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Display corruption with Intel 530 and Sharp TV LC60LE835U


I upgraded my HTPC last friday . I'm having several problems with the graphics with my Sharp TV .

1) There is display corruption all over - like digital snow, white or red, and Windows not repainting. properlyThis is intermittent. When it does happen, it won't go away even after a reboot. It can happen as early as during the Windows boot process before even logging in, or later on. I have not found a trigger for it. It is extremely annoying. It was very bad on the first day, last friday. Did not happen at all on saturday. Then it happened again on monday ...

2) not really a "problem" per-se, but I notice that in the TV's input menu, the "HDMI2" input to which the PC is connected is renamed to "9xxx" . This happens only after Windows boots up - when the PC first comes up with the BIOS screen, it shows as "HDMI2"

I am using Windows 10, July 2016 update, with latest patches from Microsoft.

I am using the latest Intel graphics 530 video release drivers (clicked support, and downloaded them) and unfortunately, they didn't fix it.

I am using 1920x1080 @ 60 Hz, 2D mode. The TV is a 3D TV, but I run the desktop in 2D.

The TV has the latest firmware. This is a 4-year old TV, so I don't expect any more updates from Sharp.

If I revert to using my older graphics card, an Asus GT630 PCI-E 2.0 x8, everything is fine - none of the above problems occur. But I don't want to use that card anymore. I bought the new motherboard so I could use the built-in graphics card.

The brand new hardware I have is as follows :

- Asus Z170-A motherboard with latest 1801 BIOS

- Corsair LPX DDR4-2666 2x8GB (16GB total)

- Intel i5-6400 CPU with stock cooler

- Patriot Ignite 240GB SSD

Other relevant hardware in this machine :

- Hauppauge HVR-2250 PCI-E video capture card

- LG BD-ROM drive

- Themaltake DH101 case

- Iogear GKM 561R USB wireless keyboard/mouse

I have tested the RAM with memtest , and it passed several passes (8 hours).

Also tried downclocking it do DDR4-2133, but it did not solve the graphics corruption when I was seeing it.

One hour of Prime95 found no problems, and I think the CPU is good. The CPU is running at stock clock, not OC.

At this point, I'm out of ideas. I suspect either a defective motherboard, or some software compatibility problem between the Intel 530 graphics and my TV.

I do have another Skylake machine in the house - with a very similar motherboard, a Z170-AR, and i5-6600k CPU. It is on a different floor of the house and somewhat heavy. I may try to move it upstairs and hook it up to the TV to see if those problems occur too.

But in the meantime, I would really appreciate feedback from Intel. Is this any kind of known issue ? And if so, is a software fix forthcoming ?

Or should I return my motherboard to the store ? It is a pain to disconnect everything and get another mobo. The store where I bought it from doesn't have a liberal return policy either, unfortunately. So, I thought I would check here first.

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24 Replies

Hi madbrain,



Let's try to solve the issue. I noted there is a newer BIOS version 1902 at Asus website. Additionally, make sure you have the latest graphics driver 4474 and latest Chipset and Management Engine



Also, test your system with a different straight video cable.



Asus website:



Intel® Beta Graphics Driver



It is a good idea to run PC Diagnostics Utility V1.4.3 from Asus. The application will tell you if there is anything missing in your system.



I will be waiting your results.





Mike C


0 Kudos

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your reply. Looks like the BIOS 1902 was just released by Asus 2 days ago. I just updated the board.

I also installed the 4474 beta driver.

I already had the Chipset driver installed.

As for the Management engine , I was running version - not sure where I got the update from, may have been a Windows 10 automatic update.I also tried a different HDMI cable, and connected it to a different input of the TV.

Unfortunately, both problems are still present even after doing all those changes.

I have attached a photo of what the corruption looks like when it occurs :

I ran the Asus PC Diagnostics as well. No errors were found during any of the automatic tests. I ran a few of the manual tests, including video and monitor, and saw no problems.

While the display corruption happens randomly, I can trigger it usually pretty reliably during just a few minutes of opening and closing windows in control panel.

When it happened, I also saw the screen freeze completely and a message that the Intel HD graphics driver had stopped and restarted, multiple times.

While most of the problems I have seen are with graphics, I have seen a few issues not directly related to graphics, like the Windows taskbar not coming up when moving the mouse to the bottom of the screen (it's set to auto-hide) and the machine occasionally asking for password when starting up, even though it's set to automatically login without one. These make me suspect some sort of hardware problem, usually I would say the RAM, but I suppose it could be the motherboard or CPU as well, since all the parts are brand new. But of course I already tested the RAM with memtest overnight. Maybe the tests are not good enough.

At this point; I'm not sure what else to try. I will try taking out one stick of RAM to see if one happens to be bad. I may also try reverting to the Microsoft basic graphics driver instead of the Intel graphics driver, to see if any graphics issues persist.

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I have definitely ruled out the RAM.

I tried each Corsair 8GB stick individually in DIMM slot A2, the one recommended for single stick use. I was still able to reproduce the display corruption problem.

I even tried a Patriot 16GB stick from another machine which is known good memory. I was able to reproduce the corruption problem as well.

So, I reverted to the original configuration with the two Corsair 8GB sticks.

I switched to the Microsoft basic graphics driver. All the problems are gone. No display corruption, and no renaming of the HDMI input.

Also, Windows 10 boots in about 35 seconds with this Basic driver, vs 1min20s with the Intel Graphics driver 4474. This is a hugely noticeable difference.

However, while this is a short-term solution, it isn't a long-term one.

1) With the basic driver, I cannot play 3D movies on my TV with PowerDVD 14

2) With the basic driver, I also cannot use the Quicksync feature in PowerDirector for video encoding

I could do 1) with my old Asus nVidia GT 930 PCIE x8 and the drivers weren't causing an issue.

I bough a Z170 motherboard in part because I wanted to do 2), and also in part because I wanted to reduce power consumption.

The old motherboard / CPU / RAM was an AMD 790X chipset, with a 125W Phenom II x4 945 CPU, and 8GB of DDR2 memory at 1.80V, and was running quite hot, with all the fans running at peak speed almost all the time in the summer. There were no functional issues, however - no display corruption.

I would really like to make the Z170 work as advertised. Still not sure if this is a bad Asus Z170-A motherboard, a bad i5-6400 CPU, or a software issue with the Intel drivers and my Sharp 3D TV.

I'm afraid it may be the later.

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I also posted this over at Asus forum, since it is their motherboard. ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Forum- Z170-A Display corruption with Sharp TV - Win10

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FYI, I connected my other Z170 machine - similar one with a Z170-AR mobo (rather than Z170-A in the HTPC) and i5 6600k CPU to the TV.

It was also running Win10 and the latest beta Intel drivers. And same Asus BIOS revision 1902 (don't know if they are the same exact BIOS for both boards, but they share the same revision number).

Good news - I didn't see any problem with display corruption. I did see the issue with the HDMI input renaming, but that's not really a problem.

I don't know if I just got "lucky" as I didn't try for very long - maybe a half hour. But usually that was enough with the other machine to see the corruption. I think I can also rule out a software incompatibility between Intel Graphics and the TV. So, I guess I have either a bad Z170-A motherboard, or a bad i5-6400 CPU.

So, I will be taking the HTPC machine apart, and exchanging the motherboard at Central computers. I may exchange the CPU as well. I originally wanted the 6400 35W CPU, which is actually the 6400T, but was given the 6400 which is 65W. I didn't realize there were two versions of the 6400, T and non-T. Not sure if the store will allow an exchange. They do show stock on 6400T .

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So, I exchanged the motherboard for a Z170 Pro Gaming.

This is a fairly similar motherboard to the Z170-A. Almost all the connectors were in the same place, so swapping the board did not take that long.

The store wouldn't let me exchange the CPU, however, saying that even if it's defective, I would need to talk to Intel for an exchange.

So, I booted the SSD. Reinstalled the latest Intel Graphics 4474 beta driver.

And, lo and behold, the problem happened again very quickly. Major corruption, multiple HD graphics driver restarts very early on.

I'm extremely frustrated at this point. I hope someone at Intel and/or Asus can shed some light and resolve this problem soon.

I cannot return this hardware for a refund, so I'm stuck with it, short of getting my credit card company involved.

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Well, looks like I finally found the root cause - some incompatibility between the Intel Graphics driver and the Hauppauge HVR-2250 capture card.

If I uninstall all the Hauppauge software and drivers, and physically remove the PCI-E card from the system, the Intel Graphics operates correctly, without corruption.

If I have the card and software installed, I can use the Microsoft basic graphics driver. It works at 1080p.

However, with the Basic driver, I cannot use Cyberlink PowerDVD 14 for any movie - not just 3D movie.

And I can't use PowerDirector 14 either to edit movies, including the video clips captured with the Hauppauge card.

So, I'm pretty much stuck at this point. Looks like this is between Hauppauge and Intel to resolve. I would appreciate a private message from Intel to get this resolved .

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I'm indeed using the latest driver for the HVR-2250 card. I downloaded and installed the version 3.9g software package from that page.

As for Intel Graphics driver 4463, that's the version I was using prior to installing the beta 4474 driver.

The same display corruption problem occurs with both versions 4463 and 4474 .

Please assist with resolution. I believe the problem lies with the Intel Graphics driver, as the issue does not occur with the Microsoft Basic Driver using the onboard graphics.

Also, there is no display corruption if I use my old Asus nVidia GT630 based card with the latest nVidia 368.81 drivers.

IMO, this points heavily in the direction of a bug in the Intel Graphics driver. It may take anywhere from 0-30 minutes of using the Windows desktop to reproduce, but it always happens eventually.

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Hi madbrain,



Before sending your case to the upper level, I will need the results of Intel® System Support Utility. Please run the application and send to me the results.



Intel® System Support Utility



How to attach a file:


-Click on reply


-Click Use advanced editor (upper right side)


-Click Attach (lower right hand)



Mike C


0 Kudos

Hi Mike,

Here is the info you requested.

Please note that I have put back my Asus nVidia GT630 in the PCIE16_1 slot, as the Intel Graphics is not usable daily due to the display corruption.

I have HDMI1 of my TV connected to the Intel 530, and HDMI2 connected to the nVidia GT630.

I can control which one to boot from in the Asus BIOS, and which one to use in Windows, by disabling one of the 2 GPUs in device manager.

At the moment I collected the data with the Intel support tool, I had booted from the Intel Graphics, and disabled the nVidia in device manager. The display corruption was in full swing.

The Intel driver even stopped multiple times as I typed this message.

The corruption and driver stop issue is not related to having 2 GPUs - they are reproducible even if I physically remove the nVidia GT630 card, and all traces of nVidia software.

The only thing that makes the corruption and Intel graphics driver stop go away is phyically removing the Hauppauge HVR-2250 card from the system, as well as uninstalling all Hauppauge drivers.

I noted that the Intel SSU tool doesn't appear to list the HVR-2250 capture card, even though it is the trigger to the problem here. I don't think the file will be much use; you will need to send some trace/debug version of the drivers, unless you can get an HVR-2250 capture card from Hauppauge in house to reproduce, which would be ideal .

Basically , Intel 530 graphics + Hauppauge HVR-2250 = display corruption and frequent Intel driver stops

nVidia GT630 graphics + Hauppauge HVR-2250 = all is fine

I bought the Asus Z170 motherboard to use its built-in graphics and benefit from low power consumption, so I don't want to use the GT630 anymore.

In fact, I had a buyer for the Asus GT630, but stopped the sale as I could not get the Intel graphics to work satisfactorily in my environment.

I hope this gets properly escalated soon.

0 Kudos

Hi madbrain,



We have confirmed with Happauge that your video capture is not fully compatible with Windows 10, that's why you are getting issues.



As reference, Intel created a case number: 34217-131069 with them. The driver available is recognized but not working properly.



Mike C
0 Kudos

Hi Mike,

Thanks for your reply. Were you able to determine this by testing yourself with a Hauppauge card and Z170, or by having Hauppauge confirm the issue, or some other way ?

I will follow up with Hauppauge under that case.

FYI, the page at : Support: WinTV-HVR-2250 and WinTV-HVR-2255

Shows that the card does support Windows 10 : WinTV v7 installation package, version 3.9g

For Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP

The "v7" is is the application version, but Windows 10 is supported.

There is no issue under Windows 10 when using the latest nVidia 368.68 drivers with the Asus GT630 in combination with the Hauppauge HVR-2250 card.

There is also no issue under Windows 10 when using the "Microsoft basic graphics" driver with the Z170 built-in graphics in combination with the Hauppauge HVR-2250 card.

The issue is under Windows 10 when using the Intel Graphics drivers with the Z170 built-in graphics in combination with the Hauppauge HVR-2250 card.

Note how Windows 10 is common to those 3 cases - main the difference is the GPU and graphics driver. I don't think the Hauppauge card is incompatible with Windows 10.

There does seem to be an incompatibility between the Intel graphics driver and the Hauppauge drivers. I just don't know which of the 2 is at fault and needs to get patched, but based on the fact that all is fine with 2 out of 3 graphics drivers, it would seem more likely that the Intel driver needs to get patched.

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BTW, I tried an OS image of Windows 7. The corruption is just as reproducible when using Intel Graphics 530 with the Hauppauge HVR-2250 .

So, this issue has nothing whatsoever to do with Windows 10.

And again, everything is fine if using Asus GT630 graphics instead in Windows 7, just like it is in Windows 10.

This is strictly an Intel vs Hauppauge problem.

0 Kudos

Hi madbrain,



Thank you for your findings, let me check with my upper level the status of the case with Hauppauge.



Mike C


0 Kudos


Thanks for the followup. I asked a support a Hauppauge engineer about the case you opened. I was told that it merely points to this thread, and there is no additional information in it.

Hauppauge has told me that they don't have a Z170 machine in house, and thus could not have tested their HVR-2250 capture card with it, much less confirmed that their card and/or driver was at fault in this situation, rather than the Intel 530 graphics hardware and software.

I need to ask again : did Intel actually test a Hauppauge capture card on a Z170 machine, before opening the case with Hauppauge ? I have asked before, and my question has been ignored, so I will assume that the answer is no.

As a software engineer myself, I feel that no resolution can be reached unless one or both companies actually perform this test. The fault with either hardware/software cannot be established until one or both companies actually reproduce the issue and trace it down.


Since the driver that crashes is the Intel 530 graphics driver, and the corruption only happens when using that graphics driver, IMO, it behooves Intel to perform this test and diagnose problems in its own software.


As the customer, I should not be responsible for doing Intel's engineering work. Please escalate this further and provide a time frame for when Intel will actually perform the necessary test . I would like an Intel support contact phone number and case number also. So far, I am extremely unimpressed with the lack of assistance provided by Intel. I cannot get a refund for my Z170 motherboard and CPU, and thus my only option is to use my credit card issuer's coverage to get the item refunded from them if the retailer won't accept the return. There is a time limit involved for the lcaim. I need a timeframe for Intel to investigate and fix this issue.

As a side note, I was looking forward to upgrading a second machine in my home with an Intel CPU and motherboard with Z170 chipset and Intel 530 graphics. That machine also happens to have a Hauppauge capture card in it. Needless to say, I have put those upgrade plans on hold until the issue with this machine is resolved.

0 Kudos

Hello madbrain,

I am sorry to hear that you have been going through so many difficulties getting this rig working properly.

I can confirm that when we first approached Hauppauge*, it was mainly to get their confirmation if using their card with Windows 10* was going to be a problem. We had to contact them because we do not have this card in-house for debugging, neither a Z170 motherboard.

I agree with your previous statement, that no resolution can be reached unless one of both companies actually perform the test. Yet, there is a third party here that apparently already did the work for Intel(R) and Hauppauge*, and that is Asus*. How come? well during my most recent investigation of this issue, I looked at the Z170 Pro Gaming documentation, and found that they already Qualified the Hauppauge* HVR 2250 PCIE x1 card with this motherboard. The information can be verified here: Z170 PRO GAMING Devices Report. page 14.

What does this means? It tells me that Asus* was able to put together the same motherboard, an Intel(R) processor and get the setup working with the same card that you have. Does this mean there is no compatibility issue with the generic Intel(R) Graphics Drivers? No, far from it. However, we should be able to track a customized graphics driver from Asus* that should yield the same results they got during their qualification process. I would suggest testing with one of these drivers for comparison.

From Asus* web site, here are the links for three different customized drivers: Version

http://http// Version

http://http// Version

So, is Intel dodging a bullet here and rely on other companies? No, that is not our intention. As you might know, when facing a compatibility issue with a 3rd party component, the manufacturer has to get said component(s) involved and debug. This sounds simple enough for a big company such as Intel. However, getting full compatibility with every single piece of Hardware (HW) out there turns out to be a herculean task, one that we try to tackle to the best of our capacity, yet it takes plenty of time to achieve.

The reason why I'm explaining this is because we can try to fix compatibility issues between our generic Graphics drivers and the Hauppauge* card, yet this could take time (perhaps in the scale of months), and if I read your situation correctly, you could be time-constrained here.

In the mean time, please give it a try with Asus* customized drivers, and it wouldn't hurt to check if they have a new BIOS update that perhaps could also improve HW compatibility.


0 Kudos

Hi Ronald,

Thanks for your response.

My responses are inline.

1) I tried the Asus / Intel graphics driver - last version in your links, . In fact, that is the driver that I had first started with when I got the Z170-A motherboard, then again . I just tried this driver version again on the current Z170 Pro Gaming, and I can confirm that the corruption issue is the same with the Hauppauge card, unfortunately, just like with every other version of the Intel graphics driver I have tried.

So, I guess the testing Asus did with the HVR-2250 is unfortunately insufficient.

AFAIK the Z170 chipset is developed by Intel, as are the graphics drivers. The chipset bears the Intel name, and the drivers do also prominently. I believe the driver code is written by Intel. And thus I'm seeking help from Intel.

2) I just double checked the BIOS . The version is 0311 . This BIOS was released 2016/07/21 and is the only version available. It turns out my motherboard is a Z170 Pro Gaming/Aura - not Z170 Pro gaming. Asus is really confusing with all the different part numbers.

I am not so sure why I would expect a BIOS change to fix my issue, though. AFAIK, BIOS routines are used mostly during the boot process, and not so much afterwards - and this issue is clearly happening afterwards.

3) As far as the time constraints, I do have a workaround currently, as I kept my previous Asus nVidia GT630 discrete GPU which works fine with the Hauppauge, so I'm not totally dead in the water. I can switch between the 2 GPUs for testing purposes.

I'm limited however because :

a) I can't use Quicksync since that requires a working iGPU

b) my system is using more power than I wanted, since I have an Asus GT630 plugged in

c) I have less money in my pocket than I should. would like to use the Intel graphics and sell my Asus nVidia GT630 GPU. As will all computer parts, they will only drop in price over time, so whatever I can expect to get for it after Intel fixes the bug will be reduced. I actually had listed it for sale and had a buyer for $40 but canceled the sale after the problems with the Intel graphics.


d) I was also looking to buy a second Z170 motherboard and CPU for another machine, but that machine also has a a Hauppauge card. I have postponed this purchase, obviously. But even if the Intel fix takes months, I'm interested in getting this fixed for this other machine as well.

4) I have confirmed that the issue happens even if no Hauppauge software is installed at all. Just having the HVR-2250 card plugged in to a PCI-E slot, and using the Intel graphics 530 driver with the internal GPU, is enough to reproduce the issue. This tells me that there is nothing Hauppauge can do to fix the issue in software . This is a conflict between the Intel graphics 530 drivers, and the Hauppauge hardware. Hopefully, one that can be fixed in an Intel driver update. I feel that Intel needs to take the lead here.

5) I understand that Intel can't test with every single piece of hardware and software before releasing a product - but afterwards, I would expect that there would be a process for resolving problems such as the one I'm encountering. Even if it takes time, I would like that process to start - and it didn't seem to have until now.

I do find your statement surprising that you don't have any Z170 motherboard to test with - that is an Intel part. I would think that the Intel software developers who work on HD graphics drivers would have access to the hardware.

I can understand Intel needing assistance to obtain the HVR-2250 card. Hopefully, you can get a loaner from Hauppauge for this, or perhaps from Asus, since they claim to have tested the card.

Regardless of how this will proceed, please provide an update on the process and timeframe for this. A case number and phone number would be appreciated. Feel free to send it as a private message. If there is an email I can use for further contact other than this thread, I would appreciate it as well.



0 Kudos

Hi again Julien,

Your case number is 01553287. You can contact us from here: Contact Support

I'll try to find the necessary hardware (HW) to validate this issue and let you know how it goes. Please allow me one more week to properly scout our HW stock.

Quick clarification... the Z170 motherboard is not an Intel part, but rather a motherboard built by Asus* with Intel parts, along with other manufacturer's parts. Intel actually stopped manufacturing motherboards a few years ago. As for the BIOS, it also includes a segment named Video BIOS, or vBIOS for short. This, along with the other components, are initialized during POST, so if there is any conflict with it, one would expect to see this reflected even at OS level. Anyway, as I said before, this is just a recommendation for sanity check on my part.

I would also like to reach to any other users that land on this thread with a similar HW configuration, to share your results with us. The more input we get for situation the better.


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Thanks for the reply.


I realize Intel is not the manufacturer of the motherboard - just pointing out that it still develops the chips and the graphic drivers.

Re: video BIOS, I have never seen any problem during POST - no video corruption - when the BIOS settings were set to boot with the iGPU as the head. The problems only start after the OS (Win7 or Win10) boots, and only when the Intel HD graphics driver is used. If using the Microsoft basic graphics driver instead, there is no issue.

I do have another Hauppauge card - an HVR-1850 PCIE. It's currently in my last AMD-based system in the house, also an HTPC.This is the one that I was looking forward to upgrading to Intel Skylake/Z170.

I could potentially try that Hauppauge card in one of my two Z170 based systems - either the same Asus Z170 Gaming/Aura with i5-6400 CPU, or in my Asus Z170-AR motherboard with i5-6600k CPU.

I may try this swap the next time I open that AMD box - I have some new PWM fans to install in it. Fan noise/heat is still an issue with that FX CPU which was the reason I was looking to upgrade it to Z170/Skylake.

Yes, I have a lot of computers in the house, 4 desktops, all built by myself . All were running AMD Phenom or FX CPUs and motherboards with AMD chipsets until one year ago. 3 out of 4 were upgraded to newer Intel in the last year (2 Z170, 1 X99), and I was looking to do the 4th one, but will hold off on that until at least this Z170/Hauppauge issue is resolved.

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