Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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I am trying to update my intel HD 3000 graphics driver to the new version listed on intel's website. Version 15.xx...., however the version that gets installed is only ever v. 9.xx...


As said above I'm trying to update my intel HD 3000 graphics driver. The link I am downloading it from is: Intel® Download Center. Assuming that link works you will see a listing for many drivers. I am getting the windows 7 version for 64 bit systems. I am unsure what goes wrong during the installation because there are no error messages, nothing about an installation failing or my system not having the correct requirements, as are key features in other thread posts, therefore being the reason that I am creating this one. Yes I have uninstalled my previous intel graphics driver versions. Two for that matter. Somehow version 8.xx happened to be listed on my programs list through the control panel, and version 9.xx in my device manager. They are both completely uninstalled before I install the latest version.

What I am looking for is ideally a link to a graphics driver that actually installs the driver that is advertised, or an explanation as to why this won't install and what I can do about it, because my computer is unable to operate properly without this driver.

Though this is not the reason I am writing this post I feel it necessary to mention that I am attempting to fix a bluescreening problem with my computer and I believe my intel graphics driver is my last loose end that needs to be updated before I run out of ideas as to what is causing it. My dxdiag will follow, also I am running a laptop with NVidia optimus technology that makes the computer switch on its own to use a discrete nvidia gpu. As I understand it this is NOT the same as switchable graphics and does not suffer the same problems, assuming that the technology on my laptop is not malfunctioning, therefore this thread ( ) does not hold any solution. Yes my nvidia driver is up to date. It is a GeForce GT 540M working version 344.75. I am also running DX11, so that is also not an issue.

Anyway i guess thats enough for now. Thanks in advance for any time you put in trying to find a solution.


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4 Replies
New Contributor II

Intel drivers have 2 versions:

-15.x.x.x - package and OpenGL driver version;

-8/9/10.x.x.x - Direct3D driver and version number in device manager.

The latest driver has the following version numbers:



So you already have the latest driver according to that dxdiag report.

As you can see both driver versions have a common element. You should only look for it when compare graphics driver versions.

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If that's true then I have a couple of things to ask: why does the intel driver update utility insist that my driver is out of date?

And 2: Does no one consider this a faulty way to label drivers? It tells me I'm going to install one version but installs another. I don't care if it IS the correct version it certainly leaves the end user confused.

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New Contributor II

Q1: Why does the Intel driver update utility insist that my driver is out of date?

A: Because it is broken. See /thread/57289 for another case of this issue and more information about how we ended up in this mess.

Q2: Does no one consider this a faulty way to label drivers? It tells me I'm going to install one version but installs another. I don't care if it IS the correct version it certainly leaves the end user confused.

A: I'm afraid this versioning behavior occurs on NVIDIA and AMD as well. I think Windows imposes a driver versioning system and companies want a more flexible one. I am not an expert so I can't confirm this for certain.

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Well this has been a truly insightful experience in how the computer world blows for a layman.

I read the thread you posted pal1000, and it looked like it was pretty much the same problem I was having. Thanks for your answers on this topic.

I'll close this up as answered in the next few days just to give people opportunity to answer possibilities on why my computer BSOD's a lot , because I'm fishing for anything at this point.

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