Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Display driver Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7® stopped responding and has successfully recovered (1x GeForce GT 540M, 2x HD graphics 3000)


I bought a new laptop Asus k73SV-TY081V version.


When i'm working with autoCAD 2012, my videocard crashes and i get a message: "Display driver Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows 7® stopped responding and has successfully recovered"

when i do a everest scan it says i have 3 videocards:


[ GeForce GT 540M ]

Video Adapter Eigenschappen:


Apparaatbeschrijving GeForce GT 540M


Adapterserie GeForce GT 540M


BIOS Versie Version 70.8.4c.0.a4


Chiptype GeForce GT 540M


DAC Type Integrated RAMDAC


Geinstalleerde Besturingssoftware nvd3dumx,nvwgf2umx,nvwgf2umx, nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um

Video Adapter Fabrikant:


Firmanaam NVIDIA Corporation




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[ Intel® HD Graphics 3000 ]

Video Adapter Eigenschappen:


Apparaatbeschrijving Intel® HD Graphics 3000


Adapterserie Intel® HD Graphics 3000


BIOS Versie Intel Video BIOS


Chiptype Intel® HD Graphics Family


DAC Type Intern


Geinstalleerde Besturingssoftware igdumd64 (, igd10umd64 (, igd10umd64 (, igdumdx32 (, igd10umd32 (, igd10umd32 (


Geheugengrootte 1855570 KB

Video Adapter Fabrikant:


Firmanaam Intel Corporation




Besturingssoftware download

[ Intel® HD Graphics 3000 ]

Video Adapter Eigenschappen:


Apparaatbeschrijving Intel® HD Graphics 3000


Adapterserie Intel® HD Graphics 3000


BIOS Versie Intel Video BIOS


Chiptype Intel® HD Graphics Family


DAC Type Intern


Geinstalleerde Besturingssoftware igdumd64 (, igd10umd64 (, igd10umd64 (, igdumdx32 (, igd10umd32 (, igd10umd32 (


Geheugengrootte 1855570 KB

Video Adapter Fabrikant:


Firmanaam Intel Corporation




Besturingssoftware download

I tried new drivers or old drivers and shutting down the intel card but nothing works...


I'm really confused right now...


is there something wrong with the drivers the card or maybe windows updates or is autoCAD not able to work with 3 cards?

I really need to get this right, i need to work with AutoCAD for my study.

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15 Replies

Oh i cant find any info about my video cards in my BIOS.

I tried to turn off the intel cards but when i do that, my nvidia card is not working oke, i get a message that my nvidiacard isnt connected to my laptopscreen. is there a way to connect it to my screen? well i dont really think this will solve my autoCAD problem,...

AutoCAD needs to update their products and add my videocard in their systems lol...

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The unique way that the Intel chip is taking display manager duties and the Nvidia chip the "on request acceleration" duties posses some interesting questions. i too have this set up and am just learning what it can and cant do. the three devices you see are actualy the potential display renderers so to speak. the intel has two dac's and it would seem the nvidia only has one (or just one visible) i actualy see four monitors in windows display manager as the intel has a choice of the three (internal, VGA, HDMI) to use on its 2 dacs. plus i see the nvidia 1 ramdac as another VGA device. However i have failed as yet to figure a way to fling a display on to it. I recommend you take a look at the nvidia control panel and the manage 3d settings tab.

here you can play with the global settings or under program settings choose whether to force on or off the nvidia acceleration for your specific application.

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Thanks for your reply,

I must tell you that I have already tried to change the 3D options in my Nvidia controll panel, unfortionately it didnt had effect on the performance of my AutoCAD program. I found out that i'll need to wait till AutoCAD, Nvidia or Intel changes their driver so AutoCAD can support my graphiccards or the new way they are linked together. I need to use VMware with windows XP to use AutoCAD on my laptop till i can download new drivers.

Please let me know if you found out something about this problem.

Regards Joy

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go through your computer manual / anything and fid out any way to switch between graphic processors

i have seen in some forum about some switch that changes the gpu's

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as far as i can tell unless the drivers are writen for the exact purpose its not possible to bypass the intel gpu completely or at least transparently.

as a guess, id say the following is how they are chained:

.....................................................[nvidia GPU]



[displays]====[intel gpu]--------[nvidia optimus]-----------[windows]

the reason i think this is because ive uninstalled the drivers then windows detects only a standard vga adapter, it fails to auto detect the HD 3000 GPU. (which it does on other laptops with intel HD family graphics.)

my guess is its the optimus chip communicating directly with windows. thats how switching is done invisibly.

the rendering duties are sent over the pcie bus to the nvidia gpu when needed otherwise they just go straight to the intel.

now device manager does show the GT 540m listed under display adapters. but im guessing its there for show. to solve compatability issues with drivers expecting it to be there etc etc. (im at a complete loss as to how i can drive a display directly from it. windows allocates it desk space but the vga monitor doesn't detect a signal)

then both intel and nvidia drivers have been writen around this set up

id be very interested to see that forum mentioned if you can find it, as its my beleif the the nvidia chip is not physicaly connected to anything other that the pcie bus.

as i say this is all guess work and id love to be proven wrong and that the nvidia's two ramdac's are both present and some how sharing the display connections by some trickery.

while you wait for the drivers and autocad to become compatible consider using windows XP mode for windows 7. it will give you the same use of an emulated SVGA device for 2d duties but they run as if they are native to win7.

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Windows says i have 1 Nvidia and 1 Intel HD chip but when i check everest it says i have 2 Intel HD chips.

Is it not nessesary for windows to show me i have 2 HD chis\ps or is everest wrong?

I already use VMware with WinXP in it or did you meen i need to use VMware with Win7?

0 Kudos

everest is reporting a device for every possible simultaneous display output possible. this is common practice for curtain recourses/interfaces to be duplicated. this is how windows display management is currently designed.

is the crash occurring instantly or after some time?

Autocad will be the best people to report this issue to as due to the complicated cooperation between intel and nvidia on optimus, dont expect driver releases to be too frequent.

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I get the error when i use the option "filet" ( used to smoothen the corners of a squar).

I asked this same question at the autocad forums and they told me its a problem with intel, so i put the same question here...

I had alot problems to contact autocad they send me to a place and that place sends me back again... so they couldnt give me a good awnser.

0 Kudos

I have the same problem with AUtocad...

DId you fixed it?

please tell me how to do??

0 Kudos

Problem in this igdkmd32(64).sys file (Intel graphics kemel mode driver)

0 Kudos

humm i hope thell fix it soon then 😃

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I have the same problem with AUtocad LT 2012(Graphics acclelerator), DId you fixed it??? if so please tell me how to do??

0 Kudos

Where does LT stand for?

Nope sorry couldn't fix it, we need to wait till they launch AutoCAD 2013 i suppose

0 Kudos

Hi there!

I had the very same issue, just my video is 520M. Well, I made a good search all around the internet for a couple of months and found nothing until one day...I just had another crash during the attempts to use AutoCad2012. Then I remembered that some programs on my other laptop(Alienware, i7extreme, 2xNVIDIA QUADRO 3000M SLI) were crashing also sometimes and windows was changing to a basic theme. So I used the idea on my girl's laptop(the problematic one, i5 HD graphics combined with GeForce 520M). Up to now I do not have any more crashes of the intel driver since I use the basic theme. I suppose it is Windows7(R) Aero(R) that is messing up with the graphics, as it is using the intel HD graphics and at the same moment AutoCad is trying to use the 520M. At this moment the Intel GPU is trying to switch to 520M but while there are still pending data to process from the Aero. Well, of course this is mostly a guess work, of course, but the fact is that 1) if I use Aero - AutoCad crashes the Intel GPU, and 2) If I do not use the Aero AutoCad is working Just Fine. The test period is about a week only, but my girl is vary happy aver since this last stupid intervention. So - disable W7Aero before launching AutoCad2012. This is my advise. Thnks for reading:)))

0 Kudos

You are a genius iremaster.

I was having the same problem with AutoCAD 2012, except it was with all the commands. Trim, offset. etc.

After I would hit the command button the screen would black out and come back 1 second later with an error message that the Graphics accelerator had crashed.

For me it was not just a matter of turning off Aero, I also had to change the Windows Team away from any of that transparent stuff and I am using Windows 7 Basic theme and it is working great.

Well done and thanks again.

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