Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Intel HD Graphics 3000 resets to a resolution 1024x768 and nothing higher.


I have a Razer Blade 17" from 2011 it also has a nVidia GT 555m built into it. And for around 2 years they have been working just fine. I assume that a recent update is part of the problem but here is what happened.



I turned on my laptop the next day and noticed the boot sequence looked funny like the screen was split horizontally. When it started Windows 7 the login was split as well as the rest of windows afterwards. I thought that it was a driver issue with the nvidia card so I did everything under the sun to change the resolution but it only recognized 2 settings now, 800x600 and 1024x768. Nothing I do to the nvidia drivers changes anything.



4 hours of trouble shooting later I noticed that if I connect it to the HDMI (with my TV) is shows up fine on the TV. And if I uninstall the Intel HD graphics 3000 drivers completely, restart and let the generic take over I can get to 1280 without a horizontal split then update the driver to Intel HD Graphics 3000 and finally I can get back to 1920x1080. However as soon as my computer recovers from sleep or being powered off it gets reset to the unbearable max of 1024x768

Attached is a poor mans photo of the resolution split


Intel HD Graphics 3000 works till the computer is restarted.

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3 Replies

Thanks for joining the community.

I understand the screen video quality does not look normal. It works if you connect the computer through HDMI TV.

I regret to inform you that I do not have reports of other community members with similar issues after loading the latest video drivers for your graphics controller. This may prove that our latest generic drivers are working properly.

Please filter by operating system version and try to install the driver when it finishes downloading, to verify that your system will accept it.

Also, try updating Nvidia drivers from your computer manufacturer or Nvidia website.


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I have tried updating the drivers on both sets of video cards. my first attempt was through the computer manufacture site and then through the specified card manufacture sites. that is how I ended up here on this forum. the fact that this happens before POST and even in BIOS perplexes me even further.


by process of elimination (uninstalling drivers 1 at a time) I have at least narrowed it down to the Intel HD graphics 3000 drivers. or there is a possibility there is a conflict somewhere else but its not informing me of any conflicts.
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Thanks for getting back to our community.

At this stage, updating video drivers does not appear to work for your computer. This might be a hardware problem because you are saying this happen even in BIOS, please bear in mind the BIOS does not need any driver, I recommend checking for any warranty option with your computer manufacturer.


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