Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21845 Discussions

A770 issues with display and GPU consumption

I've got some issues with my arc A770 when I playing Forza Horizen 5

I have two displays. display A with DP port and B with HDMI port.
When I plug out the HDMI display, the GPU consumption is about 110w, the temperature are all good, about 55-60℃
Once I plug in the HDMI port, whether the display is on or off the GPU consumption will UP to 190w-200w and soon the graphic will power off to portect.
By the way the DP display is set as the main display in windows but the first time I set the graphic driver with the HDMI display

Is it a bug? or just I get any wrong settings?

Looking forward to get an apply. Thanks
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1 Reply

Hello yibingyibing


Thank you for posting on the Intel️® communities. We understand that you are having issues with GPU consumption.


In order to have a better understanding of your issue, please provide me with the following:


  • Is this issue present when playing Forza Horizon 5?
  • What display settings/resolutions are you using?
  • Please, provide us with the monitor models.
  • Are you using straight connections without any type of adapters?
  • Create a report using the following:
    • Intel®️ System Support Utility (Intel®️ SSU) 
    • Download the Intel SSU
    • Open the application and click on "Scan" to see the system and device information. By default, Intel®️ SSU will take you to the "Summary View."
    • Click on the menu where it says: "Summary" to change it to "Detailed View."
    • To save your scan: click on "Next"; then "Save."


  • Intel® Graphics Command Center:
    • Open the Intel Graphics Command Center
    • Navigate to the Support tab
    • Select System Diagnostic
    • Click Generate Report
    • Select Save and name the output file.


Best regards,

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician


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