Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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About the graphics driver installer

New Contributor I

Hello, everyone.

The gfx_win.exe appears to be a large archive that contains drivers for all generations of graphics boards.

Whenever I try to install it and my C drive has less than 4GB of free space, the installation fails.

Does anyone know if it's possible to change the location where the driver extracts files other than the C drive? Or is there a way to manually extract the installer and create a minimal version of it?

Any suggestion is appreciated.


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1 Solution

Hi @HuHao ,

Changing the default extraction location for the Intel graphics driver installer or manually extracting the files can be a bit tricky, but it’s possible.

You can try changing the location of the temporary folder used for installation files. This can be done by setting the TEMP and TMP environment variables in Windows to a different drive with more space.
If the driver file is an .exe, you can use command-line arguments to extract it to a specific directory. For example, you can open the command prompt and navigate to the directory where the gfx_win.exe file is located. Then, you can use the command gfx_win.exe -a -a -p[directory] to extract the files to the [directory] you specify
Another alternative is to use the PnPUtil /add-driver command in a script to install the driver. This method bypasses the need for the installer to extract files to the temporary folder.
Remember to replace [directory] with the actual path where you want to extract the files. It’s also a good idea to create a restore point before making changes to your system, just in case something doesn’t go as planned.

I hope this will help you.

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4 Replies

Hi @HuHao ,

Changing the default extraction location for the Intel graphics driver installer or manually extracting the files can be a bit tricky, but it’s possible.

You can try changing the location of the temporary folder used for installation files. This can be done by setting the TEMP and TMP environment variables in Windows to a different drive with more space.
If the driver file is an .exe, you can use command-line arguments to extract it to a specific directory. For example, you can open the command prompt and navigate to the directory where the gfx_win.exe file is located. Then, you can use the command gfx_win.exe -a -a -p[directory] to extract the files to the [directory] you specify
Another alternative is to use the PnPUtil /add-driver command in a script to install the driver. This method bypasses the need for the installer to extract files to the temporary folder.
Remember to replace [directory] with the actual path where you want to extract the files. It’s also a good idea to create a restore point before making changes to your system, just in case something doesn’t go as planned.

I hope this will help you.

New Contributor I

Thank you very much for the information.

I set the TMP variable in a .bat file as follows:

md d:\temp 2>nul
set TMP=d:\temp

The installation was then successful, and this change did not affect the temporary path of any other programs.


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Super User

This video clip explains how to change TEMP and TMP directory path.




New Contributor I

Thank you very much for your help!

The video clip helps a lot!

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