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Please help need help with chipset dl


I have an asus p6t mobo. I'm using vista 64 and need to reinstall windows. I went to asus website to get their newest intel drivers and their old. I cant seem to find the drivers for my mobo. They are the x58 / ICH10r chipset drivers. I tried DL the intel utility and it did not help wit this issue. The current ones I have are v9.1.0.1007 and I'm confused. As I think I need "INF" drivers or chiset drivers and when i go on intels site and select all my specs I dont see INF i see 2 types.

1st is a "64-bit RST driver files for F6 Install" and second is "Intel Rapid Storage Technology". Could someone please help me.

Lastly, would these new drivers I have to get work with windows 7 64 bit as well as Vista 64?



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3 Replies


I am not really sure what you need, all the drivers for your motherboard are on the asus support site:

Then select from the drop down menu motherboard then LGA1366 and then P6T

They also have VIsta dirvers.

I still don't really understand though what oyu want to acheive, are you doing a fresh install of teh OS?or are you trying to just update your current ones? are oyu trying to install the OS on RAID or AHCI?


thanks for the help.

I understand and already know that the drivers are available via Asus (prob is stuff off asus site is often out of date or not the newest). So I just wanted to know how would i figure out which x58 driver for vista 64 i would need either to update or when doing a fresh install. Do u think its worth updating them once u have them running of the asus site? or does it only make sense in a fresh install and from what i read ud want to only use the RAID drivers and needless to say i dont need the "floppy" drivers as I dont have a floppy drive. So basically I was just wondering when would one need these drivers and do the RAID drivers have to be installed pre OS? (as i very soon plan to upgrade to win 7 64)

Thanks again,


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Once you have the system running, personally I would just let win update update the drivers once there is a new version available. You could in theory install a generic driver form the Intel site, but it is usually recommended that you use the driver form the motherboards website, as these have been validated by the manufacturer of the motherboard. If you are going to install the OS on a RAID volume, then yes I would install the RAID/controller driver during the installation, even though with 7 and Vista you don't usually have to because they have generic drivers and therefore you can update it afterwards, but still I prefer to install the driver during the installation. For vista and 7 you don't need a floppy drive you can just put it on a pen drive and then when you get to the HDD partition part there is the option for have disk/other drivers or something like that and you will be able to install the driver from the pen drive. BTW you do not need the RAID drivers if you are simply installing a 64 windows NOT on a RAID volume.

Hope that helps

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