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ICH9R RAID 1 Disk Recovery ?


Hi Gurus,

I have an mobo with ICH9R and 2 SATA disks that are mirrored (RAID 1). I just had the mobo crash

So, a couple of simple questions:

- Can I place one of the SATA disks in another system (no ICH9R) and access the filesystems ?

- Can I purchase a PCIe card with ICH9R so I can access the data ?

- I assume if I replace the motherboard, I'll have no issues. Is that correct ?

Out of curiosity, where does the ICH9R store the RAID configuration information ?

Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions ! As luck would have it, I have to complete 30 hours of video

editting before the end of the month and I need to determine the fastest route to get my editting system

back online.


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3 Replies


I've just configured one RAID 1 array on my new motherboard.

As I didn't want to wait the mobo to crash... I tried to extract one the HDD and to plug it into another system. The HDD was fully accessible

So, I guess you just have to plug one of your disks in another system


Hi Waxman1,

Thanks - I added one of my mirrored ICH9R disks to another motherboard (without Intel RAID support) and it is

working fine. I'm currently backing everything up to a USB drive.

By Wednesday, my ICH10R motherboard should show up. My plan is to drop my RAID 1 drives into that system

and bringing it back online. In the worst case, atleast I have a full backup now.

Thanks again for testing it out !


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- Can I place one of the SATA disks in another system (no ICH9R) and access the filesystems ?

A/ Yes, you will need to boot in to IDE mode, the RAID wont be able to recover but the information will be there. If you want to rebuild the array you will need another motherboard with the same RAID controller (ICH9R)

- Can I purchase a PCIe card with ICH9R so I can access the data ?

A/ You could but there are no RAID cards with the ICH9R

- I assume if I replace the motherboard, I'll have no issues. Is that correct ?

A/ Yes.You wont have any issues as you will be using the same RAID controller (ICH9R)

Out of curiosity, where does the ICH9R store the RAID configuration information ?

A/ On the hard drives. This is why you can use them in another system with the same RAID controller and they can work there.

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