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HD 4000 Driver and Windows 10 Scaling/Rendering Problem


I have recently updated from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. The issue I run into is scaling and rendering in games. The issue is older games contain black bars on both sides of the screen. Before updating to Windows 10 I had no issues and games would stretch to the full screen, which is what I preferred. Below are the specs and steps I have already tried to solve the issue.


A. Windows 10

B. Intel HD 4000 and NVidia 630M (Intel Driver tried and neither would work at displaying full screen in some games) (NVidia Driver no issues with Nvidia)

C. Samsung Series 5 computer with Intel Core i7

Things I have already tried

A. Tried updating drivers through windows update (Makes no difference)

B. Tried downloading Intel Iris Beta Driver and Installing (Won't let me install, I keep getting different messages a) Driver is not validated for your computer b) Driver does not match specifications c) Tried installing manually with "Let me choose the driver" still can't do it d) Tried the Intel Driver Utility (It finds no drivers on each scan).

C. Went to graphic properties menu and mess with settings. This doesn't work because the choice to "Stretch to Fullscreen" no longer exists. Tried creating a custom resolution but won't let me. The suggested resolution is 1366 x 768.

D. Switch to lower resolution when playing some games that won't stretch chose 1024 x 768. This works but has to be done every single time I want to play a game, then have to switch back to 1366 x 768 when I leave the game. Very very very inconvenient.

E. Tried using SW Update Utility with Samsung. Nothing to update.

The scaling option of "Stretch to Fullscreen" needs to come back into the graphic properties menu. This appears to be an issue with the Driver and Windows 10 for people with HD 4000. Any suggestions are welcome to fix this issue.

8 Replies

I need to first and foremost say I'm sorry for not responding to this sooner to give some feedback... I've been browsing the forums all night but must've not seen this.

I've had the exact same issue you're having and I've checked everywhere and mainly been frequenting these forums for any solutions.

Prior to my upgrade to Windows 10 I was *somehow* able to play fullscreen games without black bars. I don't remember how I did it, it was either through NVIDIA's control panel or Intel's, with the scaling options you're referring to. However now, on my native resolution on Intel, I'm able to only use "Maintain aspect ratio" and I now have no options for scaling on the NVIDIA control panel.

I'm hoping someone gets back to us soon with some help, I've got my own thread more detailed but just rest assured there are plenty of people including myself with the same issue!

0 Kudos

Hi HD4000ManNeedsHelp,

Based on the information you are providing, the system you have is a hybrid graphics system so it needs a very special driver provided by the Computer Manufacture.

However, you can try our drivers at this link:

If you find problems the installation, try these steps:



Please try the steps mentioned above. This could do the trick as well for you.

Kevin m

0 Kudos

Sorry Kevin but that did nothing. I tried that before on different versions of the driver and after I updated it to the suggested driver you have on the link, the options in the Intel HD Control Panel were still the same. The problem is the Intel Driver Graphic Properties Menu in the Display Option because all that is offered on the display is "Maintain Display Scaling". Before Windows 10 there was an option of "Scale Full Screen". The "Scale Full Screen" option is no longer there. Get that option back on the menu and I am sure majority of issues would be solved.


Same! At my native res I cannot change scaling which is necessary for games to function properly at a fullscreen, yes 4:3 resolution.

0 Kudos
Not applicable

The scaling feature of the latest Intel® HD graphics is disable. Our engineer department is still working on this issue. Please review the thread of our Processor engineer supervisor.

As a work around, change display settings of your TV.

Mike C

0 Kudos

mikec_intel wrote:

The scaling feature of the latest Intel® HD graphics is disable. Our engineer department is still working on this issue. Please review the thread of our Processor engineer supervisor.

/thread/77746 [SCALING BUG] Windows 10 / Intel HD Graphics 4600 - Impossible to get rid of 'Black Borders' problem - Stuck at 'Constrain proportions'

As a work around, change display settings of your TV.

Mike C

Atleast with your response, you are confirming that the engineering dept is still working on the issue. I will wait and change the display on my monitor for some games but that gets old quick, even with the hotkey suggestion. Also this is a laptop not a "TV", no idea where you got the idea that this was a TV display. Next time Intel releases drivers they should make it clear "Scaling has been disabled" but anyway, I will try and remain patient.

0 Kudos


It took a while... but the latest driver for Intel HD 4000 has now fixed the Scaling problem.

Version: (Latest) Date: 1/21/2016

I had to select "Override Application settings" as well as "scale full screen" for it to work (Silent Hunter 3)

It was a long time coming for the fix ... but thanks Intel.

0 Kudos
Not applicable

Hi Lucky_Phil,

I am glad the new driver fixed the issue.



Mike C
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