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Intel HD 530 Graphics HDMI output not working with DVI monitors


On the request of the Intel Support Twitter team I'm posting this question here.

I have a Z170 motherboard with one HDMI output and one Displayport output and an i7 6700k CPU with Intel HD 530 graphics built in. I have three identical monitors with VGA and DVI inputs. When I connect any of these monitors to the motherboard's HDMI output with a high quality Belkin HDMI to DVI cable I don't get any picture on the monitor during boot up or in Windows. I've made sure I have the latest BIOS installed and I've made sure that the Intel graphics are enabled in BIOS by installing an Nvidia graphics card and using that to display the BIOS. I eventually want to setup a triple monitor system with two monitors connected to the Nvidia card and one connected to the motherboard's HDMI output. A very basic setup that I've seen work before with Intel motherboards that have VGA outputs.

All HDMI outputs should be compatible with all DVI-D single link or DVI-I monitors at compatible resolutions. All of my monitors work perfectly with my HDMI to DVI-D single link cables when used with my Nvidia card. They also work with multiple other systems with Nvidia and AMD graphics. None of them work with the Intel HDMI output. The Intel Graphics control panel doesn't even load or detect the monitors. However, if I use an HDMI to VGA converter to connect any of the same monitors up using their VGA input I do get a picture. Also, I recently tried connecting an EDID emulator to the Intel HDMI output and this enables the output and the Intel graphics control panel loads but no picture is transmitted through to the monitor. So it seems that the Intel HDMI output is somehow incompatible with at least some DVI-D monitors. I haven't seen any info about this incompatibility listed anywhere and so I've ended up with a £1000+ PC that isn't fit for it's intended purpose.

System specs:

Asus Maximus VIII Ranger motherboard (Z170)

Intel i7 6700k CPU

32GB Corsair RAM

Nvidia GTX 960 GPU

Corsiar RM850i PSU

Corsair H80iGT CPU cooler

Samsung 256GB M.2 SATA SSD

ViewSonic VG2030wm Monitors

I'm hoping Intel can explain why their HDMI implementation doesn't work the way it's supposed to and tell me how they're going to resolve this serious issue?

12 Replies

I would also like to hear on any possible solutions for outputs incompatible to the iGPU.

I'm a new owner of a Z170 board and a HD530. This mobo (Gigabyte Z170-HD3) has a DVI-D output and supports iGPU. I was going to run off this iGPU until I purchased my GPU upgrade (months away.) In the meantime, I have a Dual Link DVI-D monitor I purchased. The monitor only gets signal and goes through test screens, but it never posted boot or got any farther then the 'flashing colors' (test screen.)

As far as I can tell, every sign says that this mobo supports iGPU and the subsequent DVI-D output.

I'm using an OLD vga monitor to boot, and get this new computer up and running. But I would really like a solution that would allow me to use my new monitor. (http://http// QNIX QX2710 PLS)


Hi Carpe,

While we wait for Intel to get in on this I'll see if I can help you at all.

I'm not very familiar with Gigabyte motherboards but I know on my Asus board that the integrated graphics seem to be disabled by default. At least when you have a dedicated graphics card installed.

So there's the possibility that it could be disabled on your board even if you don't have a graphics card installed. Either that or you're encountering the same issue as me where the Intel graphics aren't compatible with some monitors.

The only way you can be sure is to install a graphics card and connect your monitor to that to allow you to get into the BIOS and find the option to enable the Intel graphics. Any old PCI-E graphics card would do. I don't know if that's something you could try?

Also, before I started this thread I asked the same question in an old thread which Intel have just responded to. So you may want to keep an eye on that here:


I have used my mobo output with an HDMI, and it worked. Originally I was using a VGA for bios access, while trying to get the DVI second screen to work. I read that, having some kind of "analog" dual screen setup wasn't compatible with iGPU. So I would need to see if I can use the confirmed HDMI connection to dual with a VGA, and to also test the configuration of the known working VGA (single) to dual with another analogo monitor that I know works by itself. But I am unable to test this second configuration as I'm missing a confirmed working DVI monitor in skngle setup.

this test cases could eliminate to problem if it its incompatible with DVI in total or if it's certain monitors.

I have also read that certain monitors (like my Korean QNIX) dont have some kind of on-board upscaler. It requires the GPU to do 100% of the worm. That is the reason why you might see on my monitors product page, a list of incompatible GPUs. I still bought it because many reported this list didn't hold up, and I especially considered the 6th genHD 530 CAPABLE of 1440 in terms of power. So I figured it would be able to do that 'upscaling'.

I don't know the technical accuracy of the above, but it's all I know and wanted to share.

Thanks for the reply nd link, I'll be keeping an eye on it. Fortunately, I might have a new 980ti coming in. In the meantime I might be able to scrum up a GPU, and give your test a try.

0 Kudos

Hi iDave and Carpe,



There is a compatible issue between the HDMI and DVI ports. DVI only supports Video no Audio. Now, if you want to connect 3 monitors, it is necessary to verify with your motherboard manufacturer, if hybrid graphics is supported.



I suggest you to try with the Display Port. Keep me posted with your findings.





Mike C


0 Kudos

Thanks Mike, I'm aware that most DVI connections don't support audio, although some do. I don't need any audio to get to my monitor. It would be nice to get some video signal though. That would be a good start.

My motherboard supports hybrid graphics and tat's one of the main reasons I purchased it. I can't get any signal from the HDMI output on my monitor even if that's the only monitor connected to the system. I've tried a passive display port to DVI adapter and that doesn't work either.

0 Kudos

I have found a thread where some users have been able to modify the Intel compatibility with monitors and tweak their output resolutions. [Official] The Qnix/X-Star 1440p Monitor Club - Page 1648

Here the user runs custom resolutions after modifying 'EDID', which may allow a 'single-link' connection run through your 'dual-link' cables, forcing compatibility. The EDID is the basic communication of monitor to mobo and vice versa. So they unlock that, and pass the parameters they want with CRU (Custom Resolution Utility). i.e. A user was able to output 1440 through HDMI/DVI, ALBEIT @35hz.

I would proceed with caution, I haven't verified the process. It looks technical in nature, but documented by those users. I might try this route to get my QNIX monitor to be identified and running (even at a lower Refresh Rate) and I'll let you know if any results I have.

This seems to have worked for many users, I'm surprised this hasn't been incorporated into the updates. Especially with many people able to hotfix it themselves. Or at least, with the date on that those forums ('14) that there haven't been some kind of vetting to the viability of the process.

EDIT1: Upon further research, I'm more convinced that the iGPU is not reading the EDID information from my monitor correctly. Will continue further. I need to;

1) Pull the EDID for not-working monitor (Working on it...)

2) Interpret said EDID info in DTD Calculator, producing Registry ready fix

3) Apply new resolutions, reboot, etc.

This is my summary of the link I posted above. If you follow the trail of links, you will find the DTD calculator, EDID info, etc. on the various forums. Once I get it working I may be able to provide a more thorough summary.

0 Kudos

Hi Carpe,

I think EDID may be something to do with this. I recently tried this EDID emulator:

When I connected it to the HDMI output on my motherboard the iGPU detected the emulator, enabled the output and allowed me to select what resolution and refresh rate I wanted to use. However, I still didn't get any video passed through to my monitor like I should. So the iGPU still seems to either be refusing to send video for some reason, or it's sending video but in a format that's not compatible with DVI. My guess is that maybe the output is fixed to the YCbCr color space rather than RGB. As far as I understand it, DVI is only compatible with RGB but HDMI can use YCbCr or RGB. My guess is that normally HDMI outputs either send both color space formats at the same time, or they detect what the monitor is compatible with and send the correct one. Either way, the Intel iGPU seems to be doing something wrong. I don't know if there's any way to force the iGPU to output in RGB?

When I connect my DVI monitor to the HDMI output without the EDID emulator between the two the iGPU doesn't detect anything and the output stays disabled. So the EDID emulator is definitely solving part of the problem for me.

0 Kudos

I've been doing some research into reading EDID info from monitors today and I stumbled across a piece of software called Monitor Asset Manager 2.9 available here: EnTech Taiwan | Utilities | Monitor Asset Manager

When I run this with two of my monitors connected to an nVidia card and one connected to the iGPU, MAM 2.9 reports that I have three monitors connected and displays what appears to be correct EDID info for all three. So the iGPU should know that it has a monitor connected to it, it just seems to be ignoring it.

The EDID info for the monitor connected to the iGPU is as follows:


Model name............... VG2030wm

Manufacturer............. ViewSonic

Plug and Play ID......... VSCA51E

Serial number............ ----------------------

Manufacture date......... 2006, ISO week 49

Filter driver............ None


EDID revision............ 1.3

Input signal type........ Digital

Color bit depth.......... Undefined

Display type............. RGB color

Screen size.............. 430 x 270 mm (20.0 in)

Power management......... Active off/sleep

Extension blocs.......... None


DDC/CI................... Not supported

Color characteristics

Default color space...... sRGB

Display gamma............ 2.20

Red chromaticity......... Rx 0.640 - Ry 0.352

Green chromaticity....... Gx 0.288 - Gy 0.628

Blue chromaticity........ Bx 0.147 - By 0.070

White point (default).... Wx 0.313 - Wy 0.329

Additional descriptors... None

Timing characteristics

Horizontal scan range.... 30-82kHz

Vertical scan range...... 50-75Hz

Video bandwidth.......... 170MHz

CVT standard............. Not supported

GTF standard............. Not supported

Additional descriptors... None

Preferred timing......... Yes

Native/preferred timing.. 1680x1050p at 60Hz (16:10)

Modeline............... "1680x1050" 146.250 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync

Standard timings supported

720 x 400p at 70Hz - IBM VGA

640 x 480p at 60Hz - IBM VGA

640 x 480p at 67Hz - Apple Mac II

640 x 480p at 72Hz - VESA

640 x 480p at 75Hz - VESA

800 x 600p at 56Hz - VESA

800 x 600p at 60Hz - VESA

800 x 600p at 72Hz - VESA

800 x 600p at 75Hz - VESA

832 x 624p at 75Hz - Apple Mac II

1024 x 768p at 60Hz - VESA

1024 x 768p at 70Hz - VESA

1024 x 768p at 75Hz - VESA

1280 x 1024p at 75Hz - VESA

1152 x 870p at 75Hz - Apple Mac II

1280 x 1024p at 60Hz - VESA STD

1280 x 960p at 60Hz - VESA STD

1152 x 864p at 75Hz - VESA STD

640 x 400p at 70Hz - VESA STD

Report information

Date generated........... 04/05/2016

Software revision........

Data source.............. Real-time 0x0012

Operating system......... 10.0.10586.2

Raw data






The info for the other two appears to be the same but with different serial numbers etc as you would expect.

0 Kudos

Hey iDave,

I come back with some success.

I have gotten my HD530 to output on DVI-D to my QNIX monitor. It's currently running at 2559x1440p@35Hz

I used the MonInfo utility to find my EDID Raw Data. Copy paste to notepad. Clean up the ',' and spaces. Copy.

QNIX 2710 Evolution II Raw EDID


(This number results in the following timings)

Note: Here you can see that with this, there is no established timings. Which is why I suspect this monitor wouldn't even turn on, even at a lower resolution. There is also the possibility that if the iGPU/mobo is not able to output Dual-Link DVI-D that the bandwidth of 1440p@60Hz exceeds single-link. So we need to 'downclock' this monitor's timing so it'll pass through a single-link.

So there's two possibility, that the monitor didn't function because it never established multiple timings for compatibility's sake, or there's a limitation on the cable/output of single-link. Let's troubleshoot to ex-out the limitation by bringing it into single-link capacity. So I need to shoot for @35Hz.

I brought this EDID info into the 'DTD Calculator' that a user 'Aaron' and other users have posted on multiple forums (Links: Intel Forum, AVS Forum) around the web. This utility seems to be user made, and it NOT associated with Intel. So there are obvious risks to writing to registry Custom Monitor timings/parameters; including monitor damage.

I managed to find post_19851324 confirmation of my exact monitor model working with previously posted DTD timings. So I was in luck that I didn't have to do the riskier approach (seemingly) of making custom timings within this DTD Calculator.

So I pasted those Dell U2711 DTD numbers into the DTD calculator, and clicked 'Reverse Intrepret'. Here's the timing results and expected refresh rate;

Where the pasted number is your Raw Data (cleaned up) from your EDID, or in my case, the number the user posted from his Dell U2711. After this, I would put it into Registry with 'Registry Hack'.

I still have the position/overscan to fix, and this tool comes with resources to fix that. (See the DTD calculator forum posts for more info.)

Here you can see that the timing parameters are on the left, and the expected Refresh Rate is in the bottom right. Someone before me had calculated this as the limit of a single-link DVI. Which is what I wanted. And why I was able to use the EDID posted on the Dell forum. Because we wanted the same timings. So you have to know your Hardware's limitations, and set the timings/resolution/refresh rate accordingly.

I even suspect that, the Dual-Link is still possible, and that I may be able to put out more my monitor's native (1440@60hz). But I haven't gotten that far yet. Right now, I am happy to be using the monitor, even if it's @35Hz. If with my research I come to find I won't be able to set the registry to 1440p@60hz (or beyond) then I also have the option of taking the resolution to 1080@__Hz. The lowering of resolution will allow me some headroom to up the refresh rate and still be within single-link capacity. This is what I would like to do next.

So, regarding your triple monitor setup. I would start with only the one monitor plugged to iGPU. The HDMI out. Try to find out if anyone has does custom timings on your exact model. So Google '*Model Name*, DTD' or something similiar.

That way you can see users who have taken the time and risk to tweak timings until it was just right.

Although at the resolution you're outputting I don't see why it wouldn't work. 1680x1050@60hz seems to be in the wheelhouse of HDMI.

Funnily enough I would first direct you to your BIOS and make sure the settings are available for you to run the graphics off your PCI1 slot and iGPU in tandem. I actually think I remember a thread where a user was having trouble getting this to work.

0 Kudos

Hi Carpe,

Congratulations on making some progress with this!

I'm not going to pretend that I understood much of what you just said because I didn't. I'm going to have to re-read your last post a couple of times I think. I understand bits though, so I'll see if I can reproduce some of your steps.

My monitor is 1680x1050@60Hz which should be below the maximum single link bandwidth. HDMI to DVI cables like as the one I'm trying to use are only single link, so I should be ok when it comes to bandwidth. So my issue could be related to a lack of timing data, similar to what you found. I'll have a play and get back to you.


0 Kudos


I managed to use the raw EDID from my monitor to get the interpreted info from DTD Calc. That gives me these timings:

Established Timings :

720 x 400 @ 70 Hz

640 x 480 @ 60 Hz

640 x 480 @ 67 Hz

640 x 480 @ 72 Hz

640 x 480 @ 75 Hz

800 x 600 @ 56 Hz

800 x 600 @ 60 Hz

800 x 600 @ 72 Hz

800 x 600 @ 75 Hz

832 x 624 @ 75 Hz

1024 x 768 @ 60 Hz

1024 x 768 @ 70 Hz

1024 x 768 @ 75 Hz

1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz

And this DTD:

21 39 90 30 62 1A 27 40 68 B0 36 00 B1 0E 11 00 00 1C

So I am at least getting some timings but the native resolution of my monitor isn't in the list. So I don't know if that's part of the problem. I would have thought that as long as the other timings are correct it would at least allow me to use one of the other resolutions but I don't know.

Here's the full DTD Calc output:

I'm not really sure what to do next.

0 Kudos

Well, off the bat I'll say I need to look into your situation just a bit more. But just as a forewarning, don't press the Registry Hack until you've confirmed what's going on. There's warning's abound, but I just want to double check that you don't proceed just yet. I think you're close though. Give me a second with this info and I'll see if i can help.

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