Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20786 Discussions

How to Increased Dedicated Video Memory in


I recently got a new laptop and wanted to download a game, but the minimum requirements said I needed at least 256 MB of dedicated video memory. My new laptop has 3155 MB of total graphic memory, with 3027 being shared and 128 being dedicated video memory, meaning I don't meet the minimum requirements.

My old laptop had barely 1500 MB of total graphic memory, and almost 400 of it was dedicated video memory. And that laptop was able to run the game.

Is there any way I can increase the dedicated video memory of my laptop? My driver is Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 and it's the latest version. Is there any way to increase the amount of dedicated video memory (and therefore, decrease the amount of shared memory)?

Some solutions I've found were accessing the BIOS to change it, but it wouldn't let me alter it, as the words were grayed out and unable to be changed. Another online solution was to change it using the registry editor and going here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Intel\GMM but I can only navigate up to Intel, as there is no GMM folder.

I am even willing to buy a new driver, but I'm not a tech savvy person so I don't know which to get and what to install. I also have a Windows 10 if that is of any importance.


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1 Reply

In most cases, the computer manufacturer has already configured the system to use the maximum amount of graphics memory that is possible for your particular computer model.

Check with your computer manufacturer if there are tips on increasing the amount of graphics memory for your computer model.

If you are interested in additional information see graphics memory frequently asked questions: Microsoft Windows 8 and 8.1* Graphics Memory FAQ for Graphics Drivers


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