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My C&C Kane's Wrath / Windows 10 / 1920x1080 / Intel solution


I got a new PC last week, a HP laptop with Windows10 (home) and an Intel Core i5-6200U CPU 2.30GHz with 1920x1080 resolution. Its pretty awesome but i couldn't get one on my favorite games, Kane's wrath, to launch. I kept getting the error message: "Please make sure you have DirectX 9.0 or higher installed. Also verify that your video card meets the minimum requirements, and that you do not have hardware acceleration disabled in the Display control panel". I was really disappointed because i like that game and i actually went through hell trying to get it working. During the week i must have spent over 12 hrs trying EVERYTHING i could to get it working. Trying new DirectX-es, new resolutions, updating drivers, system restore, reading many different forums, etc etc. I must have loaded it and failed 100 times. LOL but the good news is that I've got it working and I'd like to share my solution with you because it seems like many others have, and will have, this headache.

Please don't be sour with Intel, I've been reading their forums and i would say their customer support has been very good and they have tried hard to fix other customer's similar problems.

Basically the first thing to understand is that it's not a DirectX issue but an Intel graphics driver issue. I tried many different versions of DirectX, to no effect. Basically the game already has the required DirectX 9 in the program folder:

ThisPC/windows(C:)/programs files (x86)/origin games/command conquer 3 kanes wrath/ directX

Double-click on the DXSETUP exe file and the DirectX that you need will be installed, or you could just download the latest DirectX for windows 10.

After reading many forums i came to understand that its a driver problem and i should try installing different Intel graphics drivers. I did, but still no change. After hours of messing about i realised something: The problem i was having was that i wasn't uninstalling the Intel graphics driver correctly before installing the new one.

So here's what worked for me:

1. go to Device Manager / display adapters / Intel HD Graphic 520 and right click.

2. choose Uninstall + tick the box "delete the driver software for this device", than click OK.

3. you will be asked to restart your PC but don't restart your PC! I have a suspicion that this re-installs the previous driver automatically or something like that.

4. Check that the Intel driver is uninstalled by right-clicking on the desktop and if there's no Intel control panel / graphics control panel or graphics options in the drop-down list than the driver has been correctly uninstalled. Display settings / Personalise is ok.

5. Go to the Intel website with the driver downloads. Download the driver that suits your PC. The driver that's working for me is:

6. Download it and double-click it to install. I found that clicking "update driver" in Device Manager didn't work for me and so i recommend that you double click on the driver that you downloaded.

7. restart your PC

8. Kane's Wrath should launch ok.

So that was my solution. Its been a very happy day for me and Kane's Wrath is now working smoothly and looking glorious with all specs maxed-out. I never knew the graphics quality of this game was so high!

Thought I'd write this solution in case someone has the same problem one day. I had a hard time figuring it out and almost gave up.

Good luck.

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