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How to get Full Range RGB from Intel HD Graphics?


Has anyone found the trick to get Intel HD Graphics 3000 (on a SandyBridge 2500K) to output full range RGB to a full range capable digital television?

With my TV, it is impossible to get the iGPU to output Full range RGB. Both "Full" and "Limited" settings look the same, flat washed out. I tried connecting both directly to the TV and via the my Onkyo TX-SR605.

Then I went back to my ATI card, changed it from Full to Limited RGB, and the colors there now looked just as flat and washed out as the iGPU always outputs. My TV is a Samsung DLP 50A650.

I have also tried the various tricks found in this thread on avsforum, incl. downgrading to driver version 2509, but nothing works.

It is strange Intel can't fix such a serious quality problem, which ATI, NVIDIA, Sony (PS3) and Microsoft (Xbox360) all nailed down years ago (by providing a working Full range option). I have had to use a discrete ATI card to get decent colors, while the otherwise high quality Intel GPU should be perfectly capable of providing this.

Win7 x64, latest Intel HD Graphics Driver 2696.

69 Replies

Cannot believe this is still an issue.

I do understand that this is an HDMI logo compliance issue. Nvidia and AMD both have this problem, but workarounds exist for both of those vendors.

Here's what's going on:

1- HDMI requires that output on HDMI be constrained to 16-235 (AKA "TV Levels")

2- Intel, in order to make things "just work" do this:

a: scale all video from 16-235->0-255 to match desktop/pc/photo levels

b: scale the frame buffer on HDMI scan-out to 16-235 to match HDMI/TV levels.

While this causes all content to be level matched it forces video through two color space conversions. This is where the banding comes from. For media newbs things "just work" for video purists we see banding and clipping of blacks.

The driver needs an option to treat HDMI exactly like DVI.

It also needs to honor DXVA API calls for setting for nominal range. It currently does not. This is a BUG. Currently on a desktop via DVI you'll find all hardware YUV conversions expanding levels out to 0-255. clipping blacks and whites and the driver ignores all calls from DXVA that govern this behavior.

So, situation normal: Intel GPUs even when used on Intel "media" (LOL) motherboards boards totally mangle black levels.

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I must add that unfortunately, with Intel's drivers version 2875 the limited range issue is still there. However, with the new drivers a custom 1080p24 mode can be created with the workaround I mentioned earlier.

Regarding laptop screens, they are connected usually through LVDS which should not support limited range RGB values. In desktop monitors, I think that dithering is usually handled by the panel itself (since in the panel specification the use of A-FRC is mentioned). However, laptop panels (especially TN-based ones) are just reported as 6-bit (they accept RGB signals ranging from 0 to 63), therefore I don't know how much is the GPU's fault or the panel's fault when there is evident and uneffective static or dynamic dithering.

Georgi, could you please post the model of the panel used in your laptop as reported by EDID (not the short name such as AUO26EC, but the complete model name such as B173RW01 V0, you can read the EDID information using programs such as MonInfo/Monitor Asset Manager)? You can also try booting a live Linux distribution such as Ubuntu 12.10 via a USB drive using an USB creator and then both try to see if the dithering artifact are still there (Intel's Linux driver is different from that of Windows and as such could have a different behaviour) and report the EDID data contained in /var/log/Xorg.0.log

EDIT:clarified some obscure parts, minor grammatical corrections and added a request to Georgi.

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I am sure they already know how to or have fixed this, it's just waiting in the QA release Microsoft verification pipeline, and could still take months.

I wish they would accommodate brave (advanced) users and release a beta or a reg key to enable this to work in existing drivers, if that's possible. It's not really urgent, but I would like to get rid of the discrete ATI card in my HTPC to allow Quicksync to work without the need for buggy Lucid VIRTU drivers.


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i have been following this recently without signing up. i have a newer pc with intel hd 2000 or something and noticed the issue with deep color over hdmi as well as the ycbcr setting not sticking when enabled.

i just checked now and saw a new driver,

i installed it now and it has redesigned the interface of the intel graphics. but i still have issues with the ycbcr setting not sticking.

the problem i have on my set up is that i have it connected to my onkyo receiver, which then splits the audio to the surround sound and the picture to my projector. i cant even enable the YCbCR setting, it simply tries to enable it and then reverts to RGB. so as a fix I can VNC into my PC with the PC not selected on receiver, enable YCbCr, then change receiver input to PC and the PC will show as YCbCr 24bit. But as soon as I load a game, or change Input to STB and back to PC, it will revert to the RGB 24bit with the Limited color range selected. I also have no option to manually change my projector or receiver to handle Limited and pass through Limited. I was under the impression these days that most devices auto pass this information correctly, and so a device will auto accept what is being sent and change accordingly. i have years of knowledge and understand everything about EDID handshake issues, resolutions blah blah and recall the early common issues with devices when HDMI was being first implemented. , but I can't be bothered trying to change this GPU EDID settings manually to work myself.

i was quick to pick up on this issue the other day when setting up this PC and then found these discussions online. luckily i will be getting a Nvidia 670GTX very soon, as using the Intel GPU was only my interim solution. But in saying that, it is disappointing that from a media playback perspective, this Intel GPU is very capable of handling Bluray, bitstream HD audio, and possibly 3D playback. Yet the lack of a simple working Deep HDMI or YCbCr enabling feature can really affect the true potential of this.

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it seems there is a work around for issue in windows os.

intel hd graphics driver --> select properties -->custom resolution --> enter resolution and select timing standard "CVT-RB" --> add.

Details can be found here..

" [H]ard|Forum - View Single Post - Dell S-Line Screens - S2740L, S2440L, S2340M, S2340L, S2240M

In Linux os, a fix has been made in kernel v3.9 rc1

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if i do that i will get deep colour on some settings, but it will always overscan the wrong way.

so say 50/60hz on CEA 861 are the only ones that won't overscan, but the colour is limited.

all others will mix between limited and deep, but all overscan.

i should add though I am only using an older 720p Infocus x9 projector at the moment. So not sure if this causes issues. But I've never had an overscan issue with any other device before. And I tested a NVIDIA laptop that was fine.

On a side note though, I can get 720p to work at 50/60/72/96/100 and 120hz native on my projector, which is something I never thought it would do seeing it is old. Receiver shows 72/96/120hz etc. My projector also shows it, and I can hear it change. I have done some tests with XBMC playing 24p video and I can see it is working as it should when using 72hz and 96hz compered to past uses which I only had 50/60hz with 3:2 pulldown. I ran these tests as I use to have a Pioneer Kuro that could do 72hz and remember that being a funny locked setting that only happened when you use a Blu-Ray player and set it to 24p, not something you could force.

If only the overscan issue didn't happen, then it would be quite a capable little GPU

0 Kudos

Thank for pointing out the custom resolution potential work-around. Similar approaches have been reported in the past, and I have tried custom resolutions myself without luck. I have not tried the CVT-RB timing option, but might the next time I pull out my discrete ATI card.

0 Kudos

Well, I just tried the 3/22 driver drop and we get:

  1. Working check box to toggle "full" and "limited" So at least that option is there
  2. Super pimp new UI. Yay? Ohhhh. It looks kinda metro. Bravo. Foxtrot. December.

But the core issue is still there: all HDMI output is scaled to 16-235 and blacks are clipped if you want proper video levels. I'd roll my eyes some more, but I think I'd detach my optic nerve doing so.

Come ON Intel! Man.

Bonus bug: black screen on protected H.264 content. So, if you're using Media Center in a market that applies crypto to your H.264 TV you are totally hosed.

Fun update: the new driver lacks custom res support in the control panel. Nice. So if THAT work around worked for you, don't upgrade. It did not work for me.

0 Kudos

Tried the new driver too. Oh well, tells us a lot about Intel priorities. Terrifying Metro UI instead of a properly working driver. Foxtrot, Uniform, Charlie, Kilo.


Anyone had any luck or further news about this issue?

0 Kudos

Yes, any luck with resolving this issue? I vote we post everyday until something is done!

0 Kudos

I am affected by this colour banding issue and lack of EDID override functionality in the Intel HD (4000 in my case) drivers. As it appears that these aren't things Intel is planning to fix, would this device

provide a workaround for both of these problems?

0 Kudos

There is a custom resolution tool hidden in C:\Windows\System32, just do a search in the directory for CustomModeApp, with this you can override EDID. For some reason Intel have not included this in the main control panel.

0 Kudos

Thanks for the tip about the custom resolution tool. It seems to be only on the newer drivers with the 'tile' style interface. (i.e. /servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-200889-232731/Untitled.jpg


I can't see a way of overriding the EDID capabilities for the HDMI audio sink device though. My TV (HDMI) is being detected as only 2 channel stereo capable, even though a multi-channel AV receiver is connected to its optical output. I've proven with a hardware EDID hacker that the TV will quite happily pass compressed audio streams to the AV receiver if it's supplied with them. The problem is really with the TV I suppose, but I believe that AMD / nVidia owners have the capability to work around this at the PC end.
0 Kudos

Where can you find driver version 3222?

Never mind, it seems it's only available for 3rd gen and above

My system is 2nd gen and I am stuck on 3062.

0 Kudos

Actually, in the older driver (3062), Custom Resolution is available under Display. I guess they decided it's not for the average user to try something like that in the newer drivers.

I just haven't gotten around to trying it yet on my home system. I use Lucid VIRTU whenever I need access to Intel Quicksync h/w transcoding acceleration and my ATI card works great for display.

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5,280 Views post_23789526 Theory About Intel's HDMI Quantization Range Setting (Full 0-255) - Page 2

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I'm also having this issue and of course finding year old threads of Intel claiming to work on fixing it and then not a peep about it since.

Intel, fix your drivers please, it's been WAY too long without a response on this, let alone a fix.

Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000

Report Date: 12/30/2013

Report Time[hh:mm:ss]: 15:06:59

Driver Version:

Operating System: Windows 8 (6.2.9200)

Default Language: English (United States)

DirectX* Version: 11.0

Physical Memory: 7866 MB

Processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7

Processor Speed: 3500 MHz

Vendor ID: 8086

Device ID: 0122

Device Revision: 09

* Processor Graphics Information *

Processor Graphics in Use: Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000

Video BIOS: 2143.0

Current Graphics Mode: 1920 by 1080

* Devices Connected to the Graphics Accelerator *

Active Digital Televisions: 1

* Digital Television *

Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor

Display Type: Digital

Gamma Value: 2.2

DDC2 Protocol: Supported

Maximum Image Size:

Horizontal: 20.47 inches

Vertical: 11.42 inches

Monitor Supported Modes:

640 by 480 (67 Hz)

640 by 480 (72 Hz)

640 by 480 (75 Hz)

640 by 480 (60 Hz)

720 by 400 (70 Hz)

800 by 600 (72 Hz)

800 by 600 (75 Hz)

800 by 600 (56 Hz)

800 by 600 (60 Hz)

832 by 624 (75 Hz)

1024 by 768 (75 Hz)

1024 by 768 (70 Hz)

1024 by 768 (60 Hz)

1152 by 864 (75 Hz)

1280 by 1024 (60 Hz)

1280 by 1024 (75 Hz)

1440 by 900 (60 Hz)

1680 by 1050 (60 Hz)

1920 by 1080 (60 Hz)

Display Power Management Support:

Standby Mode: Not Supported

Suspend Mode: Not Supported

Active Off Mode: Supported


00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 04 69 F2 23 E9 24 00 00

30 14 01 03 80 34 1D 78 2A C7 20 A4 55 49 99 27

13 50 54 BF EF 00 71 4F 81 80 95 00 B3 00 D1 C0

01 01 01 01 01 01 02 3A 80 18 71 38 2D 40 58 2C

45 00 09 25 21 00 00 1E 00 00 00 FF 00 41 43 4C

4D 54 46 30 30 39 34 34 39 0A 00 00 00 FD 00 37

4B 1E 55 10 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC

00 41 53 55 53 20 56 48 32 33 36 48 0A 20 01 E4

02 03 22 71 4F 01 02 03 11 12 13 04 14 05 0E 0F

1D 1E 1F 10 23 09 07 01 83 01 00 00 65 03 0C 00

10 00 8C 0A D0 8A 20 E0 2D 10 10 3E 96 00 09 25

21 00 00 18 01 1D 00 72 51 D0 1E 20 6E 28 55 00

09 25 21 00 00 1E 01 1D 00 BC 52 D0 1E 20 B8 28

55 40 09 25 21 00 00 1E 8C 0A D0 90 20 40 31 20

0C 40 55 00 09 25 21 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 73

* Other names and brands are the property of their respective owners. *


Hi everyone,

A bit of an update and a misunderstanding on this issue.

Full Range RGB support is available for the following Intel® Iris™ and HD Graphics products;

  • 4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Iris™ Pro Graphics 5200
  • 4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® Iris™ Graphics 5100
  • 4th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® HD Graphics 5000/4600/4400/4200
  • 3rd Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with Intel® HD Graphics 4000/2500
  • Intel® Pentium® Processor 2020M/2030M/2117U/2129Y/2127U/A1018/G2010/G2020/G2020T/G2030/G2030T/G2100T/G2120/G2120T/G2130/G2140 with Intel® HD Graphics
  • Intel® Pentium® Processor 3560Y/3556U/3550M/G3220/G3220T/G3320TE/G3420/G3420T/G3430 with Intel® HD Graphics
  • Intel® Celeron® Processor 927UE/1000M/1005M/1007U/1017U/1019Y/1020E/1020M/1037U/1047UE/G1610/G1620/G1620T/G1610T/G1630 with Intel® HD Graphics
  • Intel® Celeron® Processor 2980/2955U/2950M with Intel® HD Graphics

Full Range RGB is not available for previous generations of Intel® HD Graphics products, including 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ Processors with HD Graphics and earlier.

All of the later Intel® Graphics Drivers for 15.31 branch, and all of the 15.33 branch (including our latest released graphics driver 15.33.3345) include support for Full Range RGB. We have personally tested and verified that it functions properly with driver 3345 as well. See attached screenshots for proof.

Figure 1: RGB Range Support with the IGCP set to 'Limited'

Figure 2: RGB Range Support with the IGCP set to 'Full'.

Thank you for your patience.


0 Kudos

nic, the option you discribed affects only the Overlay, not Desktop RGB range. As a result watching video became strange - black bars around overlay area is grey, when video itself (in a dark scenes) have pure black color.There should be an option to turn desktop Full Range, not only video overlay.

0 Kudos

Hi Dehuan, I tried your suggestion but it did not appear do do anything.

I could create 1080p60 and 1080p24 modes but I cannot see how to apply or force them - am I missing something here? How can I force or prioritize the new modes?

The new modes are there to delete, so definitely created...

This was on a celeron 847 NUC (DCCP847DYE) with windows 8.1.

BTW I have also tried a reg hack found on web to add DWORD 'EnableRGBFullRange' with value of "1".

This did not work either.

When using linux (openelec) I am able to execute the following command to enable full rgb range on HDMI:

xrandr --output HDMI1 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"

(where HDMI 1/2 is the port being used)

This works a treat and is colours are displayed correctly by the display to which the NUC is connected (samsung 40D6530 TV).

This also proves its fully a software issue not hardware.

As the celeron NUC is clearly a great HTPC, and is also pitched in the advertising (etc) display market, I am really surprised that a setting to enable/disable full RGB range has not been added. Seriously: how hard can this be!?

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