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Does the arc a770 run well with unreal engine?


I wanna buy this gpu but find no reviews on it


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6 Replies
New Contributor I

very often, one can't say if unreal engine games run  better or worse in general,

neither in proportion to it's competitors in the same price* or performance pool**,

(**usually that would be a RX 6650 (XT), or RTX 3060 performance wise, but regarding *price, by now, sometimes you can even get a RX 6700/XT or RTX 3060 Ti for the money that the Arc A770 16GB costs, at similar or only slightly higher prices but significantly higher performance in most cases)


 it often also depends on a lot of other aspects:

* there can be 'good' unreal engine games and 'bad' ones because it depends how well the developers have optimized them.

* it depends on what version of unreal engine

* it depends on what API the engine/game is using for it's rendering path.


what else comes up to mind:


* unreal engine games might show better performance at times compared to other engines. (there were cases were games ran better after an entire engine swap from engine x to unreal version x eg., iirc.. can't remember if that's true or where I read that)

* at least in the past I remember there were times were specific unreal engine games would show noticeable better performance depending if run on nvidia or amd, where the perf gap wouldn't be that huge when comparing  games with other engines)


* I don't know if Arc runs particularly well with Unreal Engine 4 games for example, compared to other GPU brands or engines.


however, what I do know as well:

* performance of Arc will often depend on whitch specific game titles you're referring to, rather then specific engine.

(meaning if a 'specific' game has received a optimization pass or not)

* performance of Arc hasn't been good in DX9 games at launch, but has since then improved a lot with driver updates.


If you're looking for reviews, make sure they are not based on old / launch drivers, these tests are usually non-representative anymore.

(it's a shame they didn't have their 'DX9' improvement drivers ready back then, cause that kinda ruined Arc's rep by a lot back then)


just try to look for revisited, updated, revised re-tests re-reviews... eg:

or, (in german though) :

(if you know what API / engine a game is using, you could try looking at unreal engine games  benchmarks there in particular, if that's what you're after. )


it's 'old' competitors rx 6700 XT / RTX 3060 Ti are still out of reach most times, but Arc caught up and the gap isn't as wide anymore.


Arc A770 is much closer to it's 'new' competitors (rx 6650 XT/rtx 3060) now than it used to be, especially in WQHD/DX12/withRT on it can sometimes even beat them..


Question at the end:


What Unreal Engine games do you have in mind?





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Hello Jeishar,

We hope you are doing fine.

Were you able to check the previous post?

Let us know if you still need assistance.

Best regards, 

Jean O.  

Intel Customer Support Technician

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I am not looking to play games but am asking if the creator and development experience in unreal engine is good
And i would like to know if video editing in premier pro and davinci resolve is good as well
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0 Kudos

Hello Jeishar,


Thank you for your response.


Let us look into this, and we will get back to you with more details.


Best regards,

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello Jeishar,


We appreciate your patience.


It is important to mention that we do not offer benchmarks on third-party apps or tools. The best advice we can provide is to check the feedback from the app/engine developer for further information.


Best regards,

Jean O.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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