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Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21720 Discussions

Computer automatically shutting down


My client has got a Dell Inspiron 1545 with Vista Home Premium.


She has got this problem where the computer goes into standby and then doesn't respond when she goes to use it again.


I went into the power settings and changed them to make the display standcy after 15 minutes and Never put the computer to sleep.


I did some research and found that installing SP2 solved the problem, so I installed that.


It worked for about 3 weeks and yesterday it started again.


All I've done this time is updated the graphics driver.


The CPU temperature is 46C, but even the Dell monitoring utility won't even tell me anything about the fan speed!


The laptop was only purchased in May!

The question is will this Intel grahpics driver update solve the problem?

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