Intel® ARC™ Graphics
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Drivers for Ghost Recon Wildlands - ARC desktop graphics



since upgrading my GPU to Intel ARC A770 I cannot play Ghost Recon Wildlands anymore. It is as any other DX11 game that has not been optimized yet. I think this games bad performance on ARC GPUs is a generally known problem so I won't be uploading any performance metrics.

Other than that, running the game with DXVK API doesn't improve performance enough for me to ignore the issue.


Best regards


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6 Replies

Hi Grega125,


Thank you for posting in Intel Communities.


We know how dispiriting it is to not be able to play a game that we assume you are playing a lot before particularly if you are fond with tactical shooters. We will work with you to resolve the issue.


Before we proceed further, we would like to inform you that we are already investigating the problem. We will revert to you once we have updates.


While we are checking this, kindly provide the following information:

1. It would really help us if we can get more information about your system. Please download and run our Intel® System Support Utility from this page, To run it, please press "Scan". After the scan is finished, click next and there will be a save button, giving you an option to save the logs to a text file, please do so and attach the file on your reply. You can refer to How to get the Intel® System Support Utility Logs on Windows* for instructions.

2. Graphics Settings that you have for the game. Screenshots of the graphics settings will be much appreciated.

3. Just to confirm, is your Rebar Enabled?

4. For documentation purposes, may we know the brand, model and wattage of your power supply?




Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel® Customer Support Technician

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The report is attached below. I'm using a Thermaltake M750W PSU. Rebar is enabled. I want to max out the graphics settings on the game at 1080p with 130-150% res scaling. This card should be capable of achieving that.

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Hi Grega125,

Thank you for your response.


We would appreciate it, if you can also provide the following:


1. Screenshots of your in-game graphics settings for Ghost Recon: Wildlands

2. What is the average FPS that you are getting in your current setting?




Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel® Customer Support Technician 

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Hi Grega125,

I wanted to check if you had the chance to review the questions I posted. Please let me know at your earliest convenience so that we can determine the best course of action to resolve this matter.

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hi Grega125, 

We need to close this thread since we have not gotten a response from you: maybe because you are busy or preoccupied at the moment. We know that this is important for you to get it resolved and it is also equally important for us to give you the right solution; as much as we would like to assist you, we need to close it to attend to other customers. 

We hope for your consideration and understanding on this one.

If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer being monitored.

Thank you for contacting Intel® and have a great week!

Best Regards,

Alfred S

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos


I don't have the game installed currently so I can't give you the screenshots. But I used max graphics settings and got varying FPS 30-70. I got the lowest FPS when in towns and highest FPS when looking towards places with least geometry. Max FPS when looking towards the sky. Both the CPU and GPU were at similar usage around 50-70%. When I used resolution scaling at 150% the GPU usage was considerably higher, which would indicate a CPU bottleneck. I have seen similar reports for other games that have not yet been optimized for. Basically I would need a top of the line CPU to get a stable FPS.


Best regards,


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