Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Problem with WPF and Intel HD 3000 Graphics


I am a WPF developer and have expereinced a unique issue with my program using a Lenovo W520 equiped with a i7-2760QM. While most WPF programs work fine, I have found that using virtualization of the visual objects, a common technique to keep the video memory low, causes a painfully slow experience. From my observations, the default memory allocation is set at 64MB and dynamically grows as needed. The problem I have been expereincing is when the visual for the objects is created, the driver is very slow to allocate memory for the visual causing a significant lag when trying to scroll through objects.

Is there anyway from the driver level, since Lenovo doesn't have an option in the BIOS to increase the minimum limit, to up the allocation to 128MB or notify the driver to request a larger memory pool for the application before loading the data?

To replicate this problem, you can use the Telerik WPF demos ( and select the Gantt View example "Scrolling Performance".

It looks pretty bad when a three year old notebook renders the same program faster than this current quad-core beast.

Thanks in advance,


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2 Replies

As far as I have kept track of, no. I also have this issue with the integrated graphics, different programs and manufactuers however If it isn't in the Bios (and most brand name laptop Bios' are very limited in configurability. Some brands have added different settings (say 64-128 for example) But mine doesn't and doubt yours does either.

Many have asked Intel to provide some means to change this, but usually just get the same "no need as it is dynamically allocated when needed...yes we all know..however we want a choice for those apps/games that aren't optimized or coded correctly. The most common issue though here is with gamers, as many games look for total dedicated ram, instead of total usable ram, limiting you from even installing an older game that should by all means not tax the integrated graphics much because it reports you have a total of 64 MB ram to work with and laughs at you while telling you to buy a pc built in the last 8 years..except this is one..

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I had the same issue, found this thread then found the actual fix. It's not a problem with the hd3000, but a .net issue.

There's a MS hotfix for .net as well as some code in there you can plug in to your app which fixes some UIAutomation nastiness. It works....but wow what a time waste.

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