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Intel 5500 Win 10 Driver Version Bug


When I switch users or switch between for example the x2go application in full screen (which displays an X11 desktop) and the windows desktop or basically anything that "resets" the screen, about 20% of the time the new screen appears with the right upper and lower left and right quadrants of the screen solid black.

The mouse can still move over the black parts and the respective portions of the windows of the open applications are still there -- it is just as if this part of the screen is "blacked out." The upper left quadrant still shows its quarter of the desktop properly and the scale is unchanged. Interestingly the only thing that displays in the black portions is the mouse cursor when it is moved into the blacked out region the screen.

The only way to get the entire desktop to appear again is to switch users and hope when the screen resets that the black part goes away, which it usually (but not always) does on the first or second try.

This problem did not occur with my earlier driver (pre 4300) but there were flickering problems when returning from standby that prompted me to upgrade.



Answers (N/A if not applicable)


Provide a detailed description of the issue

see above

Please place an X to the right of the option showing how often you see this issue using specific steps. (Ex: 'Every few times a game is started it flickers.' <- This would be "Often")<p> 

Always (100%):

Often (51-99%):

Sporadic (20-50%): X

Very Sporadic (<20%):

Hardware (HW)

Brand and Model of the system.

Asus Zenbook UX303LA

Hybrid or switchable graphics system?


ie Does it have AMD or NV graphics too?<p style="margin-bottom: 0.0001pt; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit;"...
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17 Replies

Hello igrfx:

Thank you very much for providing the details above, they are really helpful for us to better assist you.


Since the laptop is using Intel HD graphics 5500 controller, and the current driver that is installed is version 4463, let me give you a link for you to install the latest graphics version for that controller, which is version 4474.



Please un-install the driver that is currently on the laptop, get into device, look for the option "display adapters" right click where it says "Intel HD graphics" and select "Uninstall".



Then try to install this driver manually.



Instructions to install the driver manually:



Driver 4474:



If the problem remains after trying the driver above, then you can try to use what is called "Inbox" drivers, those are the ones that get installed when you install Windows or when you do Windows updates.



If the problem still persists, in that case, since the laptop was manufactured by ASUS, what we recommend is to use the drivers provided by them, since they were created specifically for this product, on the following link you will be able to see those drivers and also driver to do a BIOS update to the latest version, that might be needed specially that the laptop is working with Windows® 10, VGA for graphics:



Any questions, please let me know.



0 Kudos

Since the laptop is using Intel HD graphics 5500 controller, and the current driver that is installed is version 4463, let me give you a link for you to install the latest graphics version for that controller, which is version 4474.

Tried the latest beta before 4463 and both exhibit the same problem with the blacked out three quadrants of the screen when switching user accounts or refreshing the screen when alt-tabbing between certain full-screen apps.


If the problem remains after trying the driver above, then you can try to use what is called "Inbox" drivers, those are the ones that get installed when you install Windows or when you do Windows updates.

What is the version number of the official "Inbox" driver? After installing the driver from the Asus website linked below, Windows update does not attempt to upgrade it as I just checked.

If the problem still persists, in that case, since the laptop was manufactured by ASUS, what we recommend is to use the drivers provided by them, since they were created specifically for this product, on the following link you will be able to see those drivers and also driver to do a BIOS update to the latest version, that might be needed specially that the laptop is working with Windows® 10, VGA for graphics.

This is an OEM-customized version 4274 of the driver. Unfortunately it causes the screen to flicker after resuming from sleep which is why I was motivated to search for a newer (hopefully) more stable driver.

Any other suggestions? Also, could you comment on what kind of customizations OEM's typically make to Intel's generic video drivers and what impact they could have on performance and stability.

Thank you.

0 Kudos

I should also add that neither the 4463 nor the 4474 driver will install properly.

At some point during the installation the screen just starts flashing and the installer never exits. After about 10 minutes I just hard reboot the machine and check Device Manager to see which driver is installed. In both cases 4463 and 4474 were the installed version of the driver and Device Manager reported the device as "working properly."

I experienced this issue because the version of the driver I was using before Window Anniversary update was 4300 if I recall correctly. When I installed this version of the driver before the Windows Anniversary update the installer *did* complete successfully without hanging. Note that I had to use the "manual" method (point Device Manager directly at the .INF file) because the platform refused to accept a generic driver from Intel that was not suitably customized by the OEM.

The Windows Anniversary update did not like that version of the driver and rolled me back to 4274 which has the screen flashing issue when resuming from standby.

This is why I tried to install the latest beta followed by latest stable using the (admittedly unorthodox) method of finishing the installation by hard rebooting.

0 Kudos

Hello igrfx:



Thank you very much for the information provided above.



In regard to your question, to find out what kind of customizations the OEM's typically make to Intel's generic graphics drivers, the best thing to do will be to check that directly with the OEM, in this case ASUS, the information that we have is that they customize it based on the features the laptop has.



Since the Inbox drivers get installed by Microsoft, the version will be different depending on the laptop.



One of the things we can try is to disable the internet connection or the Windows updates and then try to install the drivers.

Disable Windows updates:

Get into "control panel"

Look for "system and security"

Then "administrative tools"

Then "services"

Look for "windows updates" and select it, then look for "startup type" and disable it.


If the problem persists, the best option is to get in contact with ASUS for technical or warranty support.

ASUS's phone number; 1-877-339-2787

ASUS Support site:



0 Kudos

I have already spent over 30 hours with Asus on this issue in at least a dozen emails and telephone conversations and their highest tier of technical support has reached the conclusion that the issues my machine is experiencing are the result of a faulty Intel display driver beyond their control.

What version of the driver is supposed to work properly with the machine I described running the version of Windows I specified?

Please do not tell me that version 4274 (on the Asus website that you linked) is the right version because there are KNOWN screen flashing problems when resuming from standby (search these forums for more details) which later versions are supposed to have fixed.

The latest stable and beta drivers are the ones that exhibit the problem with three quadrants of the screen "blacking out."

Can you do some more research to find what is the version number of the so-called "inbox driver" for this machine that I am supposed to be using. If I uninstall the current driver and let Windows Update install a driver for me, I get the bug-ridden 4274 version of the driver back from Sept. 2015 again.

Could you also consider escalating this issue to someone who is capable of troubleshooting this problem on a more technical level.

Also if the problem that my machine is experiencing is not clear from the description I provided, I can attach a screenshot from my cellphone, but won't bother if you have nothing else to offer and are not interested in digging deeper into the problem at issue here.

0 Kudos

Hello igrfx:



Let me apologize for any inconvenience in trying to fix this problem, it is not our intention to create any problems for you, is just that normally the manufacturer of the laptop should be able to provide a driver that should work properly on the machine.



Thank you very much for providing the details above.



In regard to your question, sure, we can always start an investigation on this case, we will try to do the best we can in order to fix this problem and to try to find a possible solution for it.



In order for us to do that, we just need additional details:



Please install the SSU tool (System Support Utility).



You will be able to download it on the following link:



Once you do that, the tool will allow you to save the information as a file, so, once you save it, please also attach it to this thread, in order for us to see it.



Also we need the graphics report, right click anywhere on the desktop and look for the option: Intel® HD Graphics control panel, once you open that, choose "options and support", then select "information center", and then choose where it says "file" at the bottom, you will get a text file, please attach it to this thread, so we can verify it.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Thought the problem might be the Hyper-V client role that I recently enabled on this Windows 10 Pro machine but unfortunately the problem persists even after disabling Hyper-V.

The files that you requested are attached.

Please do open an investigation because I have confirmed that the official driver that Asus provides for Windows 10 on this laptop is 4274 and this version suffers from screen flashing after resuming from standby.

Also, Asus claims that the custom OEM modifications to the Intel generic driver are for hotkeys ... but it's not clear from their answer if this is the only modification.

Still not sure what the "Microsoft Inbox Driver" is for this machine. If it is a generic Intel driver then perhaps there is some way for you to find the version number. A fresh install of Windows 10 on this machine just pulls in the 4274 driver (not sure though if it is generic or OEM modified).

Thank you for your help on this frustrating issue.

0 Kudos

I'm attaching a cellphone camera shot of the video corruption issue.

Note that the outline of the mouse still appears when it is dragged into the black region of the screen and that parts of windows, buttons, etc. obscured by the black area that are clickable still appear to be active.

Hope that helps.

0 Kudos

Note also that I tried rolling back to version of the driver and the problem is still present. This driver is midway between the Asus recommended 4274 driver (presumably also the MS Inbox driver) and the latest stable.

In fact, the screen corruption happens 40-50% of the time now -- sufficiently frustrating that I don't use the X11 server software on this machine anymore and I try to economize on how many times I switch between the two accounts on this machine because each switch is a chance that the screen will become corrupted in the manner exhibited by the cellphone screen shot.

0 Kudos

Hello igrfx:



Thank you very much for that information, it is very useful for us to do the investigation in order to try to find a possible solution for this problem.



As soon as I get any updates, I will post all the details on this thread.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Hello igrfx:



I just wanted to let you know, that we tried to replicate the issue in our lab, besides the administrator, we created 2 more users, we open different applications, such as: youtube, vimeo, daily motion, open different web browsers as well, switch between users and there was no problem at all, there was no solid black quadrants on the screen, all the videos and web sites worked fine, there was no resolution problem in none of the users.



We even ran the videos, on the 3 users, we switch between them while videos were playing and there was no problem at all, they keep the size and resolution.



In regard to x2go application, we tried to install it, but the options that we got referred to Linux.



Since you are using Windows®10, by any chance do you have the link where we can download this application to test it?



Since the tool works for remote access, the client and server installation is needed.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Hello igrfx:



I just wanted to verify if the information posted previously was useful for you, and if the problem with the laptop persists or if it was resolved?



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Thank you for running all of these tests.

As regards the x2go application, I think that the bug is not specific to this program but rather any program that "resets" (sorry I'm not sure how to describe it at a more technical level) the display.

The best example (and when I can most reliably reproduce this issue) involves "fast user switching" on Windows 10. The video display must be resetting in some manner when I switch users.

The x2go program has an option to run in "full screen mode" and this issue only presents itself when switching between the Windows desktop and x2go in full screen mode (not when x2go is running inside a desktop window). I imagine that this bug could also appear when switching between Windows' own remote desktop application and the local desktop when running in full screen mode, although I have never observed it because I don't use the RDP client.

In my view the x2go issue is only interesting insofar as it suggests the bug has more to do with the graphics driver than a flaw in a particular program (such as x2go) or the Windows OS (e.g. fast user switching code). That is purely speculation on my part however.

Out of curiosity, were you able to run these tests on the Zenbook UX303LA with the high-resolution (QHD+ Intel 5500 GPU only) display? Perhaps the problem is specific to how the generic driver which I downloaded from Intel website (and had to install manually) interacts with this specific make/model of hardware.

0 Kudos

If you'd like to test the x2go program in order to try to reproduce this issue, the client can be downloaded from start [X2Go - everywhere@homIe]. Easiest way to get linux running quickly is to install ubuntu inside a virtual machine (e.g. hyper-v client for Windows 10) and then from within ubuntu, install the x2go server package. The key setting to test here is the full-screen desktop resolution option when configuring options inside the client. Quickly alt-tabbing between full-screen x2go and the windows desktop a dozen times or so should be more than enough to reproduce the issue exhibited in the screenshot I attached to an earlier email (assuming you are using same model/make of laptop and Intel 5500 driver version).

Please note however that the issue is still present even after I removed hyper-v/x2go from my system. I can reproduce the "black quadrants" issue merely by fast user switching (using ctl-alt-del) between desktops. The bug appears randomly ... maybe 20% of the time.

Also I have not observed this behavior when switching in and out of full screen mode with any video player (VLC, youtube, etc.) So far, the x2go application (full screen mode) and fast user switching between desktops are the only scenarios which are able to expose this bug's behavior.

0 Kudos

Hello igrfx:



Thank you very much for that information, it is very useful for us to better assist you.



I sent you a private message, please verify your inbox.



Any questions, please let me know.





0 Kudos

Hello igrfx:



Thank you very much for that information, perfect, no problem at all, please try the driver when you get the chance, and let us know the results.



Any questions, please let me know.



0 Kudos

Hello igrfx:



I just wanted to verify if you were able to test driver 4501 and if the issue still persists or if it was resolved?



Any questions, please let me know.





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