Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Intel 82852/82855 Extreme graphics TV out problem



I have an old Dell laptop running XP Pro connected to my TV via the s-video cable. Its used to watch films (movies).

The extreme graphics driver allows me to clone the laptop screen to the TV. so far so good.

The propblem comes when I close the laptop screen. The TV goes blank - the extreme graphics application shows that output has reverted to the notebook only. I have set the XP Power Options to "do nothing" when the laptop lid is closed nd I have installed the latest Intel driver (2006).

I would love to be able to completely close the laptop and watch the film on the TV. But I have to leave the laptop open slightly to prevent the display reverting to "notebook only".

How cn I do this?

Thanks - Adam

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2 Replies

I'm experiencing an extreme graphics TV out problem with my old Dell laptop running XP Pro. Even though I've set the power options to 'do nothing' when the lid is closed and installed the latest Intel driver, the TV display reverts to 'notebook only' when I close the laptop. It's frustrating because I want to be able to completely close the laptop and watch films on the TV without having to keep it slightly open. Can anyone help me solve this issue? Maybe there's a solution in the Castle app?

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With my ancient Dell laptop running Windows XP Pro, I'm having trouble with the high visuals on the TV. Despite installing the most recent Intel driver and setting the power settings to 'do nothing' when the lid is closed, the TV display returns to 'notebook only' when the laptop is closed. It annoys me since I should be able to shut down the laptop entirely and watch TV shows On Castle Official App without needing to keep it slightly open. I need help with this problem, can someone? Could the Castle app hold the answer?


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