Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Constant!!!! Display driver igfx stopped responding and has successfully recovered



I currently have 2 systems at my company experiencing this nonstop display driver issue. Both run the same i5-3450 CPU on a H67MA-E45 (B3) (MS-7678) motherboard with 8GB of DDR3. One has been in service for over a year, and the other is a brand new build that hasn't even been deployed yet. Upon running the Intel Driver Update Utility 2.0, I was able to get both machines onto the latest VGA drivers (, Dec 2014), but this is still happening.

I have parsed through other threads on here regarding this issue, but have yet to find any solutions which actually fix this problem. The above screenshot is from this morning, with the system sitting at idle with no applications running. Still, it crashes about 15 times every hour. Any help here would be greatly appreciated.

I have seen documented cases of this error happening as far back as 6 years ago, I find it surprising that in all that time this is still happening. Please advise.

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5 Replies

This type of error has been reported at Intel and several solutions were posted at the following URL: Graphics Drivers — Errors Reported By Microsoft*

When you install the latest video drivers, I recommend forcing the installation of Intel generic drivers by performing manual procedure, see here for instructions: Graphics Drivers — Computer Manufacturer Graphics Driver Detected

Download the zip version of the video driver: File name:



Hello Allan,

I have gone through these documents and none of the solutions have worked for me. Because this is only happening on two machines with identical motherboards and CPUs, I feel it is an incompatibility with the Intel driver itself. It almost seems like the driver is incorrectly identifying the hardware and misconfiguring itself on install. Do you have any other suggestions?

Locate and install the latest graphics driver from your computer or motherboard manufacturer.


I have done this using both the drivers from MSI as well as Intel, no effect.


Find and install the latest generic version of the Intel® Graphics Driver.


I have also done this step using the Intel Driver Update Utility 2.0, no effect.


Update the Microsoft* .NET Framework software on your computer: 

.NET Framework is version 4.5.2 (latest), no effect.


Ensure that your Microsoft* operating system is up to date: 

Windows 7 x64 is fully updated and patched on both systems, no effect.


More troubleshooting:

Does the issue occur frequently or is it a random issue? 

Issue occurs constantly when Internet Explorer is open, less frequently when at idle but still suffers bursts of driver crashing (see above screenshot)


When was the last time the system worked without errors? What changes were made since this time, such as driver updates, adding hardware, or installing software?


On the new build, this has been happening since day 1. This is on a bare Windows install with all the service packs and updates.


Do you have the latest system BIOS for your computer? 

I have run the MSI Live Update utility to update every conceivable driver including BIOS and VGA BIOS. No effect.


Does the issue happen when your monitor is set to a particular setting? 

Monitor is running native 1920x1080 @ 60Hz. Issue occurs even when no monitor is connected (connecting via remote software)


Please advise.

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This error was reported long ago and some customers were able to fix this issue by loading the driver manually and some of them installing the driver from the motherboard or computer manufacturer.


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As stated above, I have tried manual installation, as well as the drivers from the motherboard manufacturer with no success. Do you have any other suggestions?

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You need to check with your computer manufacturer for additional information. As I mentioned, this problem was reported previously and fixed with the driver that was released that time and of course the latest driver provides same fix.


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