Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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What is the real meaning of an integrated graphics processor?


I was looking up the specifications of a central processing unit I needed to buy for an upgrade and then I noticed that in the product description of the processor they had indicated Intel HD Graphics 500. This raises the question of how can an onboard iGPU be switchable unless the graphics processor is inbuilt into the CPU itself.

So my questions are:

  • Does changing a processor change the iGPU if its CPU inbuilt?
  • How do you know if your onboard graphics processor is on the motherboard or inside the CPU?

I also noticed several websites associating certain processors with the onboard graphics processor, for example an i7-3770 uses an Intel HD graphics 4000 and an i5-3570 uses an Intel HD Graphics 2500. So if a user decides to remove the i5 and replace it with the i7 will the graphics change too?

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