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Unsolvable 3D performance issue with windows 10 UA / FPS drops / Intel HD 620


Hi everyone !

I really need your help for fixing this unsolvable issue I'm having with my Zenbook UX330UA.

It seriously nonsense and after trying a bunch of solutions found on the internet, right now I'm clueless and don't know where to look at. I tried posting in the gaming sub and on reddit but so far no luck. I'm posting here because after my days and days of investigation I came to think that it wasn't a gaming related (First though it was a bug related to CSGO but it's larger than that and concerns all 3D activities.)

A little of back story before to start.

UX330UA with core I5 7200U / Intel HD Graphics 620/ 8GB ram/ 512 GB SSD/ 1080p display

Clean install of vanilla windows 10 UA, currently up to date. Graphics drivers up to date and bios fw up to date.

You can consider my system clean and not filled with junk as I just installed the basic softwares (Words, Winrar, Adobe Reader, Skype, Chrome ...)

I installed Steam and only downloaded CSGO.

This is when I found out I couldn't play more than 2 mins before experiencing regular FPS drops. CSGO runs at 70+ FPS when everything is normal and is super smooth then intermittently every 3 mins I'll get FPS drops under 10 FPS for 10 seconds before coming back to normal and super smooth.

I discovered online they was a known FPS drops issue with CSGO and Windows 10 that Steam officially addressed (solution is turning off Xbox DVR in windows 10) Disabling Xbox DVR in Windows 10 - Documentation - Knowledge Base - Steam Support

It didn't solve the problem.

I continued to dig in the internet in search of a solution and I found this, that seemed to fix the FPS drops issue for some people. Basically flushing out all the settings of CSGO by deleting 2 folders in Steam directory. CS:GO - Getting FPS drops? Maybe This Will Help! - YouTube

I guess it was more meant for people who aggressively tweaked their game, It didn't change anything for me since I had just installed CSGO and didn't set up any launch command or whatever.

I found that "silly" solution suggested by a redditor that consisted on deleting Steam DirectX folder in order to re-download the directX files next time I launch the game. After doing so I ran a game integrity check (Steam option) that came up ok but it didn't fix my FPS drops. Fixed CS:GO fps drops on Windows 10 : GlobalOffensive

At that point I decided to uninstall the game along with these folders to completely start from scratch :

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\XXXXXX\730

Reinstalled the game, ran an integrity checkup which came up with no missing files.

Launched the game, Steam installed DirectX files and after 2mins in the menu FPS dropped below 10 again

Up to that point I was focused on CSGO since there were a known issue similar to mine that many people faced but then I started considering that it might be windows or hardware related.

So I downloaded OCCT and ran a 3D GPU test and I noticed that every time the CPU temperature reached out 70° it caused FPS to drop around 10 FPS exactly when I'm gaming. Even the 3D animation lagged exactly when I'm gaming. This is it, this is a heating issue, basic throttling issue ...

I download notebook fan control and set RTM at 100%. The fan is loudly blowing, I lunch CSGO, CPU temp stays ultra cool at 50° so I'm like I fixed the heating issue only to see yet again FPS drops ! I really don't get it. The graph says it's a heating issue !

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12 Replies

Find attached the dxdiag and dispdiag files

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Hello Arese,



Thank you for contacting Intel Communities.



Can you please try this graphics driver from the manufacturer's website? This because I noticed you are using a different graphics driver version (21.20.0016.4627).



We recommend that you obtain and use the software/driver provided by your computer manufacturer. Each computer manufacturer may have altered the features, incorporated customization or made other changes to the software or software packaging for their product.



In case that you keep on having issues, please try a manual installation of this driver



The software/driver provided by Intel is a generic version and has not been verified by your computer manufacturer as to compatibility or other operation. Intel or the computer manufacturer may not provide technical support for some or all issues that could arise from the usage of this software.



Please also verify the power plan under power options is set to "High Performance".



Please let me know how it goes.





Juan Carlos
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Hi Carlos thanks for taking time reviewing my issue.

So as you recommended me I installed the Graphics drivers VGA_Intel_Kabylake_Win10_64_VER2120164481 you linked from the manufacturer's website but still dropping below 10 FPS every 3min.

Then I manually updated Graphics's drivers with the second zip you linked to me win64_154516.4627 following those instructions How to Manually Install a Graphics Driver in Windows 7*

Still experiencing the exact same issue. Here's a video if you want to see live the problem.

FPS drops starts 41s in the video CSGO FPS drops on Asus UX330UAK - YouTube

Thanks again for your help

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Hey something weird just happened.

Windows 10 automatically updated my Graphics driver without asking me.

He installed these ones. Why Windows would do that on its own ?

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Hi Arese,

That is because of the configuration you have for Windows Updates, it continuously looks for updates and installs them automatically.

Can you please provide the following information to further investigate the issue?

Power plan selected, i.e: balanced, high performance, etc.:

/thread/77761 Default level information for reporting Graphics issues (from this, you can disregard the DispDiag and DxDiag as you provided them already) Report for Intel® Graphics Drivers

I hope to hear from you soon.



0 Kudos

Hi JC,

Yes I'm aware of windows update continuously updating drivers but it actually didn't update them but downgraded from version to as you can see on my screencapture above. This is curious don't you think ?

Please find below and attached the information you requested.

Power plan selected in windows High performance.



Answers (N/A if not applicable)


Provide a detailed description of the issue

Please place an X to the right of the option showing how often you see this issue using specific steps. (Ex: 'Every few times a game is started it flickers.' <- This would be "Often")<p> 

Always (100%): X

Often (51-99%):

Sporadic (20-50%):

Very Sporadic (<20%):

Hardware (HW)

Brand and Model of the system.

Asus Zenbook UX330UAK

Hybrid or switchable graphics system?


ie Does it have AMD or NV graphics too?

No dedicated Graphic cards.

Make and model of any Displays that are used to see the issue (see note2 below). 

LFP = Local Flat Panel (Laptop panel)


<span style="font-style: inherit; font-size: 13.3333px; font-family: intel-clear, arial, helvetica, 'helvetica neue', verdana, sans-se...
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Hi Arese,



To be honest, I couldn't tell why Windows Updates chose that specific graphics driver version.



I would like to suggest one more configuration:,%20up%20to%203.10%20GHz) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive recommended settings



Please let me know how it goes.





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I think you would have came to the conclusion that it wasn't a graphic configuration issue since my machine is more than capable of running CSGO. Not mentioning the video I posted just above that shows how the game is running smoothly when the bug isn't happening.

But I tried the graphic configuration you suggested anyway and as expected didn't fix my problem..

Plus I also mentioned in my first post that the issue not only happens when playing CSGO but also when running a 3D GPU test which implies that this is not only related to CSGO but to a 3D bug.

I'd rather pick up your mind on the following questions

- Based on my OCCT GPU test, what the chart I posted tells you ?

- I feel it is somehow related to a heating issue what do you think would it be possible ?

- Does the Intel HD 620 have a temperature sensor ? If yes how can I monitor it ?

- Regarding my MSI afterburner screencap, what does the GPU usage chart inspire you ? I think the GPU usage maxes out when it happens, what do you think about that ?

Many thanks for any insight you may have

0 Kudos

Hello Arese,



The recommended settings were only for testing purposes before I could send this information to the corresponding team for investigation.



Since the graphics controller is built in the processor, any software to monitor the processor's temperature will work.


I wouldn't think this is related to a heating issue as you may experience some other issues, please check the articles below for further information: Frequently Asked Questions about Temperature for Intel® Desktop and Mobile Processors Computer Is Overheating Warning Signs



As mentioned before, since you have provided all the information requested and done the suggested troubleshooting, I will send this to the proper department.



Once further information is available, it will be posted here.



Best Regards,


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Oh the graphic controller is literally built in the CPU, good to know I though it was separate chip soldered on the motherboard.

Thanks for the reading material it's very interesting.

Yes true I don't have the usual issues related to a heating problem. This whole thing doesn't make any sense.

Thanks for sending this to the investigation team. I'm really looking forward to hearing their conclusion

Talk to you soon

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Here's another video with on-screen hardware monitoring stat if it's of any help.

Look at the pattern.

GPU temp hits 76 degrees

FPS drops

Then when GPU temp decrease around 55 degrees everything go back to normal til the GPU temp hits again 76 degrees. Asus UX330UAK insane and inexplicable FPS drops in 3D games - YouTube

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Hello Arese,



Sorry for the delay.



After further investigations and testing, we were unable to replicate the issue.



At this point, the recommendation is to contact the system manufacturer.



Please don't hesitate in contacting us back if you need further assistance.





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