Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21850 Discussions

Connector type is showing DisplayPort instead of HDMI and refresh rate options are limited.


I have this problem since I bought the monitor last July. The monitor supports up to 144hz using HDMI, which I tested on my pc and my brother's. I'm wondering why it is showing DisplayPort connection type instead of HDMI and my I can't set the resolution higher than 60hz. I tried using CRU(Custom Resolution Utility) and found out that I can manually set the refresh rate as long as the pixel clock doesn't exceed 297mhz, which is HDMI 1.4 speed.

My guess is that intel driver is not properly detecting HDMI 2.0 connection so I tried using linux and everything is working as intended there 1440p 144hz and all.

Is this a common issue with Intel Iris Xe? Is there a known fix to this?

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27 Replies

Hello wyett,

Thank you for posting on the Intel️® communities.  

To have a better understanding of your issue, please provide me with the following:

  • Does the issue happen on both systems (yours and your brother's)?
  • What is the model of the affected systems?
  • Are you using a straight connection?
  • Have you tried using other HDMI cables?
  • Create a report using the Intel® Graphics Command Center:
    • Open the Intel Graphics Command Center
    • Navigate to the Support tab
    • Select System Diagnostic
    • Click Generate Report
    • Select Save and name the output file.

For this issue, I would recommend a clean installation of the graphics driver Remember that there are two different types of drivers, generics provided by Intel and Equipment Manufacturer drivers, that are customized to work with each specific system. The best thing to do is to use the drivers provided by the system manufacturer (OEM). Intel’s generic graphics drivers are intended for testing, and we recommend using drivers from the system manufacturer (OEM). To perform the clean installation, follow these instructions:

1. Download the latest DCH drivers and save them on the computer:

2. Disconnect from the Internet so no new drivers are automatically installed by Windows Update. 

3. Uninstall the driver and the Intel Graphics Command Center and driver from Apps and Features. 

4. Restart the computer. 

5. Confirm in Device Manager > Video Adapters that the controller is listed as 'Microsoft Basic Display Adapter' > if not, repeat steps 2 through 4. 

6. If the adapter continues to be listed as ‘Intel HD Graphics’ or similar, and no other Intel Graphics driver is listed under 'Apps and Features' for removal, then it means Windows has switched to a previously installed Legacy driver. At this point we can remove Legacy drivers from Device Manager: 

1. Right-click on 'Intel HD Graphics' or similar, and select 'Uninstall Device' 

2. In the pop-up window make sure 'Delete the driver software for this device' is checked. 

3. Click on 'Uninstall'. 

4. Restart. (Repeat steps 6.1.1 through 6.1.4 until the device gets listed as 'Microsoft Basic Display Adapter') 

7. Install the DCH drivers that were downloaded in step 1 Restart the computer. 

Reconnect to the Internet. 

Best regards, 

Jean O.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello wyett,

I hope you are doing fine.

Were you able to check the previous post?

Let us know if you still need assistance.

Best regards, 

Jean O.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Thanks for the reply. Sorry I was only able to reply now as I was on a trip.


I tried and completed all the steps, but the problem still persists. I also tried using the drivers downloaded from the lenovo website but that didn't help. I just ordered a recovery media from lenovo and will try it today. I will keep you posted if the recovery media will fix the problem.



0 Kudos

Hello wyett,

I appreciate your response.

The information provided has been helpful.

I would like to have more information about your issue, so please, let me know the information requested before:

  • Does the issue happen on both systems (yours and your brother's)?
  • What is the model of the affected systems?
  • Are you using a straight connection?
  • Have you tried using other HDMI cables?
  • Create a report using the Intel® Graphics Command Center:
    • Open the Intel Graphics Command Center
    • Navigate to the Support tab
    • Select System Diagnostic
    • Click Generate Report
    • Select Save and name the output file.
    • Reconnect to the Internet. 

Best regards, 

Jean O.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello wyett,

I hope you are doing fine.

Were you able to check the previous post?

Let us know if you still need assistance.

Best regards, 

Jean O.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello wyett,


I hope you are doing fine.


I have not heard back from you. So I will close this thread. If you need any additional information, submit a new question, as this thread will no longer be monitored.


Best regards.

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician.

0 Kudos

I have same problem with my dual monitor setup. Intel Graphics 630. Monitor 1 is connectedto DisplayPort and Monitor 2 is connected to HDMI. But Intel graphics report says that both Monitor 1 and Monitor 2 are connected to DisplayPort


* Digital Display 1 *

Display Name: LCD-MQ271XD
Display Type: Digital
Serial Number: GGL0133869RK
DDC2 Protocol: Supported
Gamma: 2.2
Connector Type: DisplayPort



* Digital Display 2 *

Display Name: LCD-MQ271XD
Display Type: Digital
Serial Number: GGL0133715R0
DDC2 Protocol: Supported
Gamma: 2.2
Connector Type: DisplayPort


Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400T CPU @ 1.70GHz
Processor Speed: 1704 MHz
GFX Driver Name: Intel® UHD Graphics 630
Shader Version: 6.5
OpenCL* Version: 3.0
* Microsoft DirectX* *
Runtime Version: 12
Hardware-Supported Version: 12
Vendor ID: 8086
Device ID: 3E92
Device Revision: 00
GFX Driver Version:
Dedicated RAM: 128 MB
Shared RAM: 16 GB
Max Supported Displays: 3
GFX Vulcan: 1.3.215
GFX GOP: 9.0.1085

I followed all your steps. reinstalled graphics driver, restarted in Safe mode. Nothing helps. HDMI Monitor 2 is going black randomly. And it started recently. After some update. 5-7 days before my two monitors were wrokign perfectly and I was enjoing happy life. Now my life is ruined as if one eye is taken from me.

0 Kudos
In the bios settings you can set the length of time the system waits for your monitor to be detected. Extending the time may fix the issue because between the bios boot and windows loading the decision is made of whether a device is present or not.
0 Kudos

and when I start Windows 11 in Safe mode - both monitors work. Of course resolution is minimal but HDMI monitor is not going black once and a while. As soon as I restart Windows into normal mode - HDMI monitor goes black then switches on then goes black again and never stops doing this.

0 Kudos
Super User
I would not worry about it saying DisplayPort as it may, in fact, actually be running in DisplayPort mode. In native mode, only a HDMI 1.4 signal is available. In order to do better, many systems pass a DisplayPort 1.2 signal through a LSPcon IC, which converts the signal to HDMI 2.0.
Regardless of whether this is the case, having the monitor loose connection on an irregular basis is often an indication that the HDMI cable is not supporting the signal very well. I have seen systems thst have worked for years suddenly develop this issue.
If you have a good cable (I use only HDMI 2.x-compatible cables myself), the other possibility is the driver. For this, I would, with Internet connection disabled, uninstall the existing driver, reboot, and then install the latest driver available for your iGFX engine.
Hope this helps,
0 Kudos

> For this, I would, with Internet connection disabled, uninstall the existing driver, reboot, and then install the latest driver available for your iGFX engine.

did this. not working. Indeed it there is something with the driver. In Safe mode when plain driver is used both monitors DP and HDMI are workign fine, though they do not show the resolution I need. But as soon as I switch back to normal mode HDMI Monitro starts failing.  Driver version: driver date 2022-08-24 by Intel Corporation. I rolled back that driver. Still not working.


No roblems with the cable: I changed the cables. No problems with the monitor. I used other monitor цшер РВЬШ сщттусешщт - same problem.

0 Kudos

I did complete roll back of the driver - back to Microsoft Basic Display Adapter 2006-06-21 ver .10.0.22621.1. Disconnected from Internet. After restart both Monitros are working DP and HDMI mirroring with default resolution 1024x768.

After connecting internet cable and Scanning for new hardware Intel UHD Graphics driver 630 was installed. Screens switched to new resolution and only DP Monitor came up, HDMI Monitor went black - If I wait for some time I may see that HDMI Monitor tries to come up and show the desktop for a moment then again goes black.


Strange that automatic update installs Intel driver for Driver version: driver date 2022-08-24 while I can see there is a fresher driver on Microsoft Updates Catalog.

0 Kudos

I have an honest feelign that Intel UHD Graphics driver is "remembering" previous settings. When I roll back the driver back to Basic Display Adapter and then install Intel driver again, it restores the same resolution same 125% scaling, same configuration of screens DP is PRimary HDMI is secondary. Looks like it does not do any instllation detection and does not go with default settings which you can later customize.  Looks like the driver is not actually deleted with roll back, it is swapped out with Basic Display Adapter and then swapped back with Intel UHD Graphics adapter with "saved" settings. I suppose those settings are saved somewhere in registry. And if those settigns are wrong, I'm stuck with them forwever, no matter how many times I install-reinstall the graphics driver


So the question is - how to make complete uninstall of Intel UHD graphics. Complete, clean uninstall... apart from reinstalling Windows 11 from scratch

0 Kudos

after all manipulatiosn and installations HDMI Monitor stopped going black. Now it is blac permanently. NO SIGNAL is coming to it. Not even Audio. Same monitor connected to Display port is live and can output audio.

0 Kudos

I think what I witnessed is agony of HDMI path. Now HDMI is dead and Monitor is detected but is always black and NO SIGNAL is coming from HDMI. I tried Ubuntu Live CD. Same thing. Two monitors are detected in Settings but nothing comes up to HDMI Monitor. So looks like it is not problem with driver or Windows 11. It is a problem with Intel Graphics hardware. Perhaps HDMI path is dead due to overheating or overload or some cosmic rays or voodoo spells. May be somone can recommend some diagnostic sofwtare that can show the state of all devices and ping them?

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Valued Contributor III

You can create a Report for Intel Graphics Drivers. Then we can see if the driver is reading the monitor's Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) correctly. Please attach the output file here.

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Valued Contributor III

Please also run the Intel System Support Utility for Windows and perform a scan for all options. Attach the output file here so that we can learn more about your PC model.

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Valued Contributor III

The monitors are both I-O DATA LCD-MQ271XD.
EDID of both monitors arrive correctly at the graphics driver. The maximum resolution is 2560 x 1440 @ 60 Hz at a pixel clock of 241.5 MHz according to Coordinated Video Timing - Reduced Blanking (CVT-RB) standard. This is fine in terms of bandwidth requirements. No errors to be seen.


Please also run the Intel System Support Utility for Windows and perform a scan for all options. Attach the output file here so that we can learn more about your PC model.


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