Intel® ARC™ Graphics
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Hola, acabo de comprar un monitor de la marca Gigabyte g24f-2 el cual alcanza 165Hz, al conectarlo a mi laptop, no me aparece la opcion para subir los Hz, lo intente desde **INTEL ARC CONTROL** pero no me deja, me sale que no es compatible, cuando claramente si es, ya que en el centro de comando de graficos intel, si me lo detecta como posible, adjunto imagenes ARC CONTROLARC CONTROLcentro de comando de graficos intelcentro de comando de graficos intel

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3 Replies

Hello SeaGoldfish677

Tenga en cuenta que solo puedo apoyarlo en inglés, he utilizado una herramienta de traducción web para traducir esta respuesta, por lo tanto, puede haber alguna traducción inexacta

Thank you for posting on the Intel Communities.

Something that is not clear based on your screenshot is whether you only want to increase the monitor's refresh rate to 165Hz or if you are looking to use Variable Refresh Rate(VRR), could you please let us know?

In case you want to use a Variable Refresh Rate you will need to use a DP connection since it is not available through HDMI and if you only want to increase the refresh rate you can do it through Windows following their guide:

Change the refresh rate on your monitor in Windows

If you meet the requirements to run VRR or if the 165Hz does not show up in the Windows configuration there might be a limitation coming from the laptop video interface/hardware, so please share with us a report from the Intel® System Support Utility so we can check more details of your hardware configuration.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hello SeaGoldfish677

Please let us know if you were able to perform the advised troubleshooting steps to activate VRR or to set the correct refresh rate for your monitor, if the issue still persists, please share more details with us as well as the reports we requested.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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Hello SeaGoldfish677

We will no longer monitor this thread since there are no further questions, we hope you were able to change your refers rate or to activate Variable refresh Rate based on our previous recommendations. If you need further assistance, feel free to open a new topic.

Best Regards,

Hugo O.

Intel Customer Support Technician.

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