Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21222 Discussions

Windows* 7 Driver (32-bit) - Version 1091 - Intel® GMA 3600


Hello again everyone. Following in the same spirit as the last Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 3600 driver feedback thread, I'm making a new one to announce our latest driver release. Version 1091 just went live today, and I would again like to ask everyone to provide constructive feedback on it.

The link to the download is here; Download Center

The same rules apply for this thread as did apply for the last one. This thread is dedicated specifically to this driver and the feedback for this driver. This thread is not a discussion place for Windows* 8 GMA 3600 driver questions/complaints, nor is it for Windows* 7 GMA (64-bit) driver requests/complaints. Any such comments will be promptly deleted. However, please feel free to use any of the already-existing threads of that topic to discuss and provide feedback there.

Along with the feedback, if there are any new issues that resulted from the new driver, please provide detailed information on where you saw them, how it happened, and what steps to reproduce.

Thank you,


168 Replies

Hi, so can you say to Microsoft to use your best Imagination Technologies on Windows 7? Becouse its very ugly see part of windows when move the other windows. And i have just disable the Aero graphics. I've to buy a lot of this cpu/gpu, but i can't buy whit this situation. If this is the final status of the driver, Intel can tell what product can be replace this!

0 Kudos

Ty for the extra info alasdair555, If I knew that the support for this driver would have been so poor....

Anyway, they have no excuse for not trying to improve the driver to increase the performance, they promised 15% up (and I got 15% down), they promised 1080p reproduction and not 10180p slideshows (you get gma help only for certain type of videos) , so at least give me a bit more general peformance and better video reproduction.

At least smooth video watching would be nice, even from video players, with a downloaded video, everytime I touch something I get video errors and artifacts.

From What I understood, this hardware ha good potentialities and it's a shame that it's not exploited well.

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Valued Contributor II

I can't see the GMA 3600/3650 being fixed in the future, it's likely it'll be left to fade away when the new Silvermont arrives to take over in the SFF sector, and it'll be like it never existed unfortunately.

None of the Intel PowerVR IGP based chipsets have ever been right, even Clover Trail is pretty buggy for anything other than basic use under Windows 8.

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I'm actually fine with it dying off as long as they do a proper job with the next one. So I won't be selling 6000 of these, so what. It's still better than radeon drivers...

0 Kudos

"still better than radeon drivers"? Are you kidding? AMD provides driver support even for 6 year old graphics cards in Windows 8 (Radeon HD 2000 series), regularly provides beta drivers and addresses bugs faster than any other hardware provider I know of.


Intel cannot even manage to provide Windows 8 drivers for a device still being sold!


0 Kudos

One word "Eyefinity."

I guess that needs some explanation. My OS of choice is WES7, and I am partial to IBASE hardware. Most of my boxes are Intel graphics, but some of them, the ones in big embarrassing to go wrong places, have intel cpu's and Radeon graphics like the E6760.

Eyefinity drivers go to piece the moment you touch anything.

1 monitor loses power, bang.

1 monitor comes back, you're probably okay.

3 or more come back at the same time and it never gets over it.

AMD solution (probably needs an NDA) Oh, just run this application to keep the settings. Indeed, it works, but its window based, you have to run it every time and this particular problem child is 2 hours on the Nozomi away. Not a solution, not even a biscuit.

0 Kudos

Just to report a lot of 3d games have artifacts, like arbalith 1 and 2, even if the game works perfectly (at least the first episode), the main character is displayed grey with no polygon coverings (skinns), therest looks ok.

Many gamemaker games don't work.

Raldon 3X a rpg maker game works ok in window, but it flickers crazy in full-screen mode.

Anyway, if someone still tries to play with this driver, well i discovered that many games that otherwise would freeze and force to an hard reset, work with a program called D3DWindower, I hope this info will be useful to someone.

0 Kudos

When, at last, will intel release a feasible driver for this "graphic card"?

0 Kudos

So I guess this is the part where Intel moves on to greener pastures, and us unfortunate Cedar Trail platform owners get the "Thank you for your business." closing words from a corporate blunder that should never have seen the light of day.

I wish Nic from Intel would at least come forward with an honest reply that no more engineers/programmers are working on improving the performance of the driver for this hardware, instead of giving us false hope that something good will ever come out of a platform that has been doomed to failure from the start.

With these words, death to the netbook moniker finally gets its justified calling. And hoping that ultrabooks do not suffer the same fate as its predecessor did.

0 Kudos

It has issues with stutter in games which is very annoying and if the resoultion could be raised it would be great because the higher my resoultion the better games and everything works

0 Kudos


This driver still does not provide any improvement in simple 2D screen drawing, as others have mentioned. I use (or at least I attempt to use) a very simple charting/moving map software for aviation called Voyager (the trial version is downloadable from Seattle Avionics if someone needs to test). Performance on a 10 year old PC with an old 256MB AGP graphics card is perfect, but on my N2800/GMA3600 it is unusable. The application simply updates a 2D image about once a second (depending on the frequency of the position updates from the GPS). On the GMA3600 the screen redraw takes so long that the application goes unresponsive waiting for it to complete.

0 Kudos

I report these errors or bugs.

The driver is not able to use the WebGL. it says that the system and that CSS3D is not supported or that the driver is too old, I have no problems on GMA 3150.

I cant install Visual C++ 2005, at some point it gives me an error about the X86 architetture.

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5,209 Views Station-Drivers - Intel (Chipset)

I found this site with the drive of Atom z2760 (clove trail) and i saw that


the drive has de same names but i can´t install them.

Can someone mod this drive to work on GMA3600?

sorry for my english!!!

0 Kudos

I discovered these 2 problems, one about Direct X web Installation, and the other about Visual Basic C++

I had an error while installing direct x web, and got a run-time error cause Visual Basic C++ during the execution of a program.

Here is the log about the Direct X Web installation.

"module: DXWSetup(Sep 4 2009), file: psheets.cpp, line: 472, function: PreinstDlgProc

CDXWSetup::InitInstallEngine() failed."

0 Kudos

Many games and programs that I tried have this problem, they load for some time and then give me this error: "Failed to initialize drawnig surfaces".

0 Kudos

I have the intel N2600 GMA 3600 and i´m using Windows 8.1 and i tested the new driver (1096) and it has better performance than 1091 but it still has same problem with Windows 8 and 8.1. Crash and Blue screen when i try to use the metro!!!

The problem: VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE (igdkmd32.sys)

I´m glad to now that you didn´t forget the consumers but why don´t you fix this problem???

And I have a i3 Graphic HD 4000 (drive v3308) with Windows 8.1 that i can´t update to v3345, it

claiming incompatibility!!!

Bottom line: I have two problems with intel and I´m not see you repairing this.

Why don´t you do your job???? WHY????

Definitely my next processor is an AMD.

0 Kudos

Hello, I am having a problem with the latest driver, the 1096 version. Whenever i install it , an error always occurs. It says "Error occurred while registering one or more components". Help please?

By the way, I have a Lenovo S110 with N2800 processor and 2gb ddr3 ram. Windows 7 32 bit.

Message was edited by: Ejandra Dimacali

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

I tried out the newest 1096 driver, and I came out mostly unimpressed. There have been a few performance improvements in older DirectX games. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 is now playable in hardware mode, but there's still that ugly polygon morphing hanging around. I believe I got some additional FPS in School Tycoon and X-Men Legends 2 as well. I haven't tried a lot of apps with the new driver, but so far, it looks like no bugs have been fixed. Everything that annoyed me about the 1091 driver is still present in the 1096 driver. I still can't record OpenGL apps with FRAPS, Civ 4 Colonization still has rendering corruption, and mipmapping is still screwed up, to name a few things. I have 3 suggestions for whoever's working on this driver.

1. (This is for you, Nic) Start a new thread for the 1096 driver, so those who don't know it exists will find out about it.

2. Be more detailed in the release notes. The only thing that is claimed to be fixed is screen tearing in Google Earth. I don't use Google Earth, but I've certainly seen small improvements elsewhere.

3. Actually fix bugs. It's been 2 years since Cedar Trail was released and the situation isn't any better than day one. We need DirectX 10.1 support for Flash video acceleration, we need more responsive drivers, and most importantly, we need a response from Intel.

Oh, by the way, I was invited to be a closed beta tester for an upcoming game called Quantum Rush. It runs slower than molasses climbing up a Siberian flagpole in January on the lowest possible settings. I don't know what the developers are aiming for for their bottom line as far as system requirements go, but this is ridiculous!


The playability of the freeware game "Slender" (which uses very simple 3D graphics) is very, very limited: the game is very slow, and there is a drastic bug with the lighting.

I have no idea how to get technical information about this failure, because the game does not report any errors (damn exception handling ). What can I do to get at least a log?

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New Contributor I

Has anyone else noticed that all video decoding seems to be fixed in the new 1096 driver? I've been using it for a while now and I just realized that I haven't seen any corruption since I updated. I don't work with a lot with HD content, but I can watch a 22 Mbps H.264 720p video flawlessly in Windows Media Player and MPC-HC (in windowed mode; I think there's a non-Intel bug that reduces performance in fullscreen mode).

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Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\AzisNaufal>cd avm


Window ID: 00050582

extension WGL_ARB_make_current_read was not found

-- FrameBuffer::initialize

-- FrameBuffer::initialize - new FrameBuffer

-- FrameBuffer::initialize - eglGetDisplay

-- FrameBuffer::initialize - eglGetDisplay returns

-- FrameBuffer::initialize - eglInitialize

-- FrameBuffer::initialize - eglChooseConfig

-- FrameBuffer::initialize - eglCreateContext

Failed to create pbuf surface for FB 0x3004

Unable to setup SubWindow


If intel fix that opengl bug, I can play with Bluestacks

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