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Can't access the Intel Graphics control panel after latest Microsoft update - Dell Inspiron 7559



I have aDell Inspiron 7559 laptop and Windows updated to KB4576478 this morning. 

Since the update, I have not been able to access the Intel Graphics Control Panel by any means. Clicking on the button I have on my taskbar (which worked until the update) results in an hour glass popping up a couple of times, but that's it. Trying to access it from the start menu yields the same results. Right clicking on the desktop doesn't work because for some reason, there is no option for it any longer. 

I have tried uninstalling, and reinstalling the drivers through device manager, restarting after each step, but it doesn't seem to have helped. I have checked in task manager to make sure that it wasn't already somehow running and it wasn't. 

I'm able to access my nVidia control panel just fine. 

One weird thing I did notice is that since the update, I've had to restart Windows Explorer via the task manager several times since the update because some buttons, including start and search, on my task bar stop working. Don't know if this is related but it might be. 

Thanks in advance for any help. 

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1 Reply
Super User

So the Intel support engineers can have more information about your system, Download, run, and save the results of this utility as a text file:

Then ATTACH the text file using the instructions under the reply window ( Drag and drop here or browse files to attach ).

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