Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Driver not available for Windows 10


My laptop is a Celeron CPU N2830 2.16GHz. It was previously running Windows 8.1 and had QuickSync available and played high resolution video (e.g. AVCHD) well.

I have just upgraded it to Windows 10 and video playback is now appalling, with massive freezing and jumping in VLC and DirectShow based video players. I looked at the Device Manager and under Display Adaptors it says "Microsoft Basic Display Adapter", which I thought might be the cause of the problem.

So I went to the Intel site and ran the Intel Driver Update Utility, which scanned my computer and told me there was no Windows 10 graphics driver available for it.

My laptop is less than 12 months old so I can't imagine that that it is too old.

When will Windows 10 graphics drivers be available for it?

Right now its impossible to play video on it.

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1 Reply

Hello iroeville1,

At this point the latest Operating System this graphics controller can support is Windows 8.1 only. Your computer is very new as you said but it does not necessarily means it is compatible with Windows 10.

Here you can check the Operating System compatibility: celeron celeron

My best recommendation at this point is to run all windows updates to try to catch a driver from Microsoft or going back to Windows 8.1.
