Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21005 Discussions

Display driver stopped responding and has recovered.


I'm having this problem with an ASUS Q302LA 2-in-1 laptop with an i5-4210 processor and Intel HD Graphics 4400. I can't find a solution outside of that new beta driver, which doesn't work for my processor. I've updated through ASUSTek, and the newest driver is still giving me this problem. I performed a factory reset today, and then downloaded that driver again. Problem persists. I'm getting frustrated and considering a full reset back to Windows 8.1, because the problem didn't exist back in my innocent Win 8 days.

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4 Replies

Hello Peter:



Yes, this could be related to the Windows ® version that you are using now, did you check with ASUS directly, if this laptop is fully compatible with the Windows® version you installed?



Some laptops are not fully compatible with some Windows® versions, so, we always recommend to check on that first.



Now, in order for us to be able to look for the proper driver for you, could you please provide the specific model of the processor?



These are the models showing in our web site:



Intel® Core™ i5-4210H


Intel® Core™ i5-4210U


Intel® Core™ i5-4210M


Intel® Core™ i5-4210Y



Also, I looked for this model on ASUS web site, but the ASUS Q302LA is not showing, I did found Q302, but I am not sure if this is the one you have:



I just wanted to make sure on that because the model of the processor for that one is different, that laptop works with Intel® Core™ i3 5010U Processor or Intel® Core™ i5 6200U Processor, and the graphics version will be different in that case.



Or if you have a link where I can check the specification if your laptop that will be great as well, so we can further assist you.



As an option you can install the following tool in order to get that information as well, it is the SSU tool (System Support Utility):



You will be able to download it on the following link:



Once you do that, the tool will allow you to save the information as a file, so, once you save it, please attach it to this thread.





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Thanks for the reply.

I ended up using the Beta_15. package and found a way to only install the graphics driver, which worked. When I tried to install the whole package, I got an error message that it wouldn't work on my processor (i5-4210U). Installing only the graphics driver did not give me that error. It also seems to have fixed my display driver failure problem.

I believe that just the Q302 is the same as the Q302LA, by the way. The LA might be some additional information for ASUS, but I don't think it's important in terms of which software is compatible.

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Hello Peter:



Thank you very much for that information.



We are glad to hear that the PC is working fine now with the Beta driver.



Any further assistance, please do not hesitate in contact us again.





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I was having that after a driver upgrade. I have the same CPU but in a Lenovo laptop. I ended up uninstalling the windows 10 graphics display driver via device manager and choosing to delete it, when it came back up, after restart, I had driver version, which turns out to be an Intel NUC driver. Not sure how I got that but oh well it worked great with no driver crashes.

I somewhat recently, took the plunge and have upgraded using the win64_154022.4424.exe (Driver Version: and it too has been fine, no display driver crashes.

Have you tried to uninstall and delete previous driver from Device Manager, yet? Then let the system install a new driver? It sometimes can take a bit and will install a default driver and then minutes later it will change somehow to a new driver, or maybe its fully installed at that point, I don't know how exactly the process works, not that techy. I saved the Information from the Intel Graphics Driver Control Panel under Options and Support, before and after so I could check things out.

After I got a good driver I went into Advanced System Settings and then Hardware then Device Installation Settings and turned off the ability for Windows to install drivers. Somehow this got turned back on though. Of course this is all done at my/your own risk as I'm just telling you what I did.

Also there is a manual way to install the beta drivers that require a special process. Not sure if you tried that? Sorry I'm sure you probably did, but I first didn't install it correctly the manual way so just thought Id add that, just incase.

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