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hotkeys problem; driver version



OS: win 8.1 x64; driver version

I guess I've stumbled upon a pretty annoying bug, which I'd like to report. The problem only surfaced after the last time Windows updated the Intel Graphics software, so I assume the problem didn't exist in the previous versions.

The hotkeys that the software sets by default function globally, so no other software is able to utilize them unless they're disabled from the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel. The problem is that even if the hotkeys are indeed disabled from there, they remain bound to the Intel Software, and -- even though the said software itself doesn't use them anymore -- there's no way to use them elsewhere.

I've temporally circumvented that by deleting everything related to the hotkeys from [HKEY_USERS\*\Software\Intel\Display\igfxcui\HotKeys] (binary values with hex data).

Also, just out of curiosity, I've got a question: there's a dword value in the same branch named "HotKeyState", doesn't anyone know what it's supposed to do? It's value data is 1, and it gets reverted to 1 even if changed to 0 or something else. Just to clarify, I ask this because initially I thought that the value in question might be the culprit.

11 Replies

Thanks for joining the graphics community.

Thank you for reporting this matter with latest video drivers 3621. I will report this to our engineering department.

I regret to inform you that Intel does not work with registry entries, you will need to check for future post of another community members that may help with registry for your case.


0 Kudos

If I get it correctly, you mean that Intel doesn't provide consultation on whatever registry entries set by (and pertaining to) Intel software?

0 Kudos

Yes, that is correct; Intel does not provide assistance for this matter. I recommend waiting for another community member to post any information for you.


0 Kudos


Update on the CUI HotKey functionality:

If Hot Key is enabled, it does CUI operation - for e.g. "Screen Orientation". It is a system wide behavior regardless of the application user is currently in. Also, when the Hotkeys are disabled, it cannot be released for use in another application as we cannot register the same keys back.

Resolution / Workaround:

1. When a user wants to use a particular hotkey combination, for example "Ctrl+Alt+UpArrow", rename the key to any other key combination e.g. "Ctrl+Alt+U". Now the "Ctrl+Alt+UpArrow" will get unregistered and will be released to be used in any user applications. 2. Other option is to kill the Hotkey manager process (igfxHK.exe) from task manger. This will release the keys that can in turn be used in users application.

Let me know if this helps.

0 Kudos

I do understand that Intel is supposed to provide some sort of solution to any given problem, and I do understand that such a solution isn't supposed to be tailored to individual users, and I do understand that this is a generic reply to all threads mentioning this problem, but anyway, I can't resist getting a bit curmudgeonly, so I'll say the solution provided seems no less problematic than the problem itself.

Personally, I see little point in this solution. As I reported earlier, I simply deleted the relevant entries from the branch the driver creates in the registry, which solved the problem immediately (well, after a re-login, to be precise). If I can delete those entries, thus successfully releasing the hotkeys for system-wide use, why would I kill the process itself or prevent it from running or whatever, let alone invent some hotkey combinations that do not conflict with anything else? Also, this way I can, for example, disable some of the hotkeys while leaving the others in place.

I don't think I'm really willing to buy the part stating that "Also, when the Hotkeys are disabled, it cannot be released for use in another application as we cannot register the same keys back.", as in the previous versions of the driver that functionality worked without a hitch.

Anyway, thank you for at least paying attention to the problem -- this fact leaves some hope that maybe it will be solved at a later time in a meaningful way.

0 Kudos

Could you please confirm in which driver version the hotkey functionality worked without any hindrance (hotkeys being released to other application use after disabling it)

All that I tried to explain was if we need to use a hot-key in other apps, we need to:

  • Rename the hot-key in CUI. Eg: Renaming Ctrl+Alt+UpArrow


    as Ctrl+Alt+U OR
  • Kill the Hot-key manager service (in Task Manager).

"If I can delete those entries, thus successfully releasing the hotkeys for system-wide use, why would I kill the process.." ->Probably you got it wrong. I meant, rename the entries OR kill the process. It's not both.

0 Kudos

I can't provide the driver version; even if I were going to figure that out, the oldest version available for download is, which is also affected. So, well, the answer is "some version before that".

Whatever entries I was talking about in my previous post were the registry entries relevant to the problem (on which matter Intel won't, as we've already got to know, provide assistance), NOT the entries in CUI. What I tried to explain was that disabling the hotkeys in question by deleting their entries from the registry seemed to me way more convenient than changing the existing combinations in CUI to some new ones, which may, in turn, conflict with something else.

By stating "If I can delete those entries, thus successfully releasing the hotkeys for system-wide use, why would I kill the process..." I only meant the following: "If I have a more convenient option available, why would I use a less convenient one." Again, I only meant the registry entries.

0 Kudos

@ S.A., Have you tried configuring Hot Keys in the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel? Was it effective?



0 Kudos

If what you ask is whether I tried to substitute the hotkeys set by default with some other combinations, then the answer is "no", as that is not what I'm interested in, nor does it have anything to do with solving the problem. The problem is that the driver won't release the hotkey combinations even though the hotkeys are disabled.

The way it used to work is the following: you disable the hotkeys and from then on they are available for system-wide use (except for Ctrl+Alt+F8, which was reserved for restoring graphics defaults); now it doesn't work that way any longer. If this new behavior is "by design", then OK, be it so, even though I don't think it's a terrific idea. If it's indeed a bug, the I'd expect to see it fixed in the future.

Anyway, I've long since figured out how to work my way around this problem, so a I'm a bit at a loss to understand what it is exactly that we're trying to arrive at here.

0 Kudos

@ S.A. Got it, thanks for the follow-up. I misunderstood your question. I will post an update once the issue is fixed.



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