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20948 Discussions

Texture not sharing between context - hd530



I'm facing what seems to be an OpenGL context sharing issue between context on intel HD530.

System Setup Information:
DELL Precision Tower 3620
Windows10 Enterprise  10.0.10240 Build 10240
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 530
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600

Steps to Reproduce:
Replay attached intelHD530.trace using APITrace (

Expected Results:
Rendering should be red

Actual Results:
Rendering is black

Additional Information:
This is a Qt based application which embed our 3D Engine. Qt create a context with id 0x10003 which is the context of the window and a context 0x10004, shared with 0x10003 in which our rendering is done. One can see calls to wglCreateContextAttribsARB() in frame 0.
The idea is that context 0x10004 do rendering in an FBO inside a color texture with id 1. At the end of frame, context 0x10003 is bound, texture 1 is bound and a quad is drew to blit result on main window.

We can see in frame 0 at some point wglMakeCurrent(0x10004) followed by glClearColor(1, 0, 0, 1) and glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT). At this point framebuffer is red and texture 1 is properly attached to FBO.

Later, wglMakeCurrent(0x10003) is called. Shaders and stuff are initialized and after call to glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE2D, 1), texture seems not initialized in this context (GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT is 0, ...). As a consequence, the glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6) render a black quad instead of red one.

It is not very clear if issue comes from Qt or from Intel but the trace seems valid and the application that generate this trace works correctly on other GPU (HD4600, Nvidia Quadro, ...). Any help will be greatly appreciated 🙂

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