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Dual monitors, computer crash in Dell 5450 labtop 2024


I recently replaced my laptop with a new Dell 5450 notebook, but when I connect two additional external monitors, the computer sometimes crashes. I've noticed that when connecting two Dell external monitors, there are basically no issues. However, when connecting two HKC monitors, the computer frequently crashes, with a frequency of 2-3 times per day. My previous laptop, the 5400 (from 2020), did not have any such issues. The cause of the problem can be narrowed down to using the Type-C connection for the external displays. But interestingly, the 5400 laptop did not have any issues when using the Type-C connection. I suspect that there might be an issue with the graphics card driver or the driver for the Type-C port.In most cases, when the problem occurs, the entire computer freezes, and occasionally, the system automatically restarts.

Has anyone else encountered a similar issue?

Do you have any experience in resolving this issue?

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7 Replies

Hello Mikedeng,


Thank you for posting in Intel Communities.


To get a better understanding of the issue and be able to provide an effective recommendation, please provide the missing key information here:


1) Kindly share the exact Dell monitors used that did not have any issues when connected via USB-C ports. *Share the product specifications page.

2) Please also share the exact HKC monitor models used that crash when connected via USB-C ports. *Share the product specifications page.

3) Are you using direct USB-C to USB-C cables?

4) Have you tried connecting the HKC monitors to other ports? Does the issue happen as well?

5) Please confirm if this is the actual system device that you have.

Additionally, we highly appreciate you sharing your system configuration so we can fully check and provide you with an accurate fix. This could be possible by downloading the Intel® System Support Utility for Windows* software. When the download is complete, launch SSU.exe.

  1. Scan: Check the box Everything.
  2. Click Scan.
  3. Review: When finished scanning, click Next.
  4. Click Save (.txt)


I will wait for your reply.



Best regards,

Jeanette C.

Intel® Customer Support Technician

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the  HKC moitor is P272U Pro,3840*2160 60Hz ,use the typec to type C cable. this cable is confirm work well.

Another phenomenon is that when I turn on the computer first and then plug in the Type-C cable, the monitor cannot be recognized. But if I connect the Type-C cable first when the computer is off and then turn it on, the monitor can be recognized and used normally.

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the resulit of ssu below:


0 Kudos

Hello Mikedeng,



I'm following up to check whether you have had the chance to review our prior correspondence. If you have, kindly acknowledge receipt and let me know if you need time to share the details I asked for. Please let me know about this information so we can identify the next steps that need to be taken to resolve this issue.


I will wait for your reply.



Best regards,


Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Mikedeng,


Good day.


Thank you for sharing the details for case# 06326943. Please help further by confirming the details below:


1) Confirm if this link below is the actual laptop make and model that you have.

2) Since this issue is only happening with your new laptop (Dell 5450 Latitude) when the monitors (HKC monitors are plugged in via USB-C), can you confirm that:

  • The Dell monitors that work fine with the Dell 5450 Latitude also use straight cable (USB-C to USB-C).
  • The old laptop (5400) using these HKC monitors is running with Windows 10 or Windows 11.
  • Tested other graphics ports for the HKC monitors and if it works fine (if there are any).


I will wait for your reply.



Best regards,


Intel® Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos


the type of labtop is 戴尔 Latitude 5450 14 英寸笔记本电脑_英特尔® 酷睿™ Ultra处理器 | Dell 中国大陆.

not E5450.

about question 2

1   yes, usbc to usbc ,and Normal in any case

2 old labtop running windows 10

3 test with others with HDMI, The computer can recognize and display it, but it is easy to crash.

0 Kudos

Hello Mikedeng,


Thank you for the clarification of the details I needed. I understand your system is Dell Latitude 5450 and not Latitude E5450, however, they have the same drivers as per checking with the Dell page.

The old laptop (Dell Latitude 5400) where the monitor works fine with the connection runs on Windows 10 while the new laptop (Dell Latitude 5450) runs with Windows 11.

Upon checking, both systems do not support Windows 11.

Supported Operating Systems​ for Latitude 5400 

Supported Operating Systems​ for Latitude 5450

When a system device is installed with an unsupported OS, it will have the generic driver that goes with the OS installation. This may work but it may not work well or may have some features that do not work well. For this instance, the USB-C port may not be working well due to the lack of drivers needed.

I highly recommend contacting your system manufacturer's support team to confirm if your Dell Latitude 5450 supports Windows 11, and if they have a Thunderbolt Controller Driver that you may install, that may help address this issue.

I hope this information helps.



Best regards,


Intel® Customer Support Technician

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