantastic gameplay from Iris when even my GTX 1660 Super struggles with some of them.

Now, this is a BEG... Can you please PLEASE pass on to a higher department that a host of technology sites are claiming Battlemage is dead, or is going to be pulled... I, along with others have been sitting patiently waiting for that GPU to drop and the silence from Intel is deafening on it and we, as customers no longer know what to believe... should we continue to wait? or time to buy something else?


Thanks kindly for your reply.


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Hi, NZRanger.

Thank you for your reply.

We will do further research on this matter and post the response on this thread once available.


Best Regards,

Von M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hi, NZRanger.

Thank you for patiently waiting. XeSS functionality depends on the game if it supports it. For any existing or upcoming games, it is up to the game developer if they decide to add support for it. For any latest news or updates regarding this case, you may directly visit this link: Intel Newsroom.


Furthermore, you may visit this link for more information:


Best regards,

Von M.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello NZRanger,

I wanted to check if you had the chance to review the information we posted. Please let me know at your earliest convenience so that we can determine the best course of action to resolve this matter. 

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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Hello NZRanger, 

I have not heard back from you so I will close this inquiry now. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Best regards,

Norman S.

Intel Customer Support Engineer

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