Intel® ARC™ Graphics
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I do not see the new Intel Arc A350M in the new Samsung Galaxy Book2 pro ?


Hi, I do not see any specs or information on the Samsung website about the new Intel Arc A350M discrete gpu as part of the new Samsung Galaxy Book2 pro laptop as it was announced on March 30th 2022 ? I do not want to buy it until I am sure it is included. Samsung company tech support does not know anything about it ? Can somebody out there confirm it please ? Thank you.  jkokes 

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1 Solution

Intel officially released the graphics cards on March 30. Since that day, every original equipment manufacturer (OEM) can use the cards in their systems. Samsung's official site shows which SKUs include Arc GPUs. Please visit their website for more information:


OEMs can choose to release products by region, this may be the case for their product, but they must confirm this information directly. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, as it helps us improve the experience of our products. 

Please keep in mind that this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel. Thank you for your understanding.  



Best regards, 

David G 

Intel Customer Support Technician 


View solution in original post

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6 Replies
Super User

Arc A350M has been released:


As far as it being available in the Samsung laptop, you will have to ask Samsung.


Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)
[Maybe Windows 12 will be better]

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Thank you Al Hill for being a super Intel user and active participant here. Appreciate it My intention was to try somehow to let Intel know that Samsung is doing a bad business practice as a partner. Many people in good faith took advantage of getting the new Intel Arc A350M gpu in the Samsung pre order promo only to find they are getting the wrong gpu. Intel is trying to make a valiant come back in the gpu space now and they need all the positive feedback they can get. I am like you Al Hill a loyal and faithful Intel user for more than 20 years and simply want to see Intel kick Nvidia and AMD's butt with their new gpu line up !!! Yes !!! With gratitude for you reply Al

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Hello @jkokes

Thank you for posting on the Intel️® Arc communities and thank you for the feedback provided. As AlHill mentioned, it's better to report this to Samsung directly to confirm which Galaxy Book2 Pro SKUs include the Intel Arc cards. Let us know if you have any questions.


David G 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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Hello David G at Intel,

Thank you for your comment from Intel. As I mentioned before, I have contacted Samsung on 3 separate occasions. 2 by tech chat and 1 by tech phone call to Samsung. Each time, Nobody knew anything about the Intel Arc A350M. My question to Intel is why was there an announcement on March 30th from Intel at the launch that Samsung with the new Intel Arc 350M would be available April 1st for sale with others like Acer, Dell, and hp to follow. Now David I am happy because you are aware at Intel who is a partner of Samsung. Once again appreciate you comment to me as a Intel representative. 


Intel officially released the graphics cards on March 30. Since that day, every original equipment manufacturer (OEM) can use the cards in their systems. Samsung's official site shows which SKUs include Arc GPUs. Please visit their website for more information:


OEMs can choose to release products by region, this may be the case for their product, but they must confirm this information directly. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, as it helps us improve the experience of our products. 

Please keep in mind that this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel. Thank you for your understanding.  



Best regards, 

David G 

Intel Customer Support Technician 


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Thank you for your comments as these help us to improve, we encourage you to continue engaging with the gaming community so we can get new comments/feedback that way.

Remember that you can always open a new thread so the other users can contribute to the conversation and post their comments as well.

This thread is now closed, thank you for your understanding.


David G 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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