Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20816 討論

HD 3000: Starcraft 2 gamma issue

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in a previous post I already reported the following bug:

while running Starcraft 2, if I use the Alt+Tab shortcut to switch to a diferent program, and if I switch back to Starcraft, then, after a couple of seconds, Starcraft suddenly becomes very dark, making the game practically unplayable.

At first I thought this was just a minor issue, I just have to avoid switching from SC2 to a different application.

But, as I'm playing this game more and more, it happened many times that I hit the Alt+Tab shortcut by mistake during a game.

Such a mistake means the loss of the game and no need to say that it's a source of great frustration.

Starcraft 2 being in the list of the games officially supported by the HD 3000, I'd like to know if there's an official way to report the bug to intel.

Maybe posting to this forum is enough ?

(FYI, I'm running Windows 7 64 bits and the version intel driver is 2509)

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Hi there!

I have tested the game myself using default game settings and I was able to play it smoothly. I just made sure to install the latest graphics driver version



Try downloading drivers here:*&DownloadType=%0ADrivers%0A




2,607 檢視
I have tested the game myself using default game settings and I was able to play it smoothly.

Yes, the game plays quite smoothly, that gamma issue is the only glitch I noticed so far.

I just made sure to install the latest graphics driver version


I installed that new version, but unfortunately it didn't bring any improvement.

Thank you for your help.

2,607 檢視

It seems the Intel driver applies desktop color settings to your game,

which is a bug, I guess. It was not present with build 2361, as far as I can tell.

I observe the same effect with Bioshock 2 and Gothic 3, Forsaken Gods.

I dont have it with Oblivion, though.

My System: Core i7 2600K, Intel DH67GD, Win 7 64 SP1, driver build 2559

Once you reapply your brightness settings ingame, it stays that way, until,

well, you hit Alt-Tab, then the driver enforces desktop settings again.

To sidestep the problem, you could try to change your desktop color settings

beforce starting to play the game, that is, reset brightness and gamma values.


Another bug seems to have been introduced with build 2509:

CPU Test 1 in 3DMark2003 shows a lot of overlapping, black rectangles

emitting from some airplanes where actually smoke textures should be.

(Core i7 2600K, Win 7 64, driver build 2509 and 2559)

It seems to be confined to Sandy Bridge, since the same scene looks

OK on a Clarkdale System (Core i5 661, Vista 64 SP2, driver build 2509).

Hope this helps.

Message was edited by: messerli_mike

2,607 檢視
To sidestep the problem, you could try to change your desktop color settings

beforce starting to play the game, that is, reset brightness and gamma values.

I tested that and it works.

Of course, that's not really the kind of solution I was expecting, but that's better than nothing.

Thank you.

2,607 檢視

I seems that this bug has been fixed in the 2696 drivers, as well as the quake gamma bug.

I took time, but that really made my day.

Better late than never.
