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Intel HD3000 on Samsung ATIV XE700T - XTU compatible?


The internet did not answer my question for a change! 2 questions to be exact, here we go;

The windows 8.1 tablet from Samsung (Samsung ATIV XE700T) has 2 versions one with HD4000 the other with HD3000, are the chipsets on these Intel Extreme Tuning compatible?

In the off chance that it works, and the information I have makes me believe that it should, how do I get past;

" Unable to start Intel Extreme Tuning Utility. If there is another performance tunin application running, you must close it before trying to start this application." ?

No performance tuning is running in the bacground.

Thanks in advance!


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1 Reply

Hi AltugAkman,

I am sorry to hear you are having problems with your system but let me help you.

The Intel® HD 3000 and the HD 4000 are compatibles with the XTU but on OEM systems this capability may not be available due to a limitations set by the computer manufactures.

I would recommend you checking with the computer manufacture to confirm if the system supports the Intel® XTU and if there is an option to enable this feature.

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