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Installing ENBoost solved all of my startup crashes with Fallout 4


YMMV, but I found installing ENBoost solved all of my startup crashes with Fallout 4 on my late-2013 rMBP with Iris 5100. It'll make the game run more smoothly as well, provided you don't run into any of the texture problems other people on Apple hardware and Intel graphics have experienced. Redownloading the game at the moment to see if it'll launch without it and if this driver fixes the texture bug introduced in Fallout patch 1.3.

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5 Replies

quake thanks much! The game does launch consistently with ENBoost but I am indeed seeing the texture issues with my 6100. I suspect your drivers are a touch more hammered out. Still this is progress!

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No problem! Bethesda changed something in 1.3 that made the textures go all funky on Intel graphics, but it's possible to downgrade. Someone has put patches up for download here (and I feel bad for sending you to all these sketchy sites to download .exe and .bat files, but they're safe). Both 1.1 and 1.2 are perfectly playable; I'd recommend 1.2 because it fixes a few frame rate issues in a few spots. (You'll have to downgrade from 1.4 to 1.3 and then 1.3 to 1.2, but it's worth it in my opinion.) Of course, this means any further updates will almost definitely not work, including DLC. Assuming you're using Steam, you'll have to play in offline mode as well, otherwise the game will auto-update.

I'm going to put up a post later about the texture stretching issues, but I'm assuming I'm going to get the same 'talk to Apple' response as well. New drivers are our only hope at fixing this problem, as Bethesda and Apple aren't going to do anything.

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I've seen sketchier sites... 🙂 Just did the downgrade, worked perfectly. Textures are no longer stretching strangely. I'll run it by you to see if you know the answer and because you've clearly been working on solving these issues: I still hit crashes at certain points like exiting the Vault, any thoughts? Thanks a bunch for your help already!

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My display settings are right in between "awful to look at" and "10fps on a good day", which minimizes most memory failures and the like. Other than that, if the game doesn't crash at the same place every time, I just consider it Bethesda DLC and call it a success. 1.2 is still quite buggy across the board, and there's nothing we can do about that -- a lot of the bugfixes came in 1.3. If you want to downgrade back to the more stable driver, if you're still on the beta one (that we've hijacked this thread about, oops ), nothing will change and ENBoost should still prevent startup CTDs.

My only other recommendation would be to download a mod like this one that optimizes the textures so that it runs more smoothly. Other than that, I just poke blindly at the ini files and get no results.

I'm glad to help -- a lot of people out there are pretty nasty about it, saying that it's stupid to think we should be able to get the game working since our hardware isn't supported, but I don't give up easily. This is the first real roadblock I've run into gaming for many years on Apple hardware + Intel chipsets, and I'm not inclined to let it ruin my perfect streak. Hope you enjoy the game!

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Hi All,

Update the version of Fallout 4 to 2.2 and let me know how it works. Customers are reporting good graphics performance.


Mike C

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