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Intel HD 4000 driver keeps crashing system


hi everyone-

I have a Dell Inspiron 14z and all of a sudden one day windows update updated the Intel display driver and ever since then I have had trouble with the system freezing. Of course the issues started right after the warranty ran out so I've been stuck trying to troubleshoot this on my own. I did discover that if I use the "standard vga adapter" driver the system is stable. Originally I installed Windows 7 on the system as I heard such terrible things about Windows 8. I tried old drivers most current drivers from Dell and from Intel, system still freezes. Sometimes it freezes right away sometimes it's after a few days, seems to go in waves. I have updated the BIOS to the current one on Dell's website. System Passes all diagnostics, thing doesn't seem to overheat or even get warm....

Recently I decided to install Windows 8 being that's what came on the machine I thought maybe I then stood a chance with the Intel driver working correctly. Unfortunately, it's been the same case and the system is still freezing. I've done the same thing since installing Windows 8, different driver versions etc.

Seems like this has been an issue on other systems especially with gamers but what I found never seemed to apply to my system so here I am....Can anyone please help?!?!?

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5 Replies

Oh also, originally with some driver versions it started with "intel driver quit responding or has recovered from an error" then soon after the system just started freezing instead.

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Does it crash/freeze while you are playing games? Or what do you do to trigger the issue?

Do you get an error message?

How did you determine this issue is caused by the graphics controller and not something else? Assuming that it was a coincidence the issue started after the Windows* Update.

This article may apply to you: Graphics Drivers — Errors Reported By Microsoft*

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hi joe,

Thanks for response. I'll try to answer all your questions and appreciate your help!

1) No game playing, just freezes randomly during web surfing, word processing, I haven't been able to find any correlations other than when I use the generic video adapter driver the freezing doesn't happen., that's what makes me think it's the graphics controller.

When windows 7 was installed the issue arose after a windows update. However once I reinstalled the OS and put Win 8 on the laptop it hasn't worked from the get go, via the graphics driver Windows installed nor via the driver that came with my utilities DVD or the driver via Dell's website.

Thanks for the link on the errors reported by Microsoft but I feel like I have tried all those things, except for the framework thing i'll try now if I can get that far without the thing freezing on me...

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I already had the latest version of Microsoft Framework installed....

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