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How to Update My USB Driver ?


How can I update my USB drivers. I have USB 2.0 ports and they seem to be recognizing a few of my devices, but not my Zune & Ipod. If theres a program I need to download please let me know. Thanks!

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2 Replies



You can follow the steps below:

For Windows:

  1. 1. Click the "Start" button and right-click "My Computer." Vista and Windows 7 will show "Computer."
  2. 2.Click "Properties" and then click "Device Manager" on the left.
  3. 3. Look for "Devices by Type." Alternatively, type "Cmd" in the Start menu to start a command prompt. Type "Devmgmt.msc" and press "Enter."
  4. 4. Click "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" to expand.
  5. 5.Click the right mouse button on "USB 2.0 EHCI Host Controller."
  6. 6. Select "Update Driver."
  7. 7. Choose "Install the Software Automatically" and click "Next."
  8. 8. Click "Finish" to close the dialog box.

For Mac:

  1. 1. Go to the Apple Support website (see References).
  2. 2. Click the icon shown below "Software."
  3. 3. Click "Easy Install" and the drivers will install into the extensions folder of the startup disk. You must have the Mac 8.6 operating system or higher.
  4. 4. Restart when prompted by the installer. USB support will be activated upon reboot.

Have you got it work?

If not, it is recommended you a driver update tool DriverTuner, which can update your USB drivers automatically. DriverTuner was created to save your time resolving driver problems by providing you with a single, automatically tool. By downloading DriverTuner you can instantly resolve your driver problems by scanning your PC for outdated, missing or corrupt drivers, which are then automatically updated to the most compatible version.


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The driver for USB 2.0 is included on the Chipset driver so you need to get the Chipset driver provided by the Computer Manufacture only. Another good step is to install the Management Engine driver.

Kevin M
